#= require jquery #= require jquery-ui/widgets/tooltip #= require jquery_ujs parentOrSelf = (input, selector) -> if $(input).closest(selector).length then $(input).closest(selector) else input mostTargetedElement = (input, attr) -> selector = $(input).attr(attr) ? $(input.closest("form")).attr(attr) element = parentOrSelf(input, selector) showPosException = true tooltipPosition = (element, attr="data-ei-tooltip-position") -> posStr = $(element).attr(attr) ? $(element.closest("form")).attr(attr) ? '{"my": "left+15 center", "at": "right center"}' try $.parseJSON(posStr) catch exception if showPosException console.error "EmphaticInvalids gem: Check the format of the value of any ei-tooltip-position attributes you may be using. They need to be valid JSON strings." console.error exception showPosException = false posStr = $.parseJSON('{"my": "left+15 center", "at": "right center"}') class InvalidField constructor: (@input, @value) -> @input.addClass("invalid-field") highlightElement = mostTargetedElement(@input, "data-ei-highlight-element") highlightElement.addClass("highlight-error") tooltipElement = mostTargetedElement(@input, "data-ei-tooltip-element") $(tooltipElement).tooltip( tooltipClass: "error-tooltips" position: tooltipPosition(tooltipElement) ) $(tooltipElement).attr("title", @value) #set title so tooltip displays it resetTabIndex = (form) -> # clear all (including valid fields) tab indexes $(form).find(":input").removeAttr( "tabindex" ) highlightInvalidFields = (form, data) -> resetTabIndex(form) errorStr = data.error().responseText console.log("EmphaticInvalids: "+errorStr) if !!$(form).find("#log-invalids").length > 0 try errors = $.parseJSON(errorStr) catch exception console.error exception alert("Make sure all required fields have been filled in and the values are in the proper format. For more details view your browser's console log.") errors = {} i = 1 for own fieldName, value of errors # name and/or id attribute equals exactly "fieldName" # name attribute ends in "[fieldName]" or "[fieldName][]" # data-ei-field-alias attribute equals fieldName naFieldName = fieldName fieldName = fieldName.replace(/\./g, "_attributes][") #This takes care of attributes naFieldName = naFieldName.replace(/\./g, "_attributes][0][") #This takes care of accepts_nested_attributes_for has_many attributes input = $(form).find("[name='"+fieldName+"'], [id='"+fieldName+"'], [name$='["+fieldName+"]'], [name$='["+naFieldName+"]'], [name$='["+fieldName+"][]'], [data-ei-field-alias='"+fieldName+"']").not(":hidden") $(input).attr("tabindex", i++) #set tab order for just invalid fields invalidField = new InvalidField input, value $(input).on('change', -> highlightedElement = mostTargetedElement(this, "data-ei-highlight-element") tooltipElement = mostTargetedElement(this, "data-ei-tooltip-element") $(highlightedElement).removeClass("highlight-error") $(tooltipElement).tooltip("destroy") if !!$(tooltipElement).data("ui-tooltip") $(tooltipElement).removeAttr("title") $(this).removeClass("invalid-field") ) $(form).find(".invalid-field").first().focus() #set focus to the first highlighted field btn = $(form).find("input[type='submit'], button[type='submit'], input[type='image']").first() btn.attr("tabindex", i++) #submit button gets next tab order after all invalid fields window.EmphaticInvalids = {} window.EmphaticInvalids.registerForms = (selector="form[data-remote=true]") -> $("body").on("ajax:error", selector, (event, data, status, xhr) -> highlightInvalidFields(this, data) )