{ "basic": { "inStore": true, "id": 0, "specialRecipe": 0, "consumed": false, "maps": { "1": true, "10": true, "8": true, "12": true }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 0, "PercentMPRegenMod": 0, "rFlatSpellBlockModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatArmorModPerLevel": 0, "PercentPhysicalDamageMod": 0, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0, "PercentSpellBlockMod": 0, "rFlatTimeDeadModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatMagicDamageModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatHPModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentMovementSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "FlatEXPBonus": 0, "FlatMPRegenMod": 0, "rFlatHPRegenModPerLevel": 0, "FlatBlockMod": 0, "PercentEXPBonus": 0, "FlatEnergyPoolMod": 0, "rFlatEnergyRegenModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatGoldPer10Mod": 0, "FlatAttackSpeedMod": 0, "FlatHPPoolMod": 0, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0, "rFlatDodgeMod": 0, "rFlatMPRegenModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentTimeDeadMod": 0, "FlatEnergyRegenMod": 0, "PercentSpellVampMod": 0, "FlatCritDamageMod": 0, "rFlatMovementSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "PercentHPRegenMod": 0, "rPercentArmorPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "PercentArmorMod": 0, "rFlatMPModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatArmorPenetrationMod": 0, "PercentBlockMod": 0, "PercentMagicDamageMod": 0, "FlatMPPoolMod": 0, "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 0, "rFlatPhysicalDamageModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatTimeDeadMod": 0, "FlatHPRegenMod": 0, "rFlatCritDamageModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatCritChanceModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatDodgeModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentMagicPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0, "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0, "FlatArmorMod": 0, "rFlatEnergyModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentMagicPenetrationMod": 0, "rPercentTimeDeadModPerLevel": 0, "PercentMPPoolMod": 0, "PercentDodgeMod": 0, "PercentCritChanceMod": 0, "PercentCritDamageMod": 0, "rPercentAttackSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatMagicPenetrationMod": 0, "PercentHPPoolMod": 0, "rPercentArmorPenetrationMod": 0, "rFlatMagicPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatArmorPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentCooldownModPerLevel": 0, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 0, "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 0, "rPercentCooldownMod": 0 }, "hideFromAll": false, "consumeOnFull": false, "stacks": 1, "gold": { "total": 0, "purchasable": false, "sell": 0, "base": 0 }, "rune": { "isRune": false, "tier": "1", "type": "red" }, "depth": 1 }, "data": { "2009": { "id": 2009, "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Restores 80 Health and 50 Mana over 10 seconds.", "name": "Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation" }, "3089": { "id": 3089, "plaintext": "Massively increases Ability Power", "description": "+120 Ability Power <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Increases Ability Power by 30%.", "name": "Rabadon's Deathcap" }, "3087": { "id": 3087, "plaintext": "Movement builds charges that release chain lightning on basic attack", "description": "+40% Attack Speed
+20% Critical Strike Chance
+6% Movement Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants Static Charges upon moving or attacking. At 100 Charges, basic attacking expends all Charges to deal 100 bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit (this damage can critically strike).", "name": "Statikk Shiv" }, "2004": { "id": 2004, "plaintext": "Consume to restore Mana over time", "description": "Limited to 5 at one time.<\/groupLimit>

Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Restores 100 Mana over 15 seconds.", "name": "Mana Potion", "group": "ManaPotion" }, "3086": { "id": 3086, "plaintext": "Slight bonuses to Critical Strike Chance, Movement Speed and Attack Speed", "description": "+18% Attack Speed
+10% Critical Strike Chance
+5% Movement Speed<\/stats>", "name": "Zeal" }, "3085": { "id": 3085, "plaintext": "Ranged attacks fire two bolts at nearby enemies", "description": "+70% Attack Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> When basic attacking, bolts are fired at up to 2 enemies near the target, each dealing 10 (+50% of Attack Damage) physical damage. These bolts apply on-hit effects.", "name": "Runaan's Hurricane (Ranged Only)" }, "3280": { "id": 3280, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3084": { "id": 3084, "plaintext": "Restores Health on kill or assist", "description": "+850 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Upon champion kill or assist, restores 200 Health over 5 seconds.", "name": "Overlord's Bloodmail" }, "2003": { "id": 2003, "plaintext": "Consume to restore Health over time", "description": "Limited to 5 at one time.<\/groupLimit>

Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Restores 150 Health over 15 seconds.", "name": "Health Potion", "group": "HealthPotion" }, "3083": { "id": 3083, "plaintext": "Grants massive Health and Health Regen", "description": "+1000 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Restores 1% of maximum Health every 5 seconds.", "name": "Warmog's Armor" }, "3282": { "id": 3282, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3082": { "id": 3082, "plaintext": "Slows Attack Speed of enemy champions when receiving basic attacks", "description": "+50 Armor<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel:<\/unique> When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's Attack Speed by 15% for 1 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Warden's Mail" }, "3281": { "id": 3281, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3284": { "id": 3284, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3283": { "id": 3283, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3278": { "id": 3278, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3279": { "id": 3279, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "2010": { "id": 2010, "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Restores 20 health and 10 mana immediately and then 150 Health over 15 seconds.", "name": "Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation", "group": "HealthPotion" }, "3098": { "id": 3098, "plaintext": "Grants gold when you damage an enemy with a Spell or Attack", "description": "+10 Ability Power
+5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+4 Gold per 10 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Tribute:<\/unique> Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 10 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing a minion disables this passive for 12 seconds.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit><\/i>", "name": "Frostfang", "group": "GoldBase" }, "1080": { "id": 1080, "plaintext": "Moderately increases damage dealt to neutral monsters", "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Butcher:<\/unique> Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.

(Unique Passives or Actives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Spirit Stone" }, "3290": { "id": 3290, "plaintext": "Summon wraiths to slow and reveal enemy champions", "description": "+80 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+6% Movement Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active - Hunt:<\/active> Summons up to 2 invulnerable ghosts that seek out the two nearest enemy champions for 6 seconds. If a ghost reaches its target, it reveals the target and reduces their Movement Speed by 40% for 2.5 seconds.

If a ghost cannot find a target, it tries to return to the caster. Ghosts that successfully return in this way reduce the item's cooldown by 20 seconds (60 second cooldown).", "name": "Twin Shadows" }, "3097": { "id": 3097, "plaintext": "Periodically kill enemy minions to heal and grant gold to a nearby ally", "description": "+175 Health
+8 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War:<\/unique> Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 50 Health and grants them kill Gold.

