module Ransack module Helpers module FormHelper # +search_form_for+ # # <%= search_form_for(@q) do |f| %> # def search_form_for(record, options = {}, &proc) if record.is_a? Ransack::Search search = record options[:url] ||= polymorphic_path( search.klass, format: options.delete(:format) ) elsif record.is_a?(Array) && (search = record.detect { |o| o.is_a?(Ransack::Search) }) options[:url] ||= polymorphic_path( options_for(record), format: options.delete(:format) ) else raise ArgumentError, 'No Ransack::Search object was provided to search_form_for!' end options[:html] ||= {} html_options = { class: html_option_for(options[:class], search), id: html_option_for(options[:id], search), method: :get } options[:as] ||= Ransack.options[:search_key] options[:html].reverse_merge!(html_options) options[:builder] ||= FormBuilder form_for(record, options, &proc) end # +sort_link+ # # <%= sort_link(@q, :name, [:name, 'kind ASC'], 'Player Name') %> # # You can also use a block: # # <%= sort_link(@q, :name, [:name, 'kind ASC']) do %> # Player Name # <% end %> # def sort_link(search_object, attribute, *args, &block) search, routing_proxy = extract_search_and_routing_proxy(search_object) unless Search === search raise TypeError, 'First argument must be a Ransack::Search!' end args.unshift(capture(&block)) if block_given? s =, attribute, args, params, &block) link_to(, url(routing_proxy, s.url_options), s.html_options(args)) end private def options_for(record) { |r| parse_record(r) } end def parse_record(object) return object.klass if object.is_a?(Ransack::Search) object end def html_option_for(option, search) return option.to_s if option.present? "#{search.klass.to_s.underscore}_search" end def extract_search_and_routing_proxy(search) return [search[1], search[0]] if search.is_a?(Array) [search, nil] end def url(routing_proxy, options_for_url) if routing_proxy && respond_to?(routing_proxy) send(routing_proxy).url_for(options_for_url) else url_for(options_for_url) end end class SortLink def initialize(search, attribute, args, params) @search = search @params = parameters_hash(params) @field = attribute.to_s @sort_fields = extract_sort_fields_and_mutate_args!(args).compact @current_dir = existing_sort_direction @label_text = extract_label_and_mutate_args!(args) @options = extract_options_and_mutate_args!(args) @hide_indicator = @options.delete(:hide_indicator) || Ransack.options[:hide_sort_order_indicators] @default_order = @options.delete :default_order end def name [ERB::Util.h(@label_text), order_indicator] .compact .join(' '.freeze) .html_safe end def url_options @params.merge( @options.merge( @search.context.search_key => search_and_sort_params)) end def html_options(args) html_options = extract_options_and_mutate_args!(args) html_options.merge( class: [['sort_link'.freeze, @current_dir], html_options[:class]] .compact.join(' '.freeze) ) end private def parameters_hash(params) if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 5 && params.respond_to?(:to_unsafe_h) params.to_unsafe_h else params end end def extract_sort_fields_and_mutate_args!(args) return args.shift if args[0].is_a?(Array) [@field] end def extract_label_and_mutate_args!(args) return args.shift if args[0].is_a?(String) Translate.attribute(@field, context: @search.context) end def extract_options_and_mutate_args!(args) return args.shift.with_indifferent_access if args[0].is_a?(Hash) {} end def search_and_sort_params search_params.merge(s: sort_params) end def search_params @params[@search.context.search_key].presence || {} end def sort_params sort_array = recursive_sort_params_build(@sort_fields) return sort_array[0] if sort_array.length == 1 sort_array end def recursive_sort_params_build(fields) return [] if fields.empty? [parse_sort(fields[0])] + recursive_sort_params_build(fields.drop 1) end def parse_sort(field) attr_name, new_dir = field.to_s.split(/\s+/) if no_sort_direction_specified?(new_dir) new_dir = detect_previous_sort_direction_and_invert_it(attr_name) end "#{attr_name} #{new_dir}" end def detect_previous_sort_direction_and_invert_it(attr_name) if sort_dir = existing_sort_direction(attr_name) direction_text(sort_dir) else default_sort_order(attr_name) || 'asc'.freeze end end def existing_sort_direction(f = @field) return unless sort = @search.sorts.detect { |s| s && == f } sort.dir end def default_sort_order(attr_name) return @default_order[attr_name] if Hash === @default_order @default_order end def order_indicator return if @hide_indicator || no_sort_direction_specified? direction_arrow end def no_sort_direction_specified?(dir = @current_dir) !['asc'.freeze, 'desc'.freeze].freeze.include?(dir) end def direction_arrow return Constants::DESC_ARROW if @current_dir == 'desc'.freeze Constants::ASC_ARROW end def direction_text(dir) return 'asc'.freeze if dir == 'desc'.freeze 'desc'.freeze end end end end end