require 'puppet/provider/package' # RPM packaging. Should work anywhere that has rpm installed. Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :rpm, :source => :rpm, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Package do desc "RPM packaging support; should work anywhere with a working `rpm` binary. This provider supports the `install_options` and `uninstall_options` attributes, which allow command-line flags to be passed to rpm. These options should be specified as an array where each element is either a string or a hash." has_feature :versionable has_feature :install_options has_feature :uninstall_options has_feature :virtual_packages # Note: self:: is required here to keep these constants in the context of what will # eventually become this Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm class. # The query format by which we identify installed packages self::NEVRA_FORMAT = %Q{%{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\\n} self::NEVRA_REGEX = %r{^'?(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$} self::NEVRA_FIELDS = [:name, :epoch, :version, :release, :arch] ARCH_LIST = [ 'noarch', 'i386', 'i686', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 'armv3l', 'armv4b', 'armv4l', 'armv4tl', 'armv5tel', 'armv5tejl', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'm68kmint', 's390', 's390x', 'ia64', 'x86_64', 'sh3', 'sh4', ] ARCH_REGEX ='|\.')) commands :rpm => "rpm" if command('rpm') confine :true => begin rpm('--version') rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure false else true end end def self.current_version return @current_version unless @current_version.nil? output = rpm "--version" @current_version = output.gsub('RPM version ', '').strip end # rpm < 4.1 does not support --nosignature def self.nosignature '--nosignature' unless Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(current_version, '4.1') < 0 end # rpm < 4.0.2 does not support --nodigest def self.nodigest '--nodigest' unless Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(current_version, '4.0.2') < 0 end def self.instances packages = [] # list out all of the packages begin execpipe("#{command(:rpm)} -qa #{nosignature} #{nodigest} --qf '#{self::NEVRA_FORMAT}'") { |process| # now turn each returned line into a package object process.each_line { |line| hash = nevra_to_hash(line) packages << new(hash) unless hash.empty? } } rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure raise Puppet::Error, _("Failed to list packages"), $!.backtrace end packages end # Find the fully versioned package name and the version alone. Returns # a hash with entries :instance => fully versioned package name, and # :ensure => version-release def query #NOTE: Prior to a fix for issue 1243, this method potentially returned a cached value #IF YOU CALL THIS METHOD, IT WILL CALL RPM #Use get(:property) to check if cached values are available cmd = ["-q", @resource[:name], "#{self.class.nosignature}", "#{self.class.nodigest}", "--qf", "'#{self.class::NEVRA_FORMAT}'"] begin output = rpm(*cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure return nil unless @resource.allow_virtual? # rpm -q exits 1 if package not found # retry the query for virtual packages cmd << '--whatprovides' begin output = rpm(*cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure # couldn't find a virtual package either return nil end end # FIXME: We could actually be getting back multiple packages # for multilib and this will only return the first such package @property_hash.update(self.class.nevra_to_hash(output)) @property_hash.dup end # Here we just retrieve the version from the file specified in the source. def latest source = @resource[:source] unless source _("RPMs must specify a package source") end cmd = [command(:rpm), "-q", "--qf", "'#{self.class::NEVRA_FORMAT}'", "-p", source] h = self.class.nevra_to_hash(execute(cmd)) h[:ensure] rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e raise Puppet::Error, e.message, e.backtrace end def install source = @resource[:source] unless source _("RPMs must specify a package source") end version = @property_hash[:ensure] # RPM gets upset if you try to install an already installed package return if @resource.should(:ensure) == version || (@resource.should(:ensure) == :latest && version == latest) flag = ["-i"] flag = ["-U", "--oldpackage"] if version && (version != :absent && version != :purged) flag += install_options if resource[:install_options] rpm flag, source end def uninstall query # If version and release (or only version) is specified in the resource, # uninstall using them, otherwise uninstall using only the name of the package. name = get(:name) version = get(:version) release = get(:release) nav = "#{name}-#{version}" nvr = "#{nav}-#{release}" if @resource[:name].start_with? nvr identifier = nvr else if @resource[:name].start_with? nav identifier = nav else identifier = name end end # If an arch is specified in the resource, uninstall that arch, # otherwise uninstall the arch returned by query. # If multiple arches are installed and arch is not specified, # this will uninstall all of them after successive runs. # # rpm prior to 4.2.1 cannot accept architecture as part of the package name. unless Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(self.class.current_version, '4.2.1') < 0 arch = ".