import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { filter } from 'graphql-anywhere'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import { Comments } from './comments.component'; import CommentThread from './comment_thread.component'; import AddCommentForm from './add_comment_form.component'; import commentsQuery from './comments.query.graphql' import stubComponent from '../support/stub_component'; import generateCommentsData from '../support/generate_comments_data'; import generateCurrentUserData from '../support/generate_current_user_data'; import resolveGraphQLQuery from '../support/resolve_graphql_query'; describe('', () => { let comments = []; let currentUser = null; const commentableId = "1"; const commentableType = "Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess"; const commentThreadFragment = gql` fragment CommentThread on Comment { author } `; stubComponent(CommentThread, { fragments: { comment: commentThreadFragment } }); stubComponent(AddCommentForm); beforeEach(() => { const currentUserData = generateCurrentUserData(); const commentsData = generateCommentsData(15); const query = gql` ${commentsQuery} ${commentThreadFragment} `; const result = resolveGraphQLQuery(query, { filterResult: false, rootValue: { currentUser: currentUserData, comments: commentsData }, variables: { commentableId, commentableType } }); currentUser = result.currentUser; comments = result.comments; }); it("should render a div of id comments", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('#comments')); }); describe("should render a CommentThread component for each comment", () => { it("and pass filter comment data as a prop to it", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper).to.have.exactly(comments.length).descendants(CommentThread); wrapper.find(CommentThread).forEach((node, idx) => { expect(node).to.have.prop("comment").deep.equal(filter(commentThreadFragment, comments[idx])); }); }); it("and pass the currentUser as a prop to it", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper).to.have.exactly(comments.length).descendants(CommentThread); wrapper.find(CommentThread).forEach((node) => { expect(node).to.have.prop("currentUser").deep.equal(currentUser); }); }); }); it("should render comments count", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const rex = new RegExp(`${comments.length} comments`); expect(wrapper.find('h2.section-heading')).to.have.text().match(rex); }); it("should render a AddCommentForm component and pass 'options.arguable' as a prop", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper).to.have.exactly(1).descendants(AddCommentForm); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).to.have.prop('arguable').equal(true); }); describe("if currentUser is not present", () => { beforeEach(() => { currentUser = null; }); it("should not render a AddCommentForm component", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)); }); }); });