require "spec_helper" describe Storage::Strategies::S3 do context "region" do before do Storage.setup do |c| c.strategy = :s3 c.access_key = "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" c.secret_key = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" end end it "sets default region" do Storage::Config.region = nil expect(Storage::Strategies::S3.connection.region).to eq("us-east-1") end it "sets custom region" do Storage::Config.region = "eu-west-1" expect(Storage::Strategies::S3.connection.region).to eq("eu-west-1") end end context "general" do let(:adapter) { Storage::Strategies::S3 } let(:source) { RESOURCES.join("file.txt") } let(:destiny) { TMP.join("lorem.txt") } let(:connection) { double("connection") } let(:bucket) { double("bucket") } before do allow(adapter).to receive(:connection).and_return(connection) Storage.setup do |c| c.strategy = :s3 c.access_key = "abc" c.secret_key = "123" c.region = "us-east-1" end end it "should save a file using file handler" do handler = setup_create_object, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files") end it "should save a file using a path" do setup_create_object, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files") end it "should remove an existing file" do object = double("object") setup_get_object object: object expect(object).to receive(:destroy).and_return(true) expect(Storage.remove("lorem.txt", bucket: "files")).to be_truthy end it "should raise when trying to removing an nonexisting file" do setup_get_object object: nil expect { Storage.remove("lorem.txt", bucket: "files") }.to raise_error(Storage::MissingFileError) end it "should retrieve an existing file (public url)" do object = double("object", public_url: "PUBLIC_URL") setup_get_object object: object expect(Storage.get("lorem.txt", bucket: "files")).to eq("PUBLIC_URL") end it "should retrieve an existing file (private url)" do object = double("object", public_url: nil) expect(object).to receive_message_chain("url").with( + 3600).and_return("PRIVATE_URL") setup_get_object object: object expect(Storage.get("lorem.txt", bucket: "files")).to eq("PRIVATE_URL") end it "should raise when trying to retrieve an missing file" do setup_get_object object: nil expect { Storage.get("lorem.txt", bucket: "files") }.to raise_error(Storage::MissingFileError) end it "should raise when trying to retrieve an missing bucket" do setup_get_bucket bucket: nil expect { Storage.get("lorem.txt", bucket: "files") }.to raise_error(Storage::MissingFileError) end it "should create a bucket when trying to store a file on a missing bucket" do bucket.as_null_object setup_create_bucket, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files") end it "should set file permission to public" do setup_create_object public: true, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files", public: true) end it "should set file permission to private (default)" do setup_create_object public: false, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files") end it "should set file permission to private" do setup_create_object public: false, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files", public: false) end it "should set file permission to private (access option)" do setup_create_object public: false, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files", access: :private) end it "should set file permission to public (access option)" do setup_create_object public: true, name: "lorem.txt", bucket: "files", access: :public_read) end def setup_create_object(bucket: self.bucket, object: nil, public: false, file_name: "lorem.txt") allow(connection).to receive_message_chain("directories.get").with("files").and_return(bucket) expect(bucket).to receive_message_chain("files.create").with(key: file_name, body: kind_of(File), public: public) end def setup_get_object(bucket: self.bucket, file_name: "lorem.txt", object: nil) expect(connection).to receive_message_chain("directories.get").with("files").and_return(bucket) expect(bucket).to receive_message_chain("files.get").with(file_name).and_return(object) end def setup_create_bucket(bucket: nil) allow(connection).to receive_message_chain("directories.get").with("files").and_return(bucket) expect(connection).to receive_message_chain("directories.create").with(key: "files", public: false).and_return(self.bucket) end def setup_get_bucket(bucket: self.bucket) allow(connection).to receive_message_chain("directories.get").with("files").and_return(bucket) end end end