These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 3 charges.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Targon's Brace", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3096": { "id": 3096, "plaintext": "Grants gold when nearby enemy minions die, Health Regen and Mana Regen", "description": "+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+5 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+2 Gold per 10 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Favor:<\/unique> Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 3 Gold and 5 Health.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>

''The medallion shines with the glory of a thousand voices when exposed to the sun.'' - Historian Shurelya, 22 June, 24 CLE<\/font><\/i>

", "name": "Nomad's Medallion", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3091": { "id": 3091, "plaintext": "Deals bonus magic damage on basic attacks", "description": "+42% Attack Speed
+25 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks deal 42 bonus magic damage on hit.
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks steal 5 Magic Resist from the target on hit (stacks up to 5 times.)", "name": "Wit's End" }, "3090": { "id": 3090, "plaintext": "Massively increases Ability Power and can be activated to enter stasis", "description": "+100 Ability Power
+45 Armor <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Increases Ability Power by 25%
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Wooglet's Witchcap" }, "3093": { "id": 3093, "plaintext": "Grants gold over time and additional gold on kill", "description": "+10% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Avarice:<\/unique> +3 Gold per 10 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Greed:<\/unique> Grants 2 Gold upon killing a unit.

May be bought with another Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Avarice Blade" }, "3092": { "id": 3092, "plaintext": "Chills target area, damaging and slowing enemies caught in the path or explosion", "description": "+50 Ability Power
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+4 Gold per 10 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Tribute:<\/unique> Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 10 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Fires an ice lance that explodes dealing 50 (+5 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing their Movement Speed by 80%, decaying over 2 seconds. (60 second cooldown.)

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit><\/i>", "name": "Frost Queen's Claim", "group": "GoldBase" }, "1075": { "id": 1075, "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "description": "+80 Health
+8 Attack Damage<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Basic attacks restore Health on hit. (3 Health for ranged champions and 5 Health for melee champions.)

Limited to 2 Doran's items on Showdown<\/groupLimit>

", "name": "Doran's Blade (Showdown)", "group": "DoransShowdown" }, "1074": { "id": 1074, "plaintext": "Good defensive starting item", "description": "+100 Health
+10 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks.

Limited to 2 Doran's items on Showdown<\/groupLimit>

", "name": "Doran's Shield (Showdown)", "group": "DoransShowdown" }, "1076": { "id": 1076, "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters", "description": "+60 Health
+15 Ability Power
+3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Restores 4 Mana upon killing a unit.

Limited to 2 Doran's items on Showdown<\/groupLimit>

", "name": "Doran's Ring (Showdown)", "group": "DoransShowdown" }, "1063": { "id": 1063, "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters", "description": "+35 Ability Power
+6 Mana Regeneration<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Prospector:<\/unique> +150 Health

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Prospector's Ring" }, "1062": { "id": 1062, "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "description": "+16 Attack Damage
+15% Attack Speed <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Prospector:<\/unique> +150 Health

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Prospector's Blade" }, "1058": { "id": 1058, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Ability Power", "description": "+80 Ability Power<\/stats>", "name": "Needlessly Large Rod" }, "1056": { "id": 1056, "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters", "description": "+60 Health
+15 Ability Power
+3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Restores 4 Mana upon killing a unit.", "name": "Doran's Ring" }, "1057": { "id": 1057, "plaintext": "Moderately increases Magic Resist", "description": "+40 Magic Resist<\/stats>", "name": "Negatron Cloak" }, "3110": { "id": 3110, "plaintext": "Massively increases Armor and slows enemy basic attacks", "description": "+100 Armor
+400 Mana
+20% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Aura:<\/aura> Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by 15%.", "name": "Frozen Heart" }, "3111": { "id": 3111, "plaintext": "Increases Movement Speed and reduces duration of disabling effects", "description": "+25 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +45 Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity:<\/unique> Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by 35%.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Mercury's Treads" }, "3112": { "id": 3112, "plaintext": "Grants a shield when out of combat", "description": "+70 Magic Resist
+20 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants a shield that absorbs up to 30 (+10 per level) damage. The shield will refresh after 9 seconds without receiving damage.", "name": "Orb of Winter" }, "3106": { "id": 3106, "plaintext": "Basic attacks kill minions and monsters quickly", "description": "+15% Attack Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Maim:<\/unique> Basic attacks against monsters deal 60 bonus magic damage and heal 8 Health on hit.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Madred's Razors" }, "3108": { "id": 3108, "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+30 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10% Cooldown Reduction", "name": "Fiendish Codex" }, "3102": { "id": 3102, "plaintext": "Periodically blocks enemy abilities", "description": "+450 Health
+55 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 25 seconds.
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants 45 Health Regen per 5 for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion or when the spell shield breaks.", "name": "Banshee's Veil" }, "3105": { "id": 3105, "plaintext": "Improves defenses for nearby allies", "description": "+200 Health
+20 Magic Resistance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Aura - Legion:<\/aura> Grants nearby allies +20 Magic Resist and +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds.

(Unique Auras with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Aegis of the Legion" }, "3104": { "id": 3104, "plaintext": "Massively enhances critical strikes", "description": "+70 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Critical strikes deal 250% damage instead of 200%.", "name": "Lord Van Damm's Pillager" }, "3100": { "id": 3100, "plaintext": "Grants a bonus to next attack after spell cast", "description": "+80 Ability Power
+250 Mana
+5% Movement Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade:<\/unique> After using an ability, the next basic attack deals 75% Base Attack Damage (+50% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (2 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Lich Bane" }, "3250": { "id": 3250, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3101": { "id": 3101, "plaintext": "Increased Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+40% Attack Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10% Cooldown Reduction", "name": "Stinger" }, "3251": { "id": 3251, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3254": { "id": 3254, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3255": { "id": 3255, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3252": { "id": 3252, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3253": { "id": 3253, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3263": { "id": 3263, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3264": { "id": 3264, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3265": { "id": 3265, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3266": { "id": 3266, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3260": { "id": 3260, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3261": { "id": 3261, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3262": { "id": 3262, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3361": { "id": 3361, "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit> Level 9+ required to upgrade.<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/unique> Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (120 second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Ward<\/font> on the map per player.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Greater Stealth Totem (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3362": { "id": 3362, "plaintext": "Periodically place a Vision Ward", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit> Level 9+ required to upgrade.<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/unique> Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed (180 second cooldown). Limit 1 Vision Ward<\/font> on the map per player.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Greater Vision Totem (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3363": { "id": 3363, "plaintext": "Briefly reveals a targeted area", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit> Level 9+ required to upgrade.<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/unique> Reveals an area up to 4000 units away for 2 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Farsight Orb (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3364": { "id": 3364, "plaintext": "Disables nearby invisible wards and trap and grants true sight briefly", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit> Level 9+ required to upgrade.<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps, devices and wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of nearby invisible units for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown.)

