#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'memprof' require 'bundler' Bundler.setup require 'remote_table' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'fuzzy_match' # messily stolen from the bts example # The records that your dictionary will return. # (Example) A table of aircraft as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics HAYSTACK = RemoteTable.new :url => "file://#{File.expand_path('../../examples/bts_aircraft/number_260.csv', __FILE__)}", :select => lambda { |record| record['Aircraft Type'].to_i.between?(1, 998) and record['Manufacturer'].present? } # A reader used to convert every record (which could be an object of any type) into a string that will be used for similarity. # (Example) Combine the make and model into something like "boeing 747" # Note the downcase! HAYSTACK_READER = lambda { |record| "#{record['Manufacturer']} #{record['Long Name']}".downcase } # Whether to even bother trying to find a match for something without an explicit block # (Example) False, which is the default, which means we have more work to do MUST_MATCH_BLOCKING = false # Blockings # (Example) We made these by trial and error BLOCKINGS = RemoteTable.new(:url => "file://#{File.expand_path("../../examples/bts_aircraft/blockings.csv", __FILE__)}", :headers => :first_row).map { |row| row['regexp'] } # Normalizers # (Example) We made these by trial and error NORMALIZERS = RemoteTable.new(:url => "file://#{File.expand_path("../../examples/bts_aircraft/normalizers.csv", __FILE__)}", :headers => :first_row).map { |row| row['regexp'] } # Identities # (Example) We made these by trial and error IDENTITIES = RemoteTable.new(:url => "file://#{File.expand_path("../../examples/bts_aircraft/identities.csv", __FILE__)}", :headers => :first_row).map { |row| row['regexp'] } FINAL_OPTIONS = { :read => HAYSTACK_READER, :must_match_blocking => MUST_MATCH_BLOCKING, :normalizers => NORMALIZERS, :identities => IDENTITIES, :blockings => BLOCKINGS } Memprof.start d = FuzzyMatch.new HAYSTACK, FINAL_OPTIONS record = d.find('boeing 707(100)', :gather_last_result => false) Memprof.stats Memprof.stop