#{get(:arch)}" if @resource[:name].end_with? arch identifier += arch end end flag = ['-e'] flag += uninstall_options if resource[:uninstall_options] rpm flag, identifier end def update self.install end def install_options join_options(resource[:install_options]) end def uninstall_options join_options(resource[:uninstall_options]) end # This is an attempt at implementing RPM's # lib/rpmvercmp.c rpmvercmp(a, b) in Ruby. # # Some of the things in here look REALLY # UGLY and/or arbitrary. Our goal is to # match how RPM compares versions, quirks # and all. # # I've kept a lot of C-like string processing # in an effort to keep this as identical to RPM # as possible. # # returns 1 if str1 is newer than str2, # 0 if they are identical # -1 if str1 is older than str2 def rpmvercmp(str1, str2) return 0 if str1 == str2 front_strip_re = /^[^A-Za-z0-9~]+/ while str1.length > 0 or str2.length > 0 # trim anything that's in front_strip_re and != '~' off the beginning of each string str1 = str1.gsub(front_strip_re, '') str2 = str2.gsub(front_strip_re, '') # "handle the tilde separator, it sorts before everything else" if /^~/.match(str1) && /^~/.match(str2) # if they both have ~, strip it str1 = str1[1..-1] str2 = str2[1..-1] next elsif /^~/.match(str1) return -1 elsif /^~/.match(str2) return 1 end break if str1.length == 0 or str2.length == 0 # "grab first completely alpha or completely numeric segment" isnum = false # if the first char of str1 is a digit, grab the chunk of continuous digits from each string if /^[0-9]+/.match(str1) if str1 =~ /^[0-9]+/ segment1 = $~.to_s str1 = $~.post_match else segment1 = '' end if str2 =~ /^[0-9]+/ segment2 = $~.to_s str2 = $~.post_match else segment2 = '' end isnum = true # else grab the chunk of continuous alphas from each string (which may be '') else if str1 =~ /^[A-Za-z]+/ segment1 = $~.to_s str1 = $~.post_match else segment1 = '' end if str2 =~ /^[A-Za-z]+/ segment2 = $~.to_s str2 = $~.post_match else segment2 = '' end end # if the segments we just grabbed from the strings are different types (i.e. one numeric one alpha), # where alpha also includes ''; "numeric segments are always newer than alpha segments" if segment2.length == 0 return 1 if isnum return -1 end if isnum # "throw away any leading zeros - it's a number, right?" segment1 = segment1.gsub(/^0+/, '') segment2 = segment2.gsub(/^0+/, '') # "whichever number has more digits wins" return 1 if segment1.length > segment2.length return -1 if segment1.length < segment2.length end # "strcmp will return which one is greater - even if the two segments are alpha # or if they are numeric. don't return if they are equal because there might # be more segments to compare" rc = segment1 <=> segment2 return rc if rc != 0 end #end while loop # if we haven't returned anything yet, "whichever version still has characters left over wins" if str1.length > str2.length return 1 elsif str1.length < str2.length return -1 else return 0 end end def insync?(is) return false if [:purged, :absent].include?(is) should = resource[:ensure] 0 == rpm_compareEVR(rpm_parse_evr(should), rpm_parse_evr(is)) end # parse a rpm "version" specification # this re-implements rpm's # rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion() in ruby def rpm_parse_evr(s) ei = s.index(':') if ei e = s[0,ei] s = s[ei+1,s.length] else e = nil end begin e = String(Integer(e)) rescue # If there are non-digits in the epoch field, default to nil e = nil end ri = s.index('-') if ri v = s[0,ri] r = s[ri+1,s.length] arch = r.scan(ARCH_REGEX)[0] if arch a = arch.gsub(/\./, '') r.gsub!(ARCH_REGEX, '') end else v = s r = nil end return { :epoch => e, :version => v, :release => r, :arch => a } end # how rpm compares two package versions: # rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR(), which massages data types and then calls # rpm.labelCompare(), found in rpm.git/python/header-py.c, which # sets epoch to 0 if null, then compares epoch, then ver, then rel # using compare_values() and returns the first non-0 result, else 0. # This function combines the logic of compareEVR() and labelCompare(). # # "version_should" can be v, v-r, or e:v-r. # "version_is" will always be at least v-r, can be e:v-r def rpm_compareEVR(should_hash, is_hash) # pass on to rpm labelCompare if !should_hash[:epoch].nil? rc = compare_values(should_hash[:epoch], is_hash[:epoch]) return rc unless rc == 0 end rc = compare_values(should_hash[:version], is_hash[:version]) return rc unless rc == 0 # here is our special case, PUP-1244. # if should_hash[:release] is nil (not specified by the user), # and comparisons up to here are equal, return equal. We need to # evaluate to whatever level of detail the user specified, so we # don't end up upgrading or *downgrading* when not intended. # # This should NOT be triggered if we're trying to ensure latest. return 0 if should_hash[:release].nil? rc = compare_values(should_hash[:release], is_hash[:release]) return rc end # this method is a native implementation of the # compare_values function in rpm's python bindings, # found in python/header-py.c, as used by rpm. def compare_values(s1, s2) if s1.nil? && s2.nil? return 0 elsif ( not s1.nil? ) && s2.nil? return 1 elsif s1.nil? && (not s2.nil?) return -1 end return rpmvercmp(s1, s2) end private # @param line [String] one line of rpm package query information # @return [Hash] of NEVRA_FIELDS strings parsed from package info # or an empty hash if we failed to parse # @api private def self.nevra_to_hash(line) line.strip! hash = {} match = self::NEVRA_REGEX.match(line) if match { |f, v| hash[f] = v } hash[:provider] = hash[:ensure] = "#{hash[:version]}-#{hash[:release]}" hash[:ensure].prepend("#{hash[:epoch]}:") if hash[:epoch] != '0' else Puppet.debug("Failed to match rpm line #{line}") end return hash end end