# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphQL class Subscriptions # A subscriptions implementation that sends data # as ActionCable broadcastings. # # Some things to keep in mind: # # - No queueing system; ActiveJob should be added # - Take care to reload context when re-delivering the subscription. (see {Query#subscription_update?}) # - Avoid the async ActionCable adapter and use the redis or PostgreSQL adapters instead. Otherwise calling #trigger won't work from background jobs or the Rails console. # # @example Adding ActionCableSubscriptions to your schema # class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema # # ... # use GraphQL::Subscriptions::ActionCableSubscriptions # end # # @example Implementing a channel for GraphQL Subscriptions # class GraphqlChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel # def subscribed # @subscription_ids = [] # end # # def execute(data) # query = data["query"] # variables = ensure_hash(data["variables"]) # operation_name = data["operationName"] # context = { # # Re-implement whatever context methods you need # # in this channel or ApplicationCable::Channel # # current_user: current_user, # # Make sure the channel is in the context # channel: self, # } # # result = MySchema.execute( # query: query, # context: context, # variables: variables, # operation_name: operation_name # ) # # payload = { # result: result.to_h, # more: result.subscription?, # } # # # Track the subscription here so we can remove it # # on unsubscribe. # if result.context[:subscription_id] # @subscription_ids << result.context[:subscription_id] # end # # transmit(payload) # end # # def unsubscribed # @subscription_ids.each { |sid| # MySchema.subscriptions.delete_subscription(sid) # } # end # # private # # def ensure_hash(ambiguous_param) # case ambiguous_param # when String # if ambiguous_param.present? # ensure_hash(JSON.parse(ambiguous_param)) # else # {} # end # when Hash, ActionController::Parameters # ambiguous_param # when nil # {} # else # raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected parameter: #{ambiguous_param}" # end # end # end # class ActionCableSubscriptions < GraphQL::Subscriptions SUBSCRIPTION_PREFIX = "graphql-subscription:" EVENT_PREFIX = "graphql-event:" # @param serializer [<#dump(obj), #load(string)] Used for serializing messages before handing them to `.broadcast(msg)` # @param namespace [string] Used to namespace events and subscriptions (default: '') def initialize(serializer: Serialize, namespace: '', action_cable: ActionCable, action_cable_coder: ActiveSupport::JSON, **rest) # A per-process map of subscriptions to deliver. # This is provided by Rails, so let's use it @subscriptions = Concurrent::Map.new @events = Concurrent::Map.new { |h, k| h[k] = Concurrent::Map.new { |h2, k2| h2[k2] = Concurrent::Array.new } } @action_cable = action_cable @action_cable_coder = action_cable_coder @serializer = serializer @serialize_with_context = case @serializer.method(:load).arity when 1 false when 2 true else raise ArgumentError, "#{@serializer} must repond to `.load` accepting one or two arguments" end @transmit_ns = namespace super end # An event was triggered; Push the data over ActionCable. # Subscribers will re-evaluate locally. def execute_all(event, object) stream = stream_event_name(event) message = @serializer.dump(object) @action_cable.server.broadcast(stream, message) end # This subscription was re-evaluated. # Send it to the specific stream where this client was waiting. def deliver(subscription_id, result) payload = { result: result.to_h, more: true } @action_cable.server.broadcast(stream_subscription_name(subscription_id), payload) end # A query was run where these events were subscribed to. # Store them in memory in _this_ ActionCable frontend. # It will receive notifications when events come in # and re-evaluate the query locally. def write_subscription(query, events) unless (channel = query.context[:channel]) raise GraphQL::Error, "This GraphQL Subscription client does not support the transport protocol expected"\ "by the backend Subscription Server implementation (graphql-ruby ActionCableSubscriptions in this case)."\ "Some official client implementation including Apollo (https://graphql-ruby.org/javascript_client/apollo_subscriptions.html), "\ "Relay Modern (https://graphql-ruby.org/javascript_client/relay_subscriptions.html#actioncable)."\ "GraphiQL via `graphiql-rails` may not work out of box (#1051)." end subscription_id = query.context[:subscription_id] ||= build_id stream = stream_subscription_name(subscription_id) channel.stream_from(stream) @subscriptions[subscription_id] = query events.each do |event| # Setup a new listener to run all events with this topic in this process setup_stream(channel, event) # Add this event to the list of events to be updated @events[event.topic][event.fingerprint] << event end end # Every subscribing channel is listening here, but only one of them takes any action. # This is so we can reuse payloads when possible, and make one payload to send to # all subscribers. # # But the problem is, any channel could close at any time, so each channel has to # be ready to take over the primary position. # # To make sure there's always one-and-only-one channel building payloads, # let the listener belonging to the first event on the list be # the one to build and publish payloads. # def setup_stream(channel, initial_event) topic = initial_event.topic channel.stream_from(stream_event_name(initial_event), coder: @action_cable_coder) do |message| events_by_fingerprint = @events[topic] object = nil events_by_fingerprint.each do |_fingerprint, events| if events.any? && events.first == initial_event # The fingerprint has told us that this response should be shared by all subscribers, # so just run it once, then deliver the result to every subscriber first_event = events.first first_subscription_id = first_event.context.fetch(:subscription_id) object ||= load_action_cable_message(message, first_event.context) result = execute_update(first_subscription_id, first_event, object) if !result.nil? # Having calculated the result _once_, send the same payload to all subscribers events.each do |event| subscription_id = event.context.fetch(:subscription_id) deliver(subscription_id, result) end end end end nil end end # This is called to turn an ActionCable-broadcasted string (JSON) # into a query-ready application object. # @param message [String] n ActionCable-broadcasted string (JSON) # @param context [GraphQL::Query::Context] the context of the first event for a given subscription fingerprint def load_action_cable_message(message, context) if @serialize_with_context @serializer.load(message, context) else @serializer.load(message) end end # Return the query from "storage" (in memory) def read_subscription(subscription_id) query = @subscriptions[subscription_id] if query.nil? # This can happen when a subscription is triggered from an unsubscribed channel, # see https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/issues/2478. # (This `nil` is handled by `#execute_update`) nil else { query_string: query.query_string, variables: query.provided_variables, context: query.context.to_h, operation_name: query.operation_name, } end end # The channel was closed, forget about it. def delete_subscription(subscription_id) query = @subscriptions.delete(subscription_id) # This can be `nil` when `.trigger` happens inside an unsubscribed ActionCable channel, # see https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/issues/2478 if query events = query.context.namespace(:subscriptions)[:events] events.each do |event| ev_by_fingerprint = @events[event.topic] ev_for_fingerprint = ev_by_fingerprint[event.fingerprint] ev_for_fingerprint.delete(event) if ev_for_fingerprint.empty? ev_by_fingerprint.delete(event.fingerprint) end end end end private def stream_subscription_name(subscription_id) [SUBSCRIPTION_PREFIX, @transmit_ns, subscription_id].join end def stream_event_name(event) [EVENT_PREFIX, @transmit_ns, event.topic].join end end end end