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Oracle's Lens (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3257": { "id": 3257, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3256": { "id": 3256, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3259": { "id": 3259, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3258": { "id": 3258, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3276": { "id": 3276, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3277": { "id": 3277, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3274": { "id": 3274, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3275": { "id": 3275, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3272": { "id": 3272, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3273": { "id": 3273, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3270": { "id": 3270, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard:<\/unique> Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana regeneration and grants 200% bonus Movement Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed and Regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3271": { "id": 3271, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Captain:<\/unique> Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby approaching allied champions. Grants nearby minions +20% Movement Speed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3269": { "id": 3269, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity:<\/unique> +20 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3268": { "id": 3268, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion:<\/unique> Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 20% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost:<\/font> Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash:<\/font> 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport:<\/font> 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3267": { "id": 3267, "description": "Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.<\/groupLimit>
Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Furor:<\/unique> Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "1004": { "id": 1004, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Mana Regen", "description": "+3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>", "name": "Faerie Charm" }, "1001": { "id": 1001, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Movement Speed", "description": "Limited to 1.<\/groupLimit>

UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +25 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Boots of Speed", "group": "BootsNormal" }, "3146": { "id": 3146, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage and Ability Power, activate to slow a target", "description": "+45 Attack Damage
+65 Ability Power
+12% Life Steal<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +20% Spell Vamp
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks (on hit) and single-target spells against champions reduce the cooldown of this item by 3 seconds.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Deals 150 (+40% of Ability Power) magic damage and slows the target champion's Movement Speed by 40% for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).

(Spell Vamp: Abilities heal for a percentage of the damage they deal. Area of Effect spells only grant one-third of the healing from Spell Vamp.)<\/i>", "name": "Hextech Gunblade" }, "1006": { "id": 1006, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Health Regen", "description": "+5 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>", "name": "Rejuvenation Bead" }, "3005": { "id": 3005, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Health", "description": "+45 Armor
+15% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of maximum Health.", "name": "Atma's Impaler" }, "3006": { "id": 3006, "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and Attack Speed", "description": " +20% Attack Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +45 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Berserker's Greaves" }, "3003": { "id": 3003, "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power based on maximum Mana", "description": "+250 Mana
+60 Ability Power
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Insight:<\/unique> Grants Ability Power equal to 3% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge:<\/unique> Grants +8 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each spell cast and Mana expenditure (occurs up to 2 times every 8 seconds). Transforms into Seraph's Embrace at +750 Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Archangel's Staff" }, "3004": { "id": 3004, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Mana", "description": "+250 Mana
+20 Attack Damage
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Awe:<\/unique> Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge:<\/unique> Grants +4 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each basic attack, spell cast, and Mana expenditure (occurs up to 2 times every 8 seconds).

Transforms into Muramana at +750 Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Manamune" }, "3009": { "id": 3009, "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and reduces the effect of slows", "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +60 Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist:<\/unique> Movement slowing effects are reduced by 25%.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Boots of Swiftness" }, "3007": { "id": 3007, "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power based on maximum Mana", "description": "+250 Mana
+60 Ability Power
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Insight:<\/unique> Grants Ability Power equal to 3% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge:<\/unique> Grants +10 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each spell cast and Mana expenditure (occurs up to 2 times every 6 seconds). Transforms into Seraph's Embrace at +750 Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)" }, "3008": { "id": 3008, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Mana", "description": "+250 Mana
+20 Attack Damage
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Awe:<\/unique> Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge:<\/unique> Grants +8 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each basic attack, spell cast, and Mana expenditure (occurs up to 2 times every 6 seconds).

Transforms into Muramana at +750 Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Manamune (Crystal Scar)" }, "3342": { "id": 3342, "plaintext": "Briefly reveals a nearby targeted area", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit>

Active:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 2500 range for 2 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (120 second cooldown).

At level 9, cast range increases to 3500.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Scrying Orb (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3341": { "id": 3341, "plaintext": "Detects and disables nearby invisible wards and traps", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit>

Active:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 6 seconds in a small radius (120 second cooldown.)

At level 9, cast range and sweep radius increase by 50% each and the cooldown is reduced to 60 seconds.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Sweeping Lens (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3340": { "id": 3340, "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "description": "Limited to 1 Trinket.<\/groupLimit>

Active:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward<\/font> that lasts 60 seconds (120 second cooldown).

At level 9, this ward's duration increases to 120 seconds.

Limit 3 Stealth Wards<\/font> on the map per player.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 120 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)<\/i>", "name": "Warding Totem (Trinket)", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3010": { "id": 3010, "plaintext": "Restores Health and Mana upon leveling up", "description": "+200 Health
+300 Mana<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Valor's Reward:<\/unique> Upon leveling up, restores 150 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Catalyst the Protector" }, "3156": { "id": 3156, "plaintext": "Grants bonus Attack Damage when Health is low", "description": "+60 Attack Damage
+40 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants +1 Attack Damage for every 2% of missing Health, up to a maximum of 35 Attack Damage.
UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline:<\/unique> Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, grants a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Maw of Malmortius" }, "3155": { "id": 3155, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage and Magic Resist", "description": "+25 Attack Damage
+25 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline:<\/unique> Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, grants a shield that absorbs 250 magic damage for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Hexdrinker" }, "3154": { "id": 3154, "plaintext": "Kills monsters quickly and gain more gold, activate to place a ward", "description": "+12 Attack Damage
+30% Attack Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Maim:<\/unique> Basic attacks against monsters deal 100 bonus magic damage and heal 10 Health on hit.
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Gain 30% increased Gold from monsters.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Places a Stealth Ward<\/font> that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

Transforms into Feral Flare at 30 large monster kills.
(Monsters killed with Hunter's Machete and Madred's Razors count toward the transformation)<\/i>

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Wriggle's Lantern", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3153": { "id": 3153, "plaintext": "Deals damage based on target's Health, can steal Health and Movement Speed", "description": "+25 Attack Damage
+40% Attack Speed
+15% Life Steal<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks deal 5% of the target's current Health in bonus physical damage (max 60 vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Deals 15% of target champion's maximum Health (min. 100) as physical damage, heals for the same amount, and steals 30% of the target's Movement Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Blade of the Ruined King" }, "1011": { "id": 1011, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health", "description": "+380 Health<\/stats>", "name": "Giant's Belt" }, "3152": { "id": 3152, "plaintext": "Grants Spell Vamp and Ability Power", "description": "+80 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +20% Spell Vamp

(Spell Vamp: Abilities heal for a percentage of the damage they deal. Area of Effect spells only grant one-third of the healing from Spell Vamp.)<\/i>", "name": "Will of the Ancients" }, "3200": { "id": 3200, "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and can be upgraded to improve Viktor's abilities", "description": "+3 Ability Power per level<\/stats>

(This item can be upgraded into one of three augments that enhance Viktor's basic abilities. Click the item in the store to discover its upgrades.)<\/i>", "name": "The Hex Core" }, "3151": { "id": 3151, "plaintext": "Spell damage burns enemies for a portion of their Health", "description": "+50 Ability Power
+300 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Eyes of Pain:<\/unique> +15 Magic Penetration
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Dealing spell damage applies a damage-over-time effect for 3 seconds that deals bonus magic damage equal to 2% of the target's current Health per second. This bonus damage is doubled against movement-impaired units and capped at 100 damage per second vs. monsters.

