require_relative 'console' require_relative 'migration' require_relative 'services' require_relative 'suite' require_relative 'suites' require_relative 'new' require_relative '../../version' require_relative 'execute' module Inferno module CLI class Main < Thor desc 'console', 'Start an interactive console session with Inferno' def console end desc 'migrate', 'Run database migrations' def migrate end desc 'start', 'Start Inferno' option :watch, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: 'Automatically restart Inferno when a file is changed.' def start without_bundler do command = 'foreman start --env=/dev/null' if `gem list -i foreman`.chomp == 'false' puts "You must install foreman with 'gem install foreman' prior to running Inferno." end if options[:watch] if `gem list -i rerun`.chomp == 'false' puts "You must install 'rerun' with 'gem install rerun' to restart on file changes." end command = "rerun \"#{command}\" --background" end exec command end end desc 'suites', 'List available test suites' def suites end desc 'services stop/start', 'Start or stop background services' subcommand 'services', Services desc 'suite SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS', 'Perform suite-based operations' subcommand 'suite', Suite register(New, 'new', 'new TEST_KIT_NAME', 'Run `inferno new --help` for full help') desc 'version', "Output Inferno core version (#{Inferno::VERSION})" def version puts "Inferno Core v#{Inferno::VERSION}" end EXECUTE_HELP = <<~END_OF_HELP.freeze Run Inferno tests in the command line. Exits with 0 only if test entity passes. Must be run with test kit as working directory. You must have background services running: `bundle exec inferno services start` You can view suite ids with: `bundle exec inferno suites` You can select an output format with the `--outputter` option. Current outputters are console (default), plain, quiet, and json. JSON-formatted output will copy Inferno's REST API: Examples: (These examples only work from within the inferno_core directory). `bundle exec inferno execute --suite dev_validator \ --inputs "url:" \ patient_id:1234321` => Outputs test results `bundle exec inferno execute --suite dev_validator \ --inputs "url:" \ patient_id:1234321 \ --tests 1.01 1.02` => Run specific tests from suite `bundle exec inferno execute --suite dev_validator \ --inputs "url:" \ patient_id:1234321 \ --outputter json` => Outputs test results in JSON END_OF_HELP desc 'execute', 'Run Inferno tests in command line' long_desc EXECUTE_HELP, wrap: false option :suite, aliases: ['-s'], type: :string, desc: 'Test suite id to run or to select groups and tests from', banner: 'id' option :suite_options, aliases: ['-u'], type: :hash, desc: 'Suite options' option :groups, aliases: ['-g'], type: :array, desc: 'Series of test group short ids (AKA sequence number) to run, requires suite' option :tests, aliases: ['-t'], type: :array, desc: 'Series of test short ids (AKA sequence number) to run, requires suite' option :short_ids, aliases: ['-r'], type: :array, desc: 'Series of test or group short ids (AKA sequence number) to run, requires suite' option :inputs, aliases: ['-i'], type: :hash, desc: 'Inputs (i.e: --inputs=foo:bar goo:baz)' option :outputter, aliases: ['-o'], default: 'console', desc: 'Select an outputter format: console | plain | json | quiet' option :verbose, aliases: ['-v'], type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Output additional information for debugging' option :help, aliases: ['-h'], type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Display this message' def execute Execute.boot_full_inferno end # - Make Thor exit(1) on Errors/Exceptions def self.exit_on_failure? true end private # - still affects Ruby 3.1 upto Rubocop 1.63 def without_bundler(&) if defined?(Bundler) && ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] Bundler.with_unbundled_env(&) else yield end end end end end