require 'spec_helper' describe Medivo::Order do it "requires fields to be present" do order ={:email=>"dude"}) order.valid? order.errors.messages.keys.should_not include :email order.errors.messages.keys.should include :address, :zip, :dob, :home_phone, :psc, :test_types, :gender, :account_number end it "requires proper gender" do order ={:gender=>"dude"}) order.valid? order.errors.messages[:gender].should include "gender field must be Male or Female" end it "requires proper dob" do order ={:dob=>"20110103"}) order.valid? order.errors.messages[:dob].should == nil order.dob = "201101" order.valid? order.errors.messages[:dob].should include "invalid dob. needs to be in '%Y%m%d' format" end it "test_types should be an string of test id's delimited by comma" do order ={:test_types=>[1, 2]}) order.valid? order.errors.messages[:test_types].should be_present end it "sets default fields" do order = order.draw_location.should == 'PSC' order.take_tests_same_day.should == true end it "has requisition_id field alias to requisition_number" do @order =>30) @order.requisition_id.should == @order.requisition_number end it "save with incorrect test ids returning 404 sets an error message instead of throwing exception" do stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:body => 'Test type not found: 2020', :status => 404) order = :first_name=>'dan', :last_name=>'dude', :email => "", :address=> "my house", :city=> "dudeville", :state=> "CA", :zip=> "90210", :dob=> "19801201", :home_phone=> "4155551212", :psc=> 11, :test_types=> "2020", :account_number => "423", :gender => "Male", :dob => "19801201") == false order.valid?.should == false order.errors.messages.keys.should include :base order.errors.messages[:base].should == ["Test type not found: 2020"] # fixing the problem .. it now saves and is valid stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:status => 200) == true order.valid?.should == true end it "save failure returning status code 422 sets an error message instead of throwing exception" do stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:body => 'Invalid PSC location', :status => 422) order = :first_name=>'dan', :last_name=>'dude', :email => "", :address=> "my house", :city=> "dudeville", :state=> "CA", :zip=> "90210", :dob=> "19801201", :home_phone=> "4155551212", :psc=> 11, # let's pretend this is invalid psc :test_types=> "2020", :account_number => "423", :gender => "Male", :dob => "19801201") == false order.valid?.should == false order.errors.messages.keys.should include :base order.errors.messages[:base].should == ["Invalid PSC location"] # fixing the problem .. it now saves and is valid stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:status => 200) == true order.valid?.should == true end it "creates valid order" do order = :first_name=>'dan', :last_name=>'dude', :email => "", :address=> "my house", :city=> "dudeville", :state=> "CA", :zip=> "90210", :dob=> "19801201", :home_phone=> "4155551212", :psc=> 11, # lab_id :test_types=> "2020", # test_id's :account_number => "423", :gender => "Male", :dob => "19801201") order.valid?.should == true stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:body => order.to_xml, :status => 200) == true end describe "finding order" do before do @order =>30) stub_request(:get, "{@order.requisition_number}.xml"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => @order.to_xml, :headers => {}) end it "finds medivo order" do Medivo::Order.find(@order.requisition_number).should == @order end it "#get_order finds medivo order" do Medivo::Order.get_order(@order.requisition_number).should == @order end end describe "getting requisitions with" do before(:each) do @requisition_id = 170420 order => @requisition_id) stub_order_requisition(@requisition_id, medivo_xml_fixture_path("lc_order_with_requisition.xml")) end let(:order) { Medivo::Order.find_with_requisition(@requisition_id) } it "#find_with_requisition finds the order including the requisition info" do order.should_not be_nil order.sameday_requisition.should_not be_nil end it "#pdf_requisition returns requisition as pdf" do pdf = order.pdf_requisition text = pdf_stream_to_text(pdf) text.should match /This order expires 2012-02-12/ text.should match /Account #:111111111 Req\/Control #:170420/ text.should match /Draw Location LABCORP, BEVERLY HILLS, 465 N ROXBURY DR STE 715 BEVERLY HILLS, CA/ end it "class method #pdf_requisition returns pdf requisition" do pdf = Medivo::Order.pdf_requisition(@requisition_id) text = pdf_stream_to_text(pdf) text.should match /This order expires 2012-02-12/ text.should match /Account #:111111111 Req\/Control #:170420/ text.should match /Draw Location LABCORP, BEVERLY HILLS, 465 N ROXBURY DR STE 715 BEVERLY HILLS, CA/ end end describe "getting results with" do before(:each) do @requisition_id = 