import React from 'react'; import { renderWithRedux, patientlyWaitFor, act } from 'react-testing-lib-wrapper'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import ChangeHostCVModal from '../ChangeHostCVModal'; import mockEnvPaths from './envPaths.fixtures.json'; import mockContentViews from './contentViews.fixtures.json'; import HOST_CV_AND_ENV_KEY from '../HostContentViewConstants'; import { assertNockRequest, nockInstance } from '../../../../../../test-utils/nockWrapper'; import katelloApi from '../../../../../../services/api'; const contentViews = katelloApi.getApiUrl('/content_views'); // const hostDetailsUrl = '/api/hosts/test-host'; const renderOptions = () => ({ apiNamespace: HOST_CV_AND_ENV_KEY, initialState: { API: { HOST_DETAILS: { response: { id: 1, name: 'test-host', content_facet_attributes: { content_view_id: 1, lifecycle_environment_id: 1, }, organization_id: 1, }, status: 'RESOLVED', }, ENVIRONMENT_PATHS: { response: mockEnvPaths, status: 'RESOLVED', }, }, }, }); let firstEnvPath; let firstCV; let secondCV; let firstEnv; const cvQuery = { organization_id: 1, include_permissions: true, include_default: true, environment_id: 1, full_result: true, order: 'default DESC', }; beforeEach(() => { const { results } = mockEnvPaths; [firstEnvPath] = results; const { environments: envResults } = firstEnvPath; [firstEnv] = envResults; const { results: cvResults } = mockContentViews; [firstCV, secondCV] = cvResults; }); jest.mock('foremanReact/common/hooks/API/APIHooks', () => ({ useAPI: jest.fn(), })); test('Displays environment paths', async (done) => { const { getAllByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions()); await patientlyWaitFor(() => expect(getAllByText([0]).toBeInTheDocument()); done(); }); test('Select an env > call CV API > select a CV > Save button is enabled', async (done) => { const contentViewsScope = nockInstance .get(contentViews) .query(cvQuery) .reply(200, mockContentViews); const { getAllByText, getByText, findByText, getAllByRole, } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions()); await patientlyWaitFor(() => { const envLabel = getAllByText([0]; expect(envLabel).toBeInTheDocument(); }); const envRadio = getAllByRole('radio', { name: })[0]; expect(envRadio).toBeInTheDocument(); await act(async () => {; // Select the Library environment const cvDropdown = await findByText('Select a content view'); expect(cvDropdown).toBeInTheDocument();; // Open the CV dropdown [firstCV, secondCV].forEach((cv) => { expect(getByText(; // the content view names should be showing });; // Select the second content view }); // find the Save button and assert that it is enabled const saveButton = getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Save' })[0]; expect(saveButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(saveButton).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'false'); assertNockRequest(contentViewsScope, done); act(done); });