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Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.", "fields": [ { "name": "args", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "__InputValue", "ofType": null } } } }, "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "description", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null }, "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "locations", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "__DirectiveLocation", "ofType": null } } } }, "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "name", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "onField", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Use `locations`." }, { "name": "onFragment", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Use `locations`." }, { "name": "onOperation", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, "isDeprecated": true, "deprecationReason": "Use `locations`." } ], "inputFields": null, "interfaces": [], "enumValues": null, "possibleTypes": null }, { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "__DirectiveLocation", "description": "A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.", "fields": null, "inputFields": null, "interfaces": null, "enumValues": [ { "name": "QUERY", "description": "Location adjacent to a query operation.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "MUTATION", "description": "Location adjacent to a mutation operation.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "SUBSCRIPTION", "description": "Location adjacent to a subscription operation.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "FIELD", "description": "Location adjacent to a field.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION", "description": "Location adjacent to a fragment definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "FRAGMENT_SPREAD", "description": "Location adjacent to a fragment spread.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "INLINE_FRAGMENT", "description": "Location adjacent to an inline fragment.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "SCHEMA", "description": "Location adjacent to a schema definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "SCALAR", "description": "Location adjacent to a scalar definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "OBJECT", "description": "Location adjacent to an object type definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "FIELD_DEFINITION", "description": "Location adjacent to a field definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION", "description": "Location adjacent to an argument definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "INTERFACE", "description": "Location adjacent to an interface definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "UNION", "description": "Location adjacent to a union definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "ENUM", "description": "Location adjacent to an enum definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "ENUM_VALUE", "description": "Location adjacent to an enum value definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "INPUT_OBJECT", "description": "Location adjacent to an input object type definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION", "description": "Location adjacent to an input object field definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null } ], "possibleTypes": null }, { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "__EnumValue", "description": "One possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. 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List and NonNull types compose other types.", "fields": [ { "name": "description", "description": null, "args": [], "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null }, "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "enumValues", "description": null, "args": [ { "name": "includeDeprecated", "description": null, "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null }, "defaultValue": "false" } ], "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "__EnumValue", "ofType": null } } }, "isDeprecated": false, "deprecationReason": null }, { "name": "fields", "description": null, "args": [ { "name": "includeDeprecated", "description": null, "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null }, "defaultValue": "false" } ], "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "__Field", "ofType": null } } }, 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was deprecated, usually also including a suggestion for how to access supported similar data. Formatted in [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/).", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null }, "defaultValue": "\"No longer supported\"" } ] } ] } } }