(A unit is movement-impaired if it is slowed, stunned, taunted, feared, or immobilized.)<\/i>

(Magic Penetration: Magic damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Magic Resist equal to Magic Penetration.)<\/i>

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Liandry's Torment" }, "3139": { "id": 3139, "plaintext": "Activate to remove all debuffs and grant massive Movement Speed", "description": "+60 Attack Damage
+45 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver:<\/active> Removes all debuffs, and if champion is melee, also grants +50% bonus Movement Speed for 1 second (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Mercurial Scimitar" }, "3135": { "id": 3135, "plaintext": "Increases magic damage", "description": "+70 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Magic damage ignores 35% of the target's Magic Resist (applies before Magic Penetration).", "name": "Void Staff" }, "3136": { "id": 3136, "plaintext": "Increases magic damage", "description": "+25 Ability Power
+200 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Eyes of Pain:<\/unique> +15 Magic Penetration

(Magic Penetration: Magic damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Magic Resist equal to Magic Penetration.)<\/i>

(Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Haunting Guise" }, "3206": { "id": 3206, "plaintext": "Greatly increases damage dealt to monsters and gains Health and Mana from monsters", "description": "+50 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spirit Drain:<\/unique> Grants 2 Ability Power per large or epic monster kill. (max: 30)
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher:<\/unique> Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Conservation:<\/unique> Upon killing a large or epic monster, grants up to 40 bonus Gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered (Max 80 stacks of Conservation).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Spirit of the Spectral Wraith", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3137": { "id": 3137, "plaintext": "Activate to remove all debuffs and grant massive Movement Speed", "description": "+50% Attack Speed
+45 Magic Resist
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver:<\/active> Removes all debuffs, and if champion is melee, also grants +50% bonus Movement Speed for 1 second (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Dervish Blade" }, "3207": { "id": 3207, "plaintext": "Greatly increases damage dealt to monsters and reduces duration of disabling effects", "description": "+350 Health
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity:<\/unique> Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by 35%.
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher:<\/unique> Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Conservation:<\/unique> Upon killing a large or epic monster, grants up to 40 bonus Gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered (Max 80 stacks of Conservation).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Spirit of the Ancient Golem", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3209": { "id": 3209, "plaintext": "Greatly increases damage dealt to monsters and deals true damage on basic attacks", "description": "+30 Attack Damage
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Incinerate:<\/unique> Deals 16-50 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds on dealing physical damage.
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher:<\/unique> Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Conservation:<\/unique> Upon killing a large or epic monster, grants up to 40 bonus Gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered (Max 80 stacks of Conservation).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Spirit of the Elder Lizard", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3408": { "id": 3408, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius (60 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3407": { "id": 3407, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius (60 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3409": { "id": 3409, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of invisible units for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown).

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3001": { "id": 3001, "plaintext": "Reduces Magic Resist of nearby enemies", "description": "+70 Ability Power
+45 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Aura:<\/aura> Reduces the Magic Resist of nearby enemies by 20.", "name": "Abyssal Scepter" }, "3143": { "id": 3143, "plaintext": "Greatly increases defenses, activate to slow nearby enemies", "description": "+500 Health
+70 Armor<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel:<\/unique> When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's Attack Speed by 15% and Movement Speed by 10% for 1 seconds.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Slows the Movement Speed of nearby enemy units by 35% for 2 seconds (+1 second per 200 Armor and +1 second per 200 Magic Resist) (60 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Randuin's Omen" }, "3142": { "id": 3142, "plaintext": "Activate to greatly increase Movement Speed and Attack Speed", "description": "+30 Attack Damage
+15% Critical Strike Chance
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/passive> +20 Armor Penetration<\/passive>
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Grants +20% Movement Speed and +40% Attack Speed (lasts 6 seconds for melee champions, 4 seconds for ranged champions) (45 second cooldown).

(Armor Penetration: Physical damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Armor equal to Armor Penetration.)<\/i>", "name": "Youmuu's Ghostblade" }, "3145": { "id": 3145, "plaintext": "Increases Spell Vamp and Ability Power", "description": "+40 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +12% Spell Vamp

(Spell Vamp: Abilities heal for a percentage of the damage they deal. Area of Effect spells only grant one-third of the healing from Spell Vamp.)<\/i>", "name": "Hextech Revolver" }, "3401": { "id": 3401, "plaintext": "Shield an ally from damage based on your Health", "description": "+500 Health
+20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War:<\/unique> Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 50 (+1% of your maximum Health) and grants them kill Gold.

These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.
UNIQUE Active:<\/unique> Shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 100% of their total Attack Damage plus 30% of their Ability Power as magic damage in an area. (60 second cooldown)

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Face of the Mountain", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3144": { "id": 3144, "plaintext": "Activate to deal magic damage and slow target champion", "description": "+25 Attack Damage
+12% Life Steal<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Deals 100 magic damage and slows the target champion's Movement Speed by 25% for 2 seconds (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Bilgewater Cutlass" }, "3406": { "id": 3406, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 4 seconds in a small radius (90 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3141": { "id": 3141, "plaintext": "Grants Attack Damage for kills and assists", "description": "+10 Attack Damage <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants +5 Attack Damage per stack. Grants 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist (max 20 stacks). A third of the stacks are lost upon death. At 20 stacks, grants +15% bonus Movement Speed.", "name": "Sword of the Occult" }, "3211": { "id": 3211, "plaintext": "Improves defense and grants regeneration upon being damage", "description": "+200 Health
+45 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants 15 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.

