(function($){ $.extend({ tablesorterMultiPageFilter : new function(){ function replaceRows(table){ // clear the table body $.tablesorter.clearTableBody(table); var tableBody = $(table.tBodies[0]); for(var i = 0; i < table.config.collection.length; i++) { var o = table.config.collection[i]; var l = o.length; for(var j=0; j < l; j++) { tableBody[0].appendChild(o[j]); } } $(table).trigger("applyWidgets"); } function renderTable(table){ var newString = table.config.filterSelector[0].value; if(newString.length > 1){ if(table.config.container){ table.config.container.hide(); } var toShow = []; newString = $.trim(newString); var words = newString.toLowerCase().split(" "); // no change, don't do anything if (newString === table.config.string) return false; // press was just a string if (newString[-1] === " ") { table.config.string = newString; return false; } // most of the string is old if (newString.indexOf(table.config.string) > -1){ // don't change the search array but we only need the last word words = [words.pop()]; } else { // we need to search all rows table.config.collection = table.config.rowsCopy.slice(0); }; // split out words len = table.config.collection.length; var counter = 0; for(var j = 0; j < len; j++ ){ var text = table.config.collection[j].text().toLowerCase(); for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++) { if (text.indexOf(words[i]) > -1) { toShow.push(table.config.collection[j]); } } counter++; }; table.config.collection = toShow.slice(0); replaceRows(table); table.config.string = newString; } else { table.config.string = ""; table.config.collection = table.config.rowsCopy.slice(0); if(table.config.container){ table.config.container.show(); } else { replaceRows(table); } } } this.defaults = { filterSelector: $("#filter") } this.init = function(settings) { return this.each(function(){ config = $.extend(this.config, $.tablesorterMultiPageFilter.defaults, settings); var table = this, filter = config.filterSelector ; // save old appenders and define a new one that grabs the row cache and saves it if(!table.config.rowsCopy){ var oldAppend = config.appender || function (table, rows) {}; this.config.appender = function(table, rows){ table.config.rowsCopy = rows; oldAppend(table, rows); } $(this).trigger("appendCache"); } table.config.string = ""; table.config.collection = []; table.config.collection = table.config.rowsCopy.slice(0) function filterMe(){ renderTable(table); return false; } $(filter).keyup(filterMe); $(filter).submit(filterMe); }); } } }); $.fn.extend({ tablesorterMultiPageFilter: $.tablesorterMultiPageFilter.init }); }(jQuery))