#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) $oj_dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) %w(lib ext).each do |dir| $: << File.join($oj_dir, dir) end require 'minitest' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'stringio' require 'date' require 'bigdecimal' require 'oj' class CustomJuice < Minitest::Test module TestModule end class Jeez attr_accessor :x, :y, :_z def initialize(x, y) @x = x @y = y @_z = x.to_s end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && @x == o.x && @y = o.y end def to_json(*args) %|{"xx":#{@x},"yy":#{y}}| end def raw_json(depth, indent) %|{"xxx":#{@x},"yyy":#{y}}| end def as_json(*args) {'a' => @x, :b => @y } end def to_hash() {'b' => @x, 'n' => @y } end end class AsJson attr_accessor :x, :y def initialize(x, y) @x = x @y = y end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && @x == o.x && @y = o.y end def as_json(*args) {'a' => @x, :b => @y } end end class AsRails attr_accessor :x, :y def initialize(x, y) @x = x @y = y end def ==(o) self.class == o.class && @x == o.x && @y = o.y end def as_json(*args) a = @x a = a.as_json if a.respond_to?('as_json') b = @y b = b.as_json if b.respond_to?('as_json') {'a' => a, :b => b } end end def setup @default_options = Oj.default_options Oj.default_options = { :mode => :custom } end def teardown Oj.default_options = @default_options end def test_nil dump_and_load(nil, false) end def test_true dump_and_load(true, false) end def test_false dump_and_load(false, false) end def test_fixnum dump_and_load(0, false) dump_and_load(12345, false) dump_and_load(-54321, false) dump_and_load(1, false) end def test_float dump_and_load(0.0, false) dump_and_load(12345.6789, false) dump_and_load(70.35, false) dump_and_load(-54321.012, false) dump_and_load(1.7775, false) dump_and_load(2.5024, false) dump_and_load(2.48e16, false) dump_and_load(2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) dump_and_load(-2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) end def test_nan_dump assert_equal('null', Oj.dump(0/0.0, :nan => :null)) assert_equal('3.3e14159265358979323846', Oj.dump(0/0.0, :nan => :huge)) assert_equal('NaN', Oj.dump(0/0.0, :nan => :word)) begin Oj.dump(0/0.0, :nan => :raise) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_infinity_dump assert_equal('null', Oj.dump(1/0.0, :nan => :null)) assert_equal('3.0e14159265358979323846', Oj.dump(1/0.0, :nan => :huge)) assert_equal('Infinity', Oj.dump(1/0.0, :nan => :word)) begin Oj.dump(1/0.0, :nan => :raise) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_neg_infinity_dump assert_equal('null', Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :nan => :null)) assert_equal('-3.0e14159265358979323846', Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :nan => :huge)) assert_equal('-Infinity', Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :nan => :word)) begin Oj.dump(-1/0.0, :nan => :raise) rescue Exception assert(true) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_string dump_and_load('', false) dump_and_load('abc', false) dump_and_load("abc\ndef", false) dump_and_load("a\u0041", false) end def test_string_ascii json = Oj.dump("ぴーたー", :escape_mode => :ascii) assert_equal(%{"\\u3074\\u30fc\\u305f\\u30fc"}, json) dump_and_load("ぴーたー", false, :escape_mode => :ascii) end def test_string_json json = Oj.dump("ぴーたー", :escape_mode => :json) assert_equal(%{"ぴーたー"}, json) dump_and_load("ぴーたー", false, :escape_mode => :json) end def test_array dump_and_load([], false) dump_and_load([true, false], false) dump_and_load(['a', 1, nil], false) dump_and_load([[nil]], false) dump_and_load([[nil], 58], false) end def test_array_deep dump_and_load([1,[2,[3,[4,[5,[6,[7,[8,[9,[10,[11,[12,[13,[14,[15,[16,[17,[18,[19,[20]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], false) end def test_deep_nest begin n = 10000 Oj.strict_load('[' * n + ']' * n) rescue Exception => e assert(false, e.message) end end def test_hash dump_and_load({}, false) dump_and_load({ 'true' => true, 'false' => false}, false) dump_and_load({ 'true' => true, 'array' => [], 'hash' => { }}, false) end def test_hash_deep dump_and_load({'1' => { '2' => { '3' => { '4' => { '5' => { '6' => { '7' => { '8' => { '9' => { '10' => { '11' => { '12' => { '13' => { '14' => { '15' => { '16' => { '17' => { '18' => { '19' => { '20' => {}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, false) end def test_hash_escaped_key json = %{{"a\nb":true,"c\td":false}} obj = Oj.load(json) assert_equal({"a\nb" => true, "c\td" => false}, obj) end def test_hash_non_string_key assert_equal(%|{"1":true}|, Oj.dump({ 1 => true }, :indent => 0)) end def test_bignum_object dump_and_load(7 ** 55, false) end def test_bigdecimal assert_equal('0.314159265358979323846e1', Oj.dump(BigDecimal('3.14159265358979323846'), bigdecimal_as_decimal: true).downcase()) assert_equal('"0.314159265358979323846e1"', Oj.dump(BigDecimal('3.14159265358979323846'), bigdecimal_as_decimal: false).downcase()) dump_and_load(BigDecimal('3.14159265358979323846'), false, :bigdecimal_load => true) end def test_object obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, create_id: "^o", use_to_json: false, use_as_json: false, use_to_hash: false) assert_equal(%|{"x":true,"y":58,"_z":"true"}|, json) json = Oj.dump(obj, create_id: "^o", use_to_json: false, use_as_json: false, use_to_hash: false, ignore_under: true) assert_equal(%|{"x":true,"y":58}|, json) dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_object_to_json obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :use_to_json => true, :use_as_json => false, :use_to_hash => false) assert_equal(%|{"xx":true,"yy":58}|, json) end def test_object_as_json obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :use_to_json => false, :use_as_json => true, :use_to_hash => false) assert_equal(%|{"a":true,"b":58}|, json) end def test_object_to_hash obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :use_to_json => false, :use_as_json => false, :use_to_hash => true) assert_equal(%|{"b":true,"n":58}|, json) end def test_object_raw_json obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(obj, :use_to_json => true, :use_as_json => false, :use_raw_json => true, :use_to_hash => false) assert_equal(%|{"xxx":true,"yyy":58}|, json) end def test_raw_json_stringwriter obj = Oj::StringWriter.new(:indent => 0) obj.push_array() obj.pop() json = Oj.dump(obj, :use_raw_json => true) assert_equal(%|[]|, json) end def test_as_raw_json_stringwriter obj = Oj::StringWriter.new(:indent => 0) obj.push_array() obj.push_value(3) obj.pop() j = AsJson.new(1, obj) json = Oj.dump(j, use_raw_json: true, use_as_json: true, indent: 2) assert_equal(%|{ "a":1, "b":[3] } |, json) json = Oj.dump(j, use_raw_json: false, use_as_json: true, indent: 2) assert_equal(%|{ "a":1, "b":{} } |, json) end def test_rails_as_raw_json_stringwriter obj = Oj::StringWriter.new(:indent => 0) obj.push_array() obj.push_value(3) obj.pop() j = AsRails.new(1, obj) json = Oj.dump(j, mode: :rails, use_raw_json: true, indent: 2) assert_equal(%|{ "a":1, "b":{} } |, json) Oj::Rails.optimize json = Oj.dump(j, mode: :rails, use_raw_json: true, indent: 2) Oj::Rails.deoptimize assert_equal(%|{ "a":1, "b":[3] } |, json) end def test_symbol json = Oj.dump(:abc) assert_equal('"abc"', json) end def test_class assert_equal(%|"CustomJuice"|, Oj.dump(CustomJuice)) end def test_module assert_equal(%|"CustomJuice::TestModule"|, Oj.dump(TestModule)) end def test_symbol_keys json = %|{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } | obj = Oj.load(json, :symbol_keys => true) assert_equal({ :x => true, :y => 58, :z => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_double json = %{{ "x": 1}{ "y": 2}} results = [] Oj.load(json, :mode => :strict) { |x| results << x } assert_equal([{ 'x' => 1 }, { 'y' => 2 }], results) end def test_circular_hash h = { 'a' => 7 } h['b'] = h json = Oj.dump(h, :indent => 2, :circular => true) assert_equal(%|{ "a":7, "b":null } |, json) end def test_omit_nil json = Oj.dump({'x' => {'a' => 1, 'b' => nil }, 'y' => nil}, :omit_nil => true) assert_equal(%|{"x":{"a":1}}|, json) end def test_complex obj = Complex(2, 9) dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_rational obj = Rational(2, 9) dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_range obj = 3..8 dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_date obj = Date.new(2017, 1, 5) dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_date_unix obj = Date.new(2017, 1, 5) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :unix) assert_equal('1483574400.000000000', json) end def test_date_unix_zone obj = Date.new(2017, 1, 5) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :unix_zone) assert_equal('1483574400.000000000', json) end def test_date_ruby obj = Date.new(2017, 1, 5) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :ruby) assert_equal('"2017-01-05"', json) end def test_date_xmlschema obj = Date.new(2017, 1, 5) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :xmlschema) assert_equal('"2017-01-05"', json) end def test_datetime obj = DateTime.new(2017, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30) dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_datetime_unix obj = DateTime.new(2017, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, '-0500') json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :unix) assert_equal('1483629630.000000000', json) end def test_datetime_unix_zone # older versions seems to have issues getting the utc offset. if '2.4' <= RUBY_VERSION obj = DateTime.new(2017, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, '-0500') json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :unix_zone) assert_equal('1483629630.000000000e-18000', json) end end def test_datetime_ruby obj = DateTime.new(2017, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, '-0500') json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :ruby) assert_equal('"2017-01-05T10:20:30-05:00"', json) end def test_datetime_xmlschema obj = DateTime.new(2017, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, '-0500') json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, time_format: :xmlschema) assert_equal('"2017-01-05T10:20:30-05:00"', json) end def test_regexp # this notation must be used to get an == match later obj = /(?ix-m:^yes$)/ dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_openstruct obj = OpenStruct.new(:a => 1, 'b' => 2) dump_and_load(obj, false, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def test_time obj = Time.now() dump_and_load(obj, false, :time_format => :unix, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) dump_and_load_inspect(obj, false, :time_format => :unix_zone, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) dump_and_load_inspect(obj, false, :time_format => :xmlschema, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) dump_and_load_inspect(obj, false, :time_format => :ruby, :create_id => "^o", :create_additions => true) end def dump_and_load(obj, trace=false, options={}) options = options.merge(:indent => 2, :mode => :custom) json = Oj.dump(obj, options) puts json if trace loaded = Oj.load(json, options); if obj.nil? assert_nil(loaded) else assert_equal(obj, loaded) end loaded end def dump_and_load_inspect(obj, trace=false, options={}) options = options.merge(:indent => 2, :mode => :custom) json = Oj.dump(obj, options) puts json if trace loaded = Oj.load(json, options); if obj.nil? assert_nil(loaded) else assert_equal(obj.inspect, loaded.inspect) end loaded end end