", "name": "Spectre's Cowl" }, "3405": { "id": 3405, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 4 seconds in a small radius (90 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3140": { "id": 3140, "plaintext": "Activate to remove all debuffs", "description": "+45 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver:<\/active> Removes all debuffs (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Quicksilver Sash" }, "3420": { "id": 3420, "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3124": { "id": 3124, "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Attack Damage", "description": "+30 Attack Damage
+40 Ability Power<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Basic attacks (on attack) and spell casts grant +4% Attack Speed and +4 Ability Power for 8 seconds (stacks up to 8 times).
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Falling below 50% Health grants +20% Attack Speed, +10% Life Steal, and +10% Spell Vamp until out of combat (30 second cooldown).", "name": "Guinsoo's Rageblade" }, "3128": { "id": 3128, "plaintext": "Activate to increase all magic damage dealt to an enemy champion", "description": "+120 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Deals 15% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% for 4 seconds (60 second cooldown).", "name": "Deathfire Grasp" }, "3029": { "id": 3029, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health, Mana, and Ability Power", "description": "+450 Health
+450 Mana
+60 Ability Power<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Grants +20 Health, +20 Mana, and +2 Ability Power per stack (max +200 Health, +200 Mana, and +20 Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per 40 seconds (max 10 stacks).
UNIQUE Passive - Valor's Reward:<\/unique> Upon leveling up, restores 150 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Rod of Ages (Crystal Scar)" }, "3027": { "id": 3027, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health, Mana, and Ability Power", "description": "+450 Health
+450 Mana
+60 Ability Power<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Grants +20 Health, +20 Mana, and +2 Ability Power per stack (max +200 Health, +200 Mana, and +20 Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per minute (max 10 stacks).
UNIQUE Passive - Valor's Reward:<\/unique> Upon leveling up, restores 150 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Rod of Ages" }, "3028": { "id": 3028, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Mana Regen", "description": "+25 Magic Resist
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font:<\/unique> Increases Mana Regen by 1% per 1% of missing Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Chalice of Harmony" }, "3025": { "id": 3025, "plaintext": "Basic attacks create a slow field after spell cast", "description": "+500 Mana
+60 Armor
+30 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade:<\/unique> After using an ability, the next basic attack (on hit) deals bonus physical damage equal to 125% of base Attack Damage to enemies near the target, and creates a field around the target for 2 seconds that slows enemy Movement Speed by 30% (2 second cooldown, half-sized field if ranged).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Iceborn Gauntlet" }, "3026": { "id": 3026, "plaintext": "Periodically revives champion upon death", "description": "+50 Armor
+40 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Upon taking lethal damage, restores 30% of maximum Health and Mana after 4 seconds of stasis (5 minute cooldown).", "name": "Guardian Angel" }, "3035": { "id": 3035, "plaintext": "Increases physical damage", "description": "+40 Attack Damage<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Physical damage ignores 35% of the target's Armor (applies before Armor Penetration).", "name": "Last Whisper" }, "3031": { "id": 3031, "plaintext": "Massively enhances critical strikes", "description": "+70 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Critical strikes deal 250% damage instead of 200%.", "name": "Infinity Edge" }, "3419": { "id": 3419, "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3418": { "id": 3418, "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3417": { "id": 3417, "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3222": { "id": 3222, "plaintext": "Activate to heal and remove all disabling effects from an allied champion", "description": "+40 Magic Resist
+12 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font:<\/unique> Increases Mana Regen by 1% for every 1% of missing Mana.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences, and slows on an allied champion and heals that champion for 150 (+10% of maximum Health) (180 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Mikael's Crucible" }, "3416": { "id": 3416, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Scrying:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 4000 range for 1 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3415": { "id": 3415, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Scrying:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 4000 range for 1 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3414": { "id": 3414, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Scrying:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 3500 range for 1 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (120 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3413": { "id": 3413, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Scrying:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 3500 range for 1 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (120 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3134": { "id": 3134, "plaintext": "Increases physical damage and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+25 Attack Damage<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10 Armor Penetration

(Armor Penetration: Physical damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Armor equal to Armor Penetration.)<\/i>", "name": "The Brutalizer" }, "3412": { "id": 3412, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Scrying:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 2500 range for 1 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (120 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3411": { "id": 3411, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Scrying:<\/unique> Reveals a small location within 2500 range for 1 second. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (120 second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3410": { "id": 3410, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens:<\/unique> Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of invisible units for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown).

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3131": { "id": 3131, "plaintext": "Activate to gain 100% Critical Strike Chance for a short duration", "description": "+45% Attack Speed<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> This item does not grant any Attack Speed while on cooldown. Champion kills reduce the current cooldown by 50%.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Grants +100% Attack Speed and 100% Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds or 3 critical strikes (60 second cooldown).", "name": "Sword of the Divine" }, "3113": { "id": 3113, "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Movement Speed", "description": "+30 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +5% Movement Speed", "name": "Aether Wisp" }, "3114": { "id": 3114, "plaintext": "Increases Mana Regeneration and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+8 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10% Cooldown Reduction", "name": "Forbidden Idol" }, "3115": { "id": 3115, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Speed, Ability Power, and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+50% Attack Speed
+60 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +20% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit.
", "name": "Nashor's Tooth" }, "3116": { "id": 3116, "plaintext": "Abilities slow enemies", "description": "+500 Health
+80 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Dealing spell damage slows the target's Movement Speed by 35% for 1.5 seconds (15% for multi-target and damage-over-time spells).", "name": "Rylai's Crystal Scepter" }, "3117": { "id": 3117, "plaintext": "Greatly enhances Movement Speed when out of combat", "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +25 Movement Speed. Increases to +105 Movement Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Boots of Mobility" }, "3022": { "id": 3022, "plaintext": "Basic attacks slow enemies", "description": "+700 Health
+30 Attack Damage<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Icy:<\/unique> Basic attacks slow the target's Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds on hit (40% slow for melee attacks, 30% slow for ranged attacks).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Frozen Mallet" }, "3024": { "id": 3024, "plaintext": "Increases Armor and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+250 Mana
+20 Armor<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10% Cooldown Reduction", "name": "Glacial Shroud" }, "3023": { "id": 3023, "plaintext": "Summon wraiths to slow and reveal enemy champions", "description": "+80 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+6% Movement Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active - Hunt:<\/active> Summons up to 2 invulnerable ghosts that seek out the two nearest enemy champions for 6 seconds. If a ghost reaches its target, it reveals the target and reduces their Movement Speed by 40% for 2.5 seconds.

If a ghost cannot find a target, it tries to return to the caster. Ghosts that successfully return in this way reduce the item's cooldown by 40 seconds (120 second cooldown).", "name": "Twin Shadows" }, "3020": { "id": 3020, "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and magic damage", "description": "+15 Magic Penetration<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +45 Movement Speed

(Magic Penetration: Magic damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Magic Resist equal to Magic Penetration.)<\/i>

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Sorcerer's Shoes" }, "3422": { "id": 3422, "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3421": { "id": 3421, "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3123": { "id": 3123, "plaintext": "Basic attacks reduce enemy healing and Health Regen", "description": "+25 Attack Damage
+20% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks inflict Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for 1.5 seconds on hit.

(Grievous Wounds reduces healing and regeneration by 50%.)<\/i>", "name": "Executioner's Calling" }, "3122": { "id": 3122, "plaintext": "Critical Strikes cause your target to bleed.", "description": "+20 Attack Damage
+10% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Critical Strikes cause your target to bleed for an additional 60% of your bonus Attack Damage as physical damage over 3 seconds.<\/i>", "name": "Wicked Hatchet" }, "3048": { "id": 3048, "description": "+1000 Mana
+60 Ability Power
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Insight:<\/unique> Grants Ability Power equal to 3% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Active - Mana Shield:<\/active> Consumes 20% of current Mana to grant a shield for 3 seconds that absorbs damage equal to 150 plus the amount of Mana consumed (120 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Seraph's Embrace" }, "3047": { "id": 3047, "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and reduces incoming basic attack damage", "description": "+25 Armor<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Blocks 10% of the damage from basic attacks.
UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +45 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Ninja Tabi" }, "2050": { "id": 2050, "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 60 seconds.", "name": "Explorer's Ward" }, "2051": { "id": 2051, "plaintext": "Activate for Movement Speed and a defensive boost", "description": "+180 Health
+12 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Enemy spellcasts reduce the cooldown of Battle Cry by 1 second.
UNIQUE Active - Battle Cry:<\/active> Gain 30% movement speed, 20 Armor, and 20 Magic Resistance for 3 seconds. 25 second cooldown.", "name": "Guardian's Horn" }, "2052": { "id": 2052, "description": "This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.<\/i>", "name": "Poro-Snax", "group": "RelicBase" }, "1051": { "id": 1051, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Critical Strike Chance", "description": "+8% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>", "name": "Brawler's Gloves" }, "3197": { "id": 3197, "plaintext": "Improves Viktor's Gravity Field and increases Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+3 Ability Power per level
+200 Mana
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

