# Taken from http://dark.fhtr.org/ruby2ruby.rb require 'pp' require 'rubygems' begin require 'parse_tree' require 'sexp_processor' rescue LoadError raise "You must gem install ParseTree (and RubyInline)" end class RubySource < String def inspect "\n"+to_s end end class Object def parse_tree(method_name=nil) if method_name m = method(method_name) klass = m.defined_in method_name = m.name return ParseTree.new.parse_tree_for_method(klass, method_name) elsif is_a?(Class) klass = self else klass = self.class end ParseTree.new.parse_tree(klass).first end def source(method_name=nil) RubySource.new RubyToRuby.new.process(parse_tree(method_name)) end end class Method def defined_in full_name = to_s.split(" ").last.chop klass_name = full_name.split(/[\#\.]/).first if klass_name.include?("(") klass_name = klass_name.split("(").last.chop end klass = klass_name.split("::").inject(Object){|o,n| o.const_get(n)} klass end def name full_name = to_s.split(" ").last.chop full_name.split(/[\#\.]/).last end end class RubyToRuby < SexpProcessor def self.translate(klass, method=nil) RubySource.new( unless method.nil? then self.new.process(ParseTree.new.parse_tree_for_method(klass, method)) else self.new.process(ParseTree.new.parse_tree(klass).first) # huh? why is the :class node wrapped? end ) end def initialize super @indent = " " self.auto_shift_type = true self.strict = true self.expected = String end def indent(s) s.to_s.map{|line| @indent + line}.join end def process_and(exp) "(#{process exp.shift} and #{process exp.shift})" end def process_args(exp) args = [] until exp.empty? do arg = exp.shift if arg.is_a? Array args[-(arg.size-1)..-1] = arg[1..-1].map{|a| process a} else args << arg end end args.empty? ? "" : "(#{args.join ', '})" end def process_array(exp) code = [] until exp.empty? do code << process(exp.shift) end return "[" + code.join(", ") + "]" end def process_attrasgn(exp) process_call(exp) end def process_begin(exp) s = "begin\n" s << (process(exp.shift).to_s + "\n") until exp.empty? s + "\nend" end def process_block(exp) code = [] catch_block_arg = false until exp.empty? do if catch_block_arg if exp.first and exp.first.first == :block_arg code[-1] = code[-1][0..-2] + ", #{process(exp.shift)})" end catch_block_arg = false else if exp.first.first == :args catch_block_arg = true end if [:ensure, :rescue].include? exp.first.first code << process(exp.shift) else code << indent(process(exp.shift)) end end end body = code.join("\n") body += "\n" return body end def process_block_arg(exp) "&#{exp.shift}" end def process_block_pass(exp) bname = process(exp.shift) fcall = process(exp.shift) if fcall[-1,1] == ')' "#{fcall[0..-2]}, &(#{bname}))" else "#{fcall}(&(#{bname}))" end end def process_call(exp) receiver = process exp.shift name = exp.shift args_exp = exp.shift if args_exp && args_exp.first == :array args = "#{process(args_exp)[1..-2]}" else args = process args_exp end case name when :<=>, :==, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :-, :+, :*, :/, :% then # "(#{receiver} #{name} #{args})" when :[] then "#{receiver}[#{args}]" else "#{receiver}.#{name}#{args ? "(#{args})" : args}" end end def process_case(exp) s = "case #{process exp.shift}\n" until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift if pt and pt.first == :when s << "#{process(pt)}\n" else s << "else\n#{indent(process(pt))}\n" end end s + "\nend" end def process_class(exp) s = "class #{exp.shift} < #{exp.shift}\n" body = "" body << "#{process exp.shift}\n\n" until exp.empty? s + indent(body) + "end" end def process_colon2(exp) "#{process(exp.shift)}::#{exp.shift}" end def process_const(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_dasgn_curr(exp) s = exp.shift.to_s unless exp.empty? s += "=" + process(exp.shift) else if(@block_params) s else "" end end end def process_defn(exp) if exp[1].first == :cfunc s = "# method '#{exp.shift}' defined in a C function" exp.shift return s else name = exp.shift args = process(exp.shift) return "def #{name}#{args}end".gsub(/\n\s*\n+/, "\n") end end def process_dot2(exp) "(#{process exp.shift}..