require "thread" $state = {} def reload! room_name = nil, filename = nil $commands = {} $room_name ||= room_name $last_filename ||= filename load $last_filename load! $state[:here] ||= $starting_room end def prefs_paths dir_path = File.expand_path("~/.room") file_path = File.join(dir_path, $room_name) [dir_path, file_path] end def no_save! $no_save = true end def save! obj = $state return if $no_save dir_path, file_path = prefs_paths begin Dir::mkdir dir_path unless File.exist? dir_path, "wb") { |f| f.write Marshal.dump(obj || {}) } @previous_save_error = false rescue Exception => e unless @previous_save_error Printer.puts "[warning: couldn't save state: #{e}]" @previous_save_error = true end end end def load! _, file_path = prefs_paths return unless File.exist? file_path begin $state = Marshal.load( @previous_load_error = false rescue Exception => e unless @previous_load_error Printer.puts "[warning: couldn't load state: #{e}]" @previous_load_error = true end end end class String def |(o) if o.nil? self else self + "\n" + o end end def commandify Regexp.compile("^" + Regexp.escape(self.gsub("_", " ")).gsub("XXX", "(.+)") + "$") end # I actively support the inclusion of this method def underscore word = dup word.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2') word.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2')!("-", "_") word.downcase! word end end class Printer class << self def puts(str = "") lines = str.split("\n", -1) lines << "" if lines.length == 0 lines.each { |line| sleep 0.05; $stdout.puts line } end end end class Room DEFAULT_COMMANDS = [["look".commandify, :look], ["l".commandify, :look], ["look_around".commandify, :look]] def go key Room.go key end def quietly_go key Room.go key, false end def no_echo $secretive = true end def inventory $state[:inventory] ||= [] end def have? item inventory.include? item end def take item inventory << item end def lose item inventory.delete item end def do action Printer.puts if action.strip == "" elsif (r = self.class.commands.detect { |c, m| c =~ action }) command, method = r args = command.match(action).to_a.drop(1) Printer.puts self.send(method, *args).to_s.rstrip else Printer.puts huh?(action) end end def immediate *text Printer.puts *text end def look "A nondescript room." end def huh? action = nil "I don't understand." end def unknown_room key "" | "The fourth wall falls over and you realize you didn't really" | "want to go to '#{key}' anyway. You decide to let the author" | "know about this terrible oversight as soon as possible." end class << self def key self.to_s.underscore end def commands $commands ||= {} $commands[key] ||= DEFAULT_COMMANDS.dup end def room key $state[:rooms] ||= {} $state[:rooms][key] = room_keys[key].new if $state[:rooms][key].nil? && room_keys[key] $state[:rooms][key] end def room_keys $room_keys ||= {} end def here room $state[:here] end def go key, look = true if room key $state[:here] = key "\n" + here.look if look else here.unknown_room key end end def do action if action == "debug!" Printer.puts Printer.puts $state.inspect elsif action == "restart!" $state = { :here => $starting_room } Printer.puts Printer.puts " ....." Printer.puts "Your mind, a wild monkey." Printer.puts " ....,.," "look" elsif action == "reload!" reload! Printer.puts Printer.puts "A great wave of relief washes over you." elsif here action else Printer.puts Printer.puts "Where am I?" end end def dup *cmds cmds.each do |cmd| alias_method cmd, $last_command end end def add_command regexp, method commands << [regexp, method] end def inherited subclass room_keys[subclass.key] = subclass $starting_room ||= subclass.key $state[:here] ||= $starting_room end def method_added name if public_instance_methods.include? name.to_s $last_command = name if /^look(.+)/ =~ name.to_s %w{ look l look_at look_at_the examine ex }.each do |prefix| add_command "#{prefix}#{$1}".commandify, name end elsif /^enter(.+)/ =~ name.to_s %w{ enter enter_the go_into go_into_the }.each do |prefix| add_command "#{prefix}#{$1}".commandify, name end else add_command name.to_s.commandify, name end end end end end