Feature: Emulate Javascript Scenario: See a widget Given I have created a new Rails 3 app "widgets" with cucumber-rails support And I successfully run `rails generate scaffold widget name:string` And I write to "features/f.feature" with: """ @javascript Feature: Widget inventory Scenario: Delete a widget Given there is a widget named "wrench" When I go to the widgets page Then I should see "wrench" """ And I write to "features/step_definitions/s.rb" with: """ Given /^there is a widget named "([^"]*)"$/ do |name| FactoryGirl.create(:widget, :name => name) end """ And I write to "features/support/factories.rb" with: """ FactoryGirl.define do factory :widget do name 'testwidget' end end """ When I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate` And I run `bundle exec rake cucumber` Then it should pass with: """ 1 scenario (1 passed) 3 steps (3 passed) """ Scenario: Pass on the CSRF token Given I have created a new Rails 3 app "widgets" with cucumber-rails support And I successfully run `rails generate scaffold widget name:string` And I successfully run `sed -i -e 's/forgery_protection *= false/forgery_protection = true/' config/environments/test.rb` And I successfully run `rails generate controller session establish` And I write to "app/controllers/session_controller.rb" with: """ class SessionController < ApplicationController def establish session[:verified] = true end end """ And I write to "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" with: """ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery before_filter :except => :establish do render :text => "denied", :status => :forbidden and return false unless session[:verified] end end """ And I write to "features/f.feature" with: """ Feature: Widget inventory Scenario: Delete a widget Given there is a widget named "wrench" When I go to the session establish page And I go to the widgets page Then I should see "wrench" When I follow "Destroy" Then I should not see "denied" And I should be on the widgets page And I should not see "wrench" """ And I write to "features/step_definitions/s.rb" with: """ Given /^there is a widget named "([^"]*)"$/ do |name| FactoryGirl.create(:widget, :name => name) end """ And I write to "features/support/factories.rb" with: """ FactoryGirl.define do factory :widget do name 'testwidget' end end """ When I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate` And I run `bundle exec rake cucumber` Then it should pass with: """ 1 scenario (1 passed) 8 steps (8 passed) """