# Example Configurations for Munin Node # Originally for Ubuntu 10.04, package # name may be different for your dist munin-node: pkg: - installed service: - running - watch: - file: core-munin-conf - pkg: munin-node-dependancies # Dependancies for Several Custom Munin Plugins munin-node-dependancies: pkg: - installed - names: - libwww-perl # Configuration Files & Scripts munin-node-conf: file: - recurse - source: salt://munin/files/node - name: /etc/munin - exclude_pat: '.*swp' # Check Permissions of Plugins to Ensure They Are Executible chmod -R 755 /etc/munin/plugins/: cmd: - run - unless: bash /etc/munin/checkPermissions.sh - require: - file: core-munin-conf