require 'spec_helper' describe OpenConferenceWare::TracksController do include OpenConferenceWare::TracksHelper fixtures :all routes { OpenConferenceWare::Engine.routes } before do @event = stub_current_event!(event: events(:open)) @controller.stub(assign_events: []) @track = create(:track, event: @event) @tracks_double = double("Array of Tracks") @tracks_scope_double = double("Tracks Scope", order: @tracks_double) end describe "responding to GET index" do it "should redirect to the tracks for the current event if none is given" do get :index response.should redirect_to(event_tracks_path(@event)) end it "should expose all tracks from the current event as @tracks" do @event.should_receive(:tracks).and_return(@tracks_scope_double) get :index, event_id: @event.to_param assigns(:tracks).should == @tracks_double end describe "with mime type of xml" do it "should render all tracks from the current event as xml" do request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xml" @event.should_receive(:tracks).and_return(@tracks_scope_double) @tracks_double.should_receive(:to_xml).and_return("generated XML") get :index, event_id: @event.to_param response.body.should == "generated XML" end end end describe "responding to GET show" do it "should expose the requested track as @track" do Track.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(@track) get :show, event_id: @event.to_param, id: "37" assigns(:track).should equal(@track) end describe "with mime type of xml" do it "should render the requested track as xml" do request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xml" Track.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(@track) @track.should_receive(:to_xml).and_return("generated XML") get :show, event_id: @event.to_param, id: "37" response.body.should == "generated XML" end end describe "with an invalid track id" do it "should redirect to the tracks index" do Track.should_receive(:find).with("invalid").and_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) get :show, event_id: @event.to_param, id: "invalid" response.should redirect_to(event_tracks_path(@event)) end end end describe "as an admin" do before(:each) do login_as(:aaron) end describe "responding to GET new" do it "should expose a new track as @track" do Track.should_receive(:new).and_return(@track) get :new, event_id: @event.to_param assigns(:track).should equal(@track) end end describe "responding to GET edit" do it "should expose the requested track as @track" do Track.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(@track) get :edit, id: "37", event_id: @event.to_param assigns(:track).should equal(@track) end end describe "responding to POST create" do describe "with valid params" do before do @valid_params = extract_valid_params(@track) post :create, track: @valid_params, event_id: @event.to_param end it "should expose a newly created track as @track" do assigns(:track).should be_valid extract_valid_params(assigns(:track)).should eq(@valid_params) end it "should redirect to the tracks index" do response.should redirect_to(event_tracks_path(@event)) end end describe "with invalid params" do before do post :create, track: {color: 'orange'}, event_id: @event.to_param end it "should expose a newly created but unsaved track as @track" do assigns(:track).should be_new_record end it "should re-render the 'new' template" do response.should render_template('new') end end end describe "responding to PUT update" do describe "with valid params" do before do @valid_params = extract_valid_params(@track) Track.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(@track) @track.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(@valid_params).and_return(true) put :update, id: "37", track: @valid_params, event_id: @event.to_param end it "should expose the requested track as @track" do assigns(:track).should equal(@track) end it "should redirect to the track" do response.should redirect_to(track_path(@track)) end end describe "with invalid params" do before do @track.stub(:save).and_return(false) Track.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(@track) put :update, id: "37", track: {title: 'hello'}, event_id: @event.to_param end it "should expose the track as @track" do assigns(:track).should equal(@track) end it "should re-render the 'edit' template" do response.should render_template('edit') end end end describe "responding to DELETE destroy" do before do @track.stub(:destroy).and_return(true) end it "should destroy the requested track" do Track.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(@track) @track.should_receive(:destroy) delete :destroy, id: "37", event_id: @event.to_param end it "should redirect to the tracks list" do Track.stub(:find).and_return(@track) delete :destroy, id: "1", event_id: @event.to_param response.should redirect_to(event_tracks_path(@event)) end end end end