#{process exp.shift})" end def process_dot3(exp) "(#{process exp.shift}...#{process exp.shift})" end def process_dstr(exp) s = exp.shift.dump[0..-2] until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift if pt.first == :str s << process(pt)[1..-2] else s << '#{' + process(pt) + '}' end end s + '"' end def process_dvar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_ensure(exp) process(exp.shift) + "\n" + "ensure\n" + indent(process(exp.shift)) end def process_false(exp) "false" end def process_fbody(exp) process(exp.shift) end def process_fcall(exp) exp_orig = exp.deep_clone # [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:str, "This is a weird loop"]]] name = exp.shift.to_s args = exp.shift code = [] unless args.nil? then assert_type args, :array args.shift # :array until args.empty? do code << process(args.shift) end end return "#{name}(#{code.join(', ')})" end def process_for(exp) s = "for #{process(exp[1])} in #{process(exp[0])}\n" 2.times{ exp.shift } s += indent("#{process(exp.shift)}\n") s += "end" end def process_gvar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_hash(exp) body = [] body << "#{process(exp.shift)} => #{process(exp.shift)}" until exp.empty? body_str = "" body_str = "\n"+indent(body.join(",\n"))+"\n" unless body.empty? "{" + body_str + "}" end def process_iasgn(exp) "#{exp.shift} = #{process exp.shift}" end def cond_indent_process(pt) (pt and pt.first == :block) ? process(pt) : indent(process(pt)) end def process_if(exp) s = ["if (#{process exp.shift})"] s << "#{cond_indent_process(exp.shift)}" s << "else\n#{cond_indent_process(exp.shift)}" until exp.empty? s << "end" s.join("\n") end def process_iter(exp) owner = exp.shift args = exp.shift if !args.nil? @block_params = true end processed_args = process args block_args = processed_args.nil? ? "" : "|#{processed_args}|" result = "#{process owner} {#{block_args}\n" + indent("#{process exp.shift}\n") + "}" @block_params = false result end def process_ivar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_lasgn(exp) s = "#{exp.shift}" s += " = #{process exp.shift}" unless exp.empty? s end def process_lit(exp) obj = exp.shift if obj.is_a? Range # to get around how parsed ranges turn into lits and lose parens "(" + obj.inspect + ")" else obj.inspect end end def process_lvar(exp) exp.shift.to_s end def process_masgn(exp) process(exp.shift)[1..-2] end def process_module(exp) s = "module #{exp.shift}\n" body = "" body << "#{process exp.shift}\n\n" until exp.empty? s + indent(body) + "end" end def process_nil(exp) "nil" end def process_not(exp) "(not #{process exp.shift})" end def process_or(exp) "(#{process exp.shift} or #{process exp.shift})" end def process_resbody(exp) s = "rescue " unless exp.empty? if exp.first.first == :array s << process(exp.shift)[1..-2] end s << "\n" end s << (process(exp.shift).to_s + "\n") until exp.empty? s end def process_rescue(exp) s = "" s << (process(exp.shift).to_s + "\n") until exp.empty? s end def process_retry(exp) "retry" end def process_return(exp) return "return #{process exp.shift}" end def process_scope(exp) return process(exp.shift) end def process_self(exp) "self" end def process_str(exp) return exp.shift.dump end def process_super(exp) "super(#{process(exp.shift)})" end def process_true(exp) "true" end def process_until(exp) cond_loop(exp, 'until') end def process_vcall(exp) return exp.shift.to_s end def process_when(exp) "when #{process(exp.shift).to_s[1..-2]}\n#{indent(process(exp.shift))}" end def process_while(exp) cond_loop(exp, 'while') end def process_yield(exp) body = process(exp.shift)[1..-2] unless exp.empty? "yield#{body and "(#{body})"}" end def process_zarray(exp) "[]" end def process_zsuper(exp) "super" end # def process_dxstr(exp) # puts "DXSTR:#{exp.shift}" # end def cond_loop(exp, name) cond = process(exp.shift) body = cond_indent_process(exp.shift) head_controlled = exp.empty? ? false : exp.shift code = [] if head_controlled then code << "#{name} (#{cond}) do" code << body code << "end" else code << "begin" code << body code << "end #{name} (#{cond})" end code.join("\n") end def process_bmethod(exp) exp.clear "" end end