Ability Augment:<\/unique> Gravity Field has an additional 30% cast range.", "name": "Augment: Gravity" }, "3198": { "id": 3198, "plaintext": "Improves Viktor's Death Ray and increases Ability Power", "description": "+3 Ability Power per level
+45 Ability Power<\/stats>

Ability Augment:<\/unique> Death Ray sets fire to enemies, dealing 30% additional magic damage over 4 seconds.", "name": "Augment: Death" }, "1054": { "id": 1054, "plaintext": "Good defensive starting item", "description": "+80 Health
+6 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks.", "name": "Doran's Shield" }, "1055": { "id": 1055, "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "description": "+80 Health
+8 Attack Damage<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Basic attacks restore Health on hit. (3 Health for ranged champions and 5 Health for melee champions.)", "name": "Doran's Blade" }, "3196": { "id": 3196, "plaintext": "Improves Viktor's Power Transfer and increases Health", "description": "+3 Ability Power per level
+220 Health
+6 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

Ability Augment:<\/unique> Power Transfer increases Viktor's Movement Speed by 30% for 3 seconds.", "name": "Augment: Power" }, "1052": { "id": 1052, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Ability Power", "description": "+20 Ability Power<\/stats>", "name": "Amplifying Tome" }, "1053": { "id": 1053, "plaintext": "Basic attacks restore Health", "description": "+10 Attack Damage
+10% Life Steal<\/stats>", "name": "Vampiric Scepter" }, "3191": { "id": 3191, "plaintext": "Increases Armor and Ability Power", "description": "+30 Armor
+20 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/passive> Killing a unit grants 0.5 bonus Armor and Ability Power. This bonus stacks up to 30 times.", "name": "Seeker's Armguard" }, "3050": { "id": 3050, "plaintext": "Grants nearby allies Life Steal and Attack Damage", "description": "+250 Health
+20% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Aura:<\/aura> Grants allied champions +10% Life Steal and +20 Attack Damage.", "name": "Zeke's Herald" }, "3190": { "id": 3190, "plaintext": "Activate to shield nearby allies from damage", "description": "+400 Health
+20 Magic Resistance
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Grants a shield to nearby allies for 5 seconds that absorbs up to 50 (+10 per level) damage (60 second cooldown).
UNIQUE Aura - Legion:<\/aura> Grants nearby allies +20 Magic Resist and +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds.

(Unique Auras with the same name don't stack.)", "name": "Locket of the Iron Solari" }, "2047": { "id": 2047, "plaintext": "Allows champion to see invisible units", "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Grants detection of nearby invisible units for up to 5 minutes or until death.", "name": "Oracle's Extract" }, "3056": { "id": 3056, "plaintext": "Temporarily disables enemy turrets", "description": "+350 Health
+50 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for 2.5 seconds (120 second cooldown). This effect cannot be used against the same turret more than once every 7.5 seconds.", "name": "Ohmwrecker" }, "3057": { "id": 3057, "plaintext": "Grants a bonus to next attack after spell cast", "description": "+200 Mana
+25 Ability Power<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade:<\/unique> After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to base Attack Damage on hit (2 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Sheen" }, "2049": { "id": 2049, "plaintext": "Increases Health and provides Stealth Wards over time", "description": "+150 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Ward Refresh:<\/unique> Holds 4 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
UNIQUE Active - Ghost Ward:<\/active> Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward<\/font> that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards<\/font> on the map at one time.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Sightstone" }, "2048": { "id": 2048, "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Ability Power, Cooldown Reduction, Mana and Energy Regeneration", "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Grants +30-64 Ability Power based on level, +15% Cooldown Reduction, and increased Mana and Energy regeneration for 4 minutes.", "name": "Ichor of Illumination" }, "3301": { "id": 3301, "plaintext": "Grants gold when nearby minions die that you didn't kill", "description": "+3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Favor:<\/unique> Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 2 Gold and 5 Health.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit><\/i>

''Gold dust rises from the desert and clings to the coin.'' - Historian Shurelya, 11 November, 23 CLE<\/font><\/i>

", "name": "Ancient Coin", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3303": { "id": 3303, "plaintext": "Grants gold when you attack enemies", "description": "+5 Ability Power
+2 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+2 Gold per 10 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Tribute:<\/unique> Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 10 additional damage and grant 5 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing a minion disables this passive for 12 seconds.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Spellthief's Edge", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3302": { "id": 3302, "plaintext": "Kill minions periodically to heal and grant gold to a nearby ally", "description": "+75 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War:<\/unique> Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 40 Health and grants them kill Gold.

