require 'fileutils' module Guard class Rails class Runner MAX_WAIT_COUNT = 10 attr_reader :options def initialize(options) @options = options @root = options[:root] ? File.expand_path(options[:root]) : Dir.pwd end def start kill_unmanaged_pid! if options[:force_run] run_rails_command! wait_for_pid end def stop return unless has_pid? if (pid = read_pid) sig_sent = kill_process("INT", pid) wait_for_no_pid if sig_sent # If you lost your pid_file, you are already died. kill_process("KILL", pid) end remove_pid_file_and_wait_for_no_pid end def restart stop start end def build_command command = build_cli_command if options[:CLI] command ||= build_zeus_command if options[:zeus] command ||= build_rails_command "sh -c 'cd \"#{@root}\" && #{command} &'" end def environment rails_env = if options[:zeus] nil else options[:environment] end { "RAILS_ENV" => rails_env } end def pid_file @pid_file ||= File.expand_path(options[:pid_file] || File.join(@root, "tmp/pids/#{options[:environment]}.pid")) end def pid has_pid? ? read_pid : nil end def sleep_time options[:timeout].to_f / MAX_WAIT_COUNT.to_f end private # command builders def build_options rails_options = [ options[:daemon] ? '-d' : nil, options[:debugger] ? '-u' : nil, '-e', options[:environment], '--pid', "\"#{pid_file}\"", '-b', options[:host], '-p', options[:port], options[:server], ] rails_options.join(' ') end def build_cli_command "#{options[:CLI]} --pid \"#{pid_file}\"" end def build_zeus_command zeus_options = [ options[:zeus_plan] || 'server', ] "zeus #{zeus_options.join(' ')} #{build_options}" end def build_rails_command "rails server #{build_options}" end def without_bundler_env if defined?(::Bundler) ::Bundler.with_clean_env { yield } else yield end end def run_rails_command! if options[:CLI] || options[:zeus] without_bundler_env { system(environment, build_command) } else system(environment, build_command) end end def has_pid? File.file?(pid_file) end def wait_for_pid_action sleep sleep_time end def kill_unmanaged_pid! if pid = unmanaged_pid kill_process("KILL", pid) remove_pid_file_and_wait_for_no_pid end end def unmanaged_pid file_list = `lsof -n -i TCP:#{options[:port]}` file_list.each_line { |line| if line["*:#{options[:port]} "] return line.split("\s")[1].to_i end } nil end private def wait_for_pid wait_for_pid_loop { has_pid? } end def wait_for_no_pid wait_for_pid_loop { !has_pid? } end def remove_pid_file_and_wait_for_no_pid wait_for_pid_loop do FileUtils.rm pid_file, force: true !has_pid? end end def wait_for_pid_loop count = 0 while !yield && count < MAX_WAIT_COUNT wait_for_pid_action count += 1 end !(count == MAX_WAIT_COUNT) end def kill_process(signal, pid) begin ::Process.kill(signal, pid) true rescue Errno::EPERM "[Guard::Rails::Error] Don't have permission to KILL!" false rescue Errno::EINVAL, ArgumentError, Errno::ESRCH, RangeError false end end def read_pid Integer( rescue ArgumentError nil end end end end