AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 1.9 DisplayCopNames: true DisplayStyleGuide: true Rails: Enabled: false # Allow block comments Style/BlockComments: Enabled: false # Disable Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # Recheck this cop later Style/DotPosition: Description: 'Checks the position of the dot in multi-line method calls.' StyleGuide: '#consistent-multi-line-chains' Enabled: true # Disable magic Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false # Recheck this cop later Style/FlipFlop: Description: 'Checks for flip flops' StyleGuide: '#no-flip-flops' Enabled: true # Recheck this cop later Style/RedundantException: Description: "Checks for an obsolete RuntimeException argument in raise/fail." StyleGuide: '#no-explicit-runtimeerror' Enabled: true # Recheck this cop later Style/SafeNavigation: Description: >- This cop transforms usages of a method call safeguarded by a check for the existance of the object to safe navigation (`&.`). Enabled: true # Recheck this cop later Style/SignalException: Description: 'Checks for proper usage of fail and raise.' StyleGuide: '#prefer-raise-over-fail' Enabled: true # Enable with EnforcedStyle is space Style/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation: EnforcedStyle: space Enabled: true # Enable with EnforcedStyle is single_quotes Style/StringLiterals: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes Enabled: true # Limit lines to 80 characters Metrics/LineLength: Enabled: false # TimeZone stuff Rails/TimeZone: EnforcedStyle: strict Enabled: true # Identifies possible cases where Active Record save! or related should be used. Rails/SaveBang: Enabled: true # Suggests the usage of an auto resource cleanup version of a method (if available) Style/AutoResourceCleanup: Enabled: true # Preferred collection methods Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true # Use UTF-8 as the source file encoding Style/Encoding: Enabled: true # Use `raise` or `fail` with an explicit exception class and # message, rather than just a message. Style/ImplicitRuntimeError: Enabled: true # Avoid chaining a method call on a do...end block Style/MethodCalledOnDoEndBlock: Enabled: true # Check for a newline after the assignment operator in multi-line assignments Style/MultilineAssignmentLayout: Enabled: true # Use %i or %I for arrays of symbols # Ruby 1.9 doesn't support %i and %I for arrays of symbols Style/SymbolArray: Enabled: false # Just ignore order of gems in Gemfile Bundler/OrderedGems: Enabled: false