These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 60 seconds. Max 2 charges.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>", "name": "Relic Shield", "group": "GoldBase" }, "1037": { "id": 1037, "plaintext": "Moderately increases Attack Damage", "description": "+25 Attack Damage<\/stats>", "name": "Pickaxe" }, "1036": { "id": 1036, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Attack Damage", "description": "+10 Attack Damage<\/stats>", "name": "Long Sword" }, "1039": { "id": 1039, "plaintext": "Slightly increases damage dealt to neutral monsters", "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Maim:<\/unique> Basic attacks against monsters deal 10 bonus magic damage and heal 5 Health on hit.
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher:<\/unique> Against monsters, deal 10% bonus damage.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Hunter's Machete" }, "1038": { "id": 1038, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Damage", "description": "+45 Attack Damage<\/stats>", "name": "B. F. Sword" }, "3187": { "id": 3187, "plaintext": "Activate to reveal a nearby area of the map", "description": "+225 Health
+250 Mana
+25 Armor
+20% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive: - Trap Detection<\/unique> Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).", "name": "Hextech Sweeper" }, "3188": { "id": 3188, "plaintext": "Activate to increase all magic damage dealt to an enemy champion", "description": "+80 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Deals 20% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over 4 seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% (60 second cooldown).", "name": "Blackfire Torch" }, "1042": { "id": 1042, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Attack Speed", "description": "+12% Attack Speed<\/stats>", "name": "Dagger" }, "1043": { "id": 1043, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Speed", "description": "+30% Attack Speed<\/stats>", "name": "Recurve Bow" }, "3184": { "id": 3184, "plaintext": "Attacks and kills give a small burst of speed, activate to slow enemies", "description": "+275 Health
+55 Attack Damage<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Rage:<\/unique> Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 2 seconds on hit. Kills grant 60 Movement Speed for 2 seconds. This Movement Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> For the next 5 seconds, basic attacks reduce the target's Movement Speed by 30% and deal 80 true damage over 2.5 seconds on hit (60 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Entropy" }, "3185": { "id": 3185, "plaintext": "Increases Attack Speed and grants vision of attacked enemies", "description": "+20 Attack Damage
+25 Armor
+15% Life Steal
+200 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Vanquish:<\/unique> Basic attacks have a 20% chance to deal 100 bonus magic damage on hit (damage doubled for non-champions).
UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection:<\/unique> Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "The Lightbringer" }, "3040": { "id": 3040, "description": "+1000 Mana
+60 Ability Power
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Insight:<\/unique> Grants Ability Power equal to 3% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Active - Mana Shield:<\/active> Consumes 20% of current Mana to grant a shield for 3 seconds that absorbs damage equal to 150 plus the amount of Mana consumed (120 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Seraph's Embrace" }, "3180": { "id": 3180, "plaintext": "Improves defense, activate for area magic damage", "description": "+350 Health
+350 Mana
+50 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Reduces and stores 10% of magic damage received.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Deals 200 + (stored magic) (max 400) magic damage to nearby enemy units (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Odyn's Veil" }, "3041": { "id": 3041, "plaintext": "Grants Ability Power for kills and assists", "description": "+20 Ability Power <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Grants +8 Ability Power per stack. Grants 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist (max 20 stacks). A third of the stacks are lost upon death. At 20 stacks, grants +15% Cooldown Reduction.", "name": "Mejai's Soulstealer" }, "3181": { "id": 3181, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Damage and Life Steal", "description": "+40 Attack Damage
+15% Life Steal<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks grant +6 Attack Damage and +1% Life Steal for 4 seconds on hit (effect stacks up to 5 times).", "name": "Sanguine Blade" }, "3042": { "id": 3042, "description": "+1000 Mana
+20 Attack Damage
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Awe:<\/unique> Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Toggle:<\/unique> Single target spells and attacks (on hit) consume 3% of current Mana to deal bonus physical damage equal to twice the amount of Mana consumed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Muramana" }, "3043": { "id": 3043, "description": "+1000 Mana
+20 Attack Damage
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Awe:<\/unique> Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of maximum Mana.
UNIQUE Toggle:<\/unique> Single target spells and attacks (on hit) consume 3% of current Mana to deal bonus physical damage equal to twice the amount of Mana consumed.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Muramana" }, "3044": { "id": 3044, "plaintext": "Attacks and kills give a small burst of speed", "description": "+200 Health
+20 Attack Damage<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Rage:<\/unique> Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 2 seconds. Kills grant 60 Movement Speed instead. This Movement Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Phage" }, "3046": { "id": 3046, "plaintext": "Champion attacks faster and can move through units", "description": "+50% Attack Speed
+30% Critical Strike Chance
+5% Movement Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Champion can move through units.", "name": "Phantom Dancer" }, "3069": { "id": 3069, "plaintext": "Increases Health and Cooldown Reduction, activate to speed up nearby allies", "description": "+20% Cooldown Reduction
+15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+10 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+2 Gold per 10 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Favor:<\/unique> Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 3 Gold and 10 Health.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Grants nearby allies +40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item<\/groupLimit>

''Praise the sun.'' - Historian Shurelya, 22 September, 25 CLE<\/font><\/i>

", "name": "Talisman of Ascension", "group": "GoldBase" }, "1029": { "id": 1029, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Armor", "description": "+15 Armor<\/stats>", "name": "Cloth Armor" }, "3169": { "id": 3169, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 120 seconds (120 Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "1028": { "id": 1028, "plaintext": "Increases Health", "description": "+150 Health<\/stats>", "name": "Ruby Crystal" }, "3168": { "id": 3168, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 120 seconds (120 Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "1027": { "id": 1027, "plaintext": "Increases Mana", "description": "+200 Mana<\/stats>", "name": "Sapphire Crystal" }, "1026": { "id": 1026, "plaintext": "Moderately increases Ability Power", "description": "+40 Ability Power<\/stats>", "name": "Blasting Wand" }, "3070": { "id": 3070, "plaintext": "Increases maximum Mana as Mana is spent", "description": "+250 Mana
+6 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge:<\/unique> +4 maximum Mana on spell cast or Mana expenditure (up to twice per 8 seconds);
+1 maximum Mana per 8 seconds;
Max +750 Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Tear of the Goddess" }, "3174": { "id": 3174, "plaintext": "Restores maximum Mana on kill or assist", "description": "+60 Ability Power
+40 Magic Resist
+15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+20% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Restores 12% of maximum Mana on kill or assist.
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font:<\/unique> Increases Mana Regen by 1% for every 1% of missing Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Athene's Unholy Grail" }, "3071": { "id": 3071, "plaintext": "Dealing physical damage to enemy champions reduces their Armor", "description": "+200 Health
+50 Attack Damage
+10% Cooldown Reduction

<\/stats>UNIQUE Passive:<\/passive> +10 Armor Penetration
Passive:<\/passive> Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion reduces their Armor by 5% for 4 seconds (stacks up to 5 times, up to 25%).

(Armor Penetration: Physical damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Armor equal to Armor Penetration.)<\/i>", "name": "The Black Cleaver" }, "1033": { "id": 1033, "plaintext": "Slightly increases Magic Resist", "description": "+20 Magic Resist<\/stats>", "name": "Null-Magic Mantle" }, "3171": { "id": 3171, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 180 seconds (120 Second cooldown).

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3172": { "id": 3172, "plaintext": "Improves offense and reduces duration of disabling effects", "description": "+25 Attack Damage
+50% Attack Speed
+10% Movement Speed
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity:<\/unique> Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by 35%.

(Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Zephyr" }, "1031": { "id": 1031, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Armor", "description": "+40 Armor<\/stats>", "name": "Chain Vest" }, "3175": { "id": 3175, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 180 seconds (120 Second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains the movement speed bonus of Thrill of the Hunt while he is stealthed.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3078": { "id": 3078, "plaintext": "Tons of Damage", "description": "+30 Attack Damage
+30 Ability Power
+30% Attack Speed
+10% Critical Strike Chance
+8% Movement Speed
+250 Health
+200 Mana<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Rage:<\/unique> Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 2 seconds. Kills grant 60 Movement Speed instead. This Movement Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade:<\/unique> After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 200% of base Attack Damage on hit (2 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Trinity Force" }, "3077": { "id": 3077, "plaintext": "Melee attacks hit nearby enemies", "description": "+40 Attack Damage
+15 Health Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Cleave:<\/unique> Basic attacks deal 20% to 60% of total Attack Damage as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the target take the most damage).
UNIQUE Active - Crescent:<\/active> Deals 60% to 100% of total Attack Damage as physical damage to nearby enemy units (closest enemies take the most damage) (10 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Tiamat (Melee Only)" }, "3074": { "id": 3074, "plaintext": "Melee attacks hit nearby enemies, dealing damage and restoring Health", "description": "+75 Attack Damage
+15 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+12% Life Steal<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Life Steal applies to damage dealt by this item.
UNIQUE Passive - Cleave:<\/unique> Basic attacks deal 20% to 60% of total Attack Damage as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the target take the most damage).
UNIQUE Active - Crescent:<\/active> Deals 60% to 100% of total Attack Damage as physical damage to nearby enemy units (closest enemies take the most damage) (10 second cooldown).

