# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the mbrao gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines. module ActionView::Template::Handlers # Class for rendering mbrao contents in Rails. class MbraoTemplate # Returns a unique (singleton) instance of the template handler. # # @param force [Boolean] If to force recreation of the instance. # @return [MbraoTemplate] The unique (singleton) instance of the template handler. def self.instance(force = false) @instance = nil if force @instance ||= ActionView::Template::Handlers::MbraoTemplate.new end # Renders a template into a renderer context. # # @param renderer [Object] The renderer context. # @param template [String] The template to render. # @return [String] The rendered template. def render(renderer, template) content = ::Mbrao::Parser.parse(template) renderer.controller.instance_variable_set(:@mbrao_content, content) renderer.controller.define_singleton_method(:mbrao_content) { @mbrao_content } renderer.controller.class.send(:helper_method, :mbrao_content) ::Mbrao::Parser.render(content, {engine: content.metadata[:engine], locale: renderer.controller.params[:locale]}) end # Declares support for streaming. # # @return [TrueClass] Declares support for streaming. def supports_streaming? true end # Method called to render a template. # # @param template [ActionView::Template] The template to render. # @return [String] A Ruby snippet to execute to render the template. def call(template) "ActionView::Template::Handlers::MbraoTemplate.instance.render(self, #{template.source.to_json})" end end end ActionView::Template.register_template_handler "emt", ActionView::Template::Handlers::MbraoTemplate.instance if defined?(ActionView) && defined?(Rails) && Rails.version =~ /^[34]/