#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # built-in # require 'optparse' require 'logger' # # http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/lockfile/ # require 'lockfile' class Main #--{{{ VERSION = Lockfile::VERSION USAGE = #--{{{ <<-usage NAME rlock v#{ VERSION } SYNOPSIS rlock [options]+ lockfile [program [args]+ | -- program options+ [args]+] DESCRIPTTION rlock creates NFS safe lockfiles. it can optionally run a program while holding the lock, ensuring lockfile removal on program exit. if a program is specified to be run rlock will spawn a background thread to kept the lockfile 'fresh' by touching it at a regular interval. in this way a lease is maintained on the lockfile and other processes attempting to obtain the lock can determine that it is in use. see the '--refresh' option for how to control the touch interval. any other process trying to obtain a lock will automatically remove a stale lockfile; a stale lockfile is one that is older than a certain age. this age be controled via the '--max_age' option. ENVIRONMENT LOCKFILE_DEBUG=1 causes internal actions of the library to be shown on STDERR DIAGNOSTICS rlock attempts to exit with the status of 'program' except where it cannot due to exceptional conditions. in addition the message 'RLOCK SUBCOMMAND FAILURE' will be printed on STDERR if 'program' exits with non-zero status. success => $? == 0 failure => $? != 0 AUTHOR ara.t.howard@gmail.com BUGS 1 < bugno && bugno < 42 OPTIONS usage #--}}} EXAMPLES = #--{{{ <<-examples EXAMPLES 0) simple usage - create lockfile in an atomic fashion (obtain a lock) ~ > rlock lockfile 1) safe usage - create a lockfile, execute a command, and remove lockfile ~ > rlock lockfile ls lockfile 2) same as above, but logging verbose messages ~ > rlock -v4 lockfile ls lockfile 3) same as above, but logging verbose messages and showing actions internal to lockfile library ~ > rlock -v4 -d lockfile ls lockfile 4) same as above ~ > LOCKFILE_DEBUG=1 rlock -v4 lockfile ls lockfile 5) same as above ~ > export LOCKFILE_DEBUG=1 ~ > rlock -v4 lockfile ls lockfile 6) you need to tell the option parser to stop parsing rlock options if you intend to pass options to 'program' ~ > rlock -v4 -d lockfile -- ls -ltar lockfile without the '--' rlock would consume the '-ltar' option as one of it's own. 7) lock lockfile and exec 'program' - remove the lockfile if it is older than 4242 seconds ~ > rlock --max_age=4242 lockfile program 8) lock lockfile and exec 'program' - remove the lockfile if it is older than 4242 seconds, set the refresh rate to be 8 seconds. ~ > rlock --max_age=4242 --refresh=8 lockfile program 9) same as above, but fail if lockfile cannot be obtained within 1 minute ~ > rlock --max_age=4242 --refresh=8 --timeout=60 lockfile program 10) lockfile creation involves making some temporary files. normally these are cleaned up unless rlock is killed with 'kill -9'. these temp files are normally 'sweeped' - searched for and removed - unless the '--dont_sweep' option is given. note that sweeping can remove ONLY old temp files created by the same host since there is otherwise no way to tell if the offending process is still running. lock lockfile and run program - do not do any sweeping ~ > rlock --dont_sweep lockfile program examples #--}}} EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 EXIT_FAILURE = 1 attr :argv attr :op attr :logger attr :config def initialize argv = ARGV #--{{{ @argv = mcp argv parse_opts if @opt_version puts Main::VERSION exit EXIT_SUCCESS end if @opt_help usage exit EXIT_SUCCESS end parse_argv run #--}}} end def run #--{{{ init_logging debug{ "lockpath <#{ @lockpath }>" } opts = {} options = %w(retries max_age sleep_inc min_sleep max_sleep suspend timeout refresh poll_retries poll_max_sleep) options.each do |opt| #if((val = eval("opt_#{ opt }"))) if(send("opt_#{ opt }?")) val = send "opt_#{ opt }" begin val = (opts[opt] = String === val ? Integer(val) : val) logger.debug{ "<#{ opt }> <#{ val.inspect }>" } rescue logger.fatal{ "illegal value <#{ val.inspect }> for opt <#{ opt }>" } exit EXIT_FAILURE end end end opts['debug'] = true if opt_debug begin case @argv.size when 0 opts['dont_clean'] = true logger.debug{ "opts <#{ opts.inspect }>" } logger.debug{ "aquiring lock <#{ @lockpath }>..." } # # simple usage - just create the lockfile with opts # lockfile = ::Lockfile.new @lockpath, opts lockfile.lock logger.debug{ "aquired lock <#{ @lockpath }>" } else logger.debug{ "opts <#{ opts.inspect }>" } logger.debug{ "aquiring lock <#{ @lockpath }>..." } # # block usage - create the lockfile with opts, run block, rm lockfile # status = 1 lockfile = ::Lockfile.new @lockpath, opts lockfile.lock do logger.debug{ "aquired lock <#{ @lockpath }>" } logger.debug{ "cmd <#{ @argv.join ' ' }>" } v = nil begin v = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil STDOUT.flush STDERR.flush fork{ exec(*@argv) } pid, status = Process::wait2 ensure $VERBOSE = v end logger.debug{ "status <#{ $? }>" } end status = status.exitstatus STDERR.puts "RLOCK SUBCOMMAND FAILURE" unless status == 0 exit status end rescue => e logger.fatal{ e } exit EXIT_FAILURE end exit EXIT_SUCCESS #--}}} end def parse_opts #--{{{ @op = OptionParser::new @op.banner = '' define_options @op.parse! argv #--}}} end def parse_argv #--{{{ usage and exit EXIT_FAILURE if @argv.empty? @lockpath = @argv.shift #--}}} end def define_options #--{{{ options = [ ['--retries=n','-r', "default(#{ Lockfile.retries.inspect }) - (nil => forever)"], ['--max_age=n','-a', "default(#{ Lockfile.max_age.inspect })"], ['--sleep_inc=n','-s', "default(#{ Lockfile.sleep_inc.inspect })"], ['--max_sleep=n','-p', "default(#{ Lockfile.max_sleep.inspect })"], ['--min_sleep=n','-P', "default(#{ Lockfile.min_sleep.inspect })"], ['--suspend=n','-u', "default(#{ Lockfile.suspend.inspect })"], ['--timeout=n','-t', "default(#{ Lockfile.timeout.inspect }) - (nil => never)"], ['--refresh=n','-f', "default(#{ Lockfile.refresh.inspect })"], ['--debug','-d', "default(#{ Lockfile.debug.inspect })"], ['--poll_retries=n','-R', "default(#{ Lockfile.poll_retries.inspect })"], ['--poll_max_sleep=n','-S', "default(#{ Lockfile.poll_max_sleep.inspect })"], ['--dont_sweep','-w', "default(#{ Lockfile.dont_sweep.inspect })"], ['--version'], ['--verbosity=0-4|debug|info|warn|error|fatal','-v'], ['--log=path','-l'], ['--log_age=log_age'], ['--log_size=log_size'], ['--help','-h'], ] options.each do |option| opt = option.first.gsub(%r/(?:--)|(?:=.*$)/o,'').strip get, set = opt_attr opt value4 = lambda do |v| case v when NilClass, %r/^t|true$/i true when %r/^f|false$/i false when %r/^nil|nul|null$/i nil else v end end @op.def_option(*option) do |v| send set, value4[v] end end #--}}} end %w(debug info warn error fatal).each do |m| eval "def #{ m }(*args,&block);@logger.#{ m }(*args,&block);end" end def init_logging #--{{{ if @opt_log_age @opt_log_age = @opt_log_age.to_i if @opt_log_age =~ /\d/ end if @opt_log_size @opt_log_size = @opt_log_size.to_i if @opt_log_size =~ /\d/ end $logger = @logger = Logger::new(@opt_log || STDERR, @opt_log_age, @opt_log_size) level = nil @opt_verbosity ||= 'info' @opt_verbosity = case @opt_verbosity when /^\s*(?:4|d|debug)\s*$/io level = 'Logging::DEBUG' 4 when /^\s*(?:3|i|info)\s*$/io level = 'Logging::INFO' 3 when /^\s*(?:2|w|warn)\s*$/io level = 'Logging::WARN' 2 when /^\s*(?:1|e|error)\s*$/io level = 'Logging::ERROR' 1 when /^\s*(?:0|f|fatal)\s*$/io level = 'Logging::FATAL' 0 else abort "illegal verbosity setting <#{ @opt_verbosity }>" end @logger.level = 2 - ((@opt_verbosity % 5) - 2) #--}}} end def usage io = STDOUT #--{{{ io << USAGE io << "\n" io << @op io << "\n" io << EXAMPLES if defined? EXAMPLES self #--}}} end def opt_attr opt #--{{{ query = "opt_#{ opt }?" get = "opt_#{ opt }" set = "#{ get }=" code = <<-code class << self def #{ query }; defined? @#{ get }; end def #{ get }; defined?(@#{ get }) ? @#{ get } : nil; end def #{ set } value; @#{ get } = value; end end code instance_eval code [get, set] #--}}} end def mcp obj #--{{{ Marshal::load(Marshal::dump(obj)) #--}}} end #--}}} end Main::new