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only)" }, "3170": { "id": 3170, "plaintext": "Improves defense and reduces duration of disabling effects", "description": "+50 Ability Power
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity:<\/unique> Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by 35%.

(Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Moonflair Spellblade" }, "3075": { "id": 3075, "plaintext": "Returns damage taken from basic attacks as magic damage", "description": "+100 Armor <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Upon being hit by a basic attack, returns 30% of the incoming damage (before being reduced by defenses) to the attacker as magic damage.", "name": "Thornmail" }, "3072": { "id": 3072, "plaintext": "Grants massive Attack Damage and Life Steal", "description": "+70 Attack Damage
+12% Life Steal<\/stats>

Passive:<\/passive> Grants +1 Attack Damage and +0.2% Life Steal per stack (max +30 Attack Damage and +6% Life Steal). Grants 1 stack per unit kill (max 30 stacks). Half of the stacks are lost upon death.", "name": "The Bloodthirster" }, "3073": { "id": 3073, "plaintext": "Increases maximum Mana as Mana is spent", "description": "+250 Mana
+6 Mana Regen per 5 seconds<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge:<\/unique> +5 maximum Mana on spell cast or Mana expenditure (up to twice per 6 seconds);
+1 maximum Mana per 6 seconds;
Max +750 Mana.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)" }, "2040": { "id": 2040, "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and increases damage to turrets", "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Grants +20-40 Attack Damage based on level, +20-40% Attack Speed based on level, and 15% increased damage to turrets for 4 minutes.", "name": "Ichor of Rage" }, "2041": { "id": 2041, "plaintext": "Restores Health and Mana over time, refills at shop", "description": "UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Holds 3 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Consumes a charge to restore 120 Health and 60 Mana over 12 seconds.", "name": "Crystalline Flask" }, "2044": { "id": 2044, "plaintext": "Use to temporarily provide vision in an area", "description": "Can only carry 3 Stealth Wards in inventory.<\/groupLimit>

Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. Limit 3 Stealth Wards<\/font> on the map per player.", "name": "Stealth Ward", "group": "GreenWards" }, "2045": { "id": 2045, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health and provides Stealth Wards over time", "description": "+400 Health<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Ward Refresh:<\/unique> Holds 5 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
UNIQUE Active - Ghost Ward:<\/active> Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward<\/font> that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards<\/font> on the map at one time.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Ruby Sightstone" }, "2043": { "id": 2043, "plaintext": "Use to temporarily provide vision and stealth detection in an area", "description": "Can only carry 2 Vision Wards in inventory.<\/groupLimit>

Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed. Limit 1 Vision Ward<\/font> on the map per player.

(Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.)<\/i>", "name": "Vision Ward", "group": "PinkWards" }, "3158": { "id": 3158, "plaintext": "Increases Movement Speed and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +15% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement:<\/unique> +45 Movement Speed

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)<\/i>

''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.''<\/font><\/i>", "name": "Ionian Boots of Lucidity" }, "3157": { "id": 3157, "plaintext": "Activate to become invincible but unable to take actions", "description": "+120 Ability Power
+50 Armor <\/stats>

UNIQUE Active - Stasis:<\/active> Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (90 second cooldown).", "name": "Zhonya's Hourglass" }, "3159": { "id": 3159, "plaintext": "Activate to reveal a nearby area of the map", "description": "+15 Attack Damage
+20 Armor
+12% Life Steal<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 200 bonus magic damage on hit.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).", "name": "Grez's Spectral Lantern" }, "1018": { "id": 1018, "plaintext": "Moderately increases Critical Strike Chance", "description": "+15% Critical Strike Chance<\/stats>", "name": "Cloak of Agility" }, "3160": { "id": 3160, "description": "+15 Attack Damage
+35% Attack Speed<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive - Maim:<\/unique> Basic attacks deal 100 bonus magic damage (33% against champions) and heal 10 Health on hit. This damage and heal increases with kills, assists and large monster kills.
UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Gain 30% increased Gold from monsters.
UNIQUE Active:<\/active> Places a Stealth Ward<\/font> that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item", "name": "Feral Flare", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3060": { "id": 3060, "plaintext": "Promotes a siege minion to a more powerful unit", "description": "+80 Ability Power
+20% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Aura - Valor:<\/aura> Nearby allied minions deal 15% increased damage.
UNIQUE Active - Promote:<\/active> Transforms a nearby siege minion into a more powerful unit and grants all gold that the unit earns (180 second cooldown).

(Unique Auras with the same name do not stack.)<\/i>", "name": "Banner of Command" }, "3165": { "id": 3165, "plaintext": "Greatly increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+75 Ability Power
+12 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+20% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Dealing magic damage to enemy champions below 40% Health inflicts Grievous Wounds for 4 seconds.

(Grievous Wounds reduces incoming healing and regeneration effects by 50%.)<\/i>", "name": "Morellonomicon" }, "3166": { "id": 3166, "plaintext": "Grants Rengar bonus effects on kill or assist", "description": "UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 60 seconds (120 Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3167": { "id": 3167, "description": "UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem:<\/unique> Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 60 seconds (120 Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt:<\/unique> Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

3 Trophies:<\/passive> Rengar gains 25 Movement Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
6 Trophies:<\/passive> Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
12 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.
20 Trophies:<\/passive> Thrill of the Hunt's Movement Speed while stealthed is doubled.", "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3065": { "id": 3065, "plaintext": "Increases Health and healing effects", "description": "+400 Health
+55 Magic Resist
+20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+10% Cooldown Reduction<\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Increases self-healing, Health Regen, Lifesteal, and Spell Vamp effects by 20%.", "name": "Spirit Visage" }, "2037": { "id": 2037, "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Attack Damage and Health", "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Grants +120-235 Health based on level and +15 Attack Damage for 3 minutes.", "name": "Elixir of Fortitude" }, "3067": { "id": 3067, "plaintext": "Increases Health and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "+200 Health <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> +10% Cooldown Reduction", "name": "Kindlegem" }, "3068": { "id": 3068, "plaintext": "Constantly deals damage to nearby enemies", "description": "+450 Health
+45 Armor <\/stats>

UNIQUE Passive:<\/unique> Deals 25 (+ character level) magic damage per second to nearby enemies.", "name": "Sunfire Cape" }, "2039": { "id": 2039, "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction", "description": "Click to Consume:<\/consumable> Grants +25-40 Ability Power based on level and +10% Cooldown Reduction for 3 minutes.", "name": "Elixir of Brilliance" } }, "type": "item", "version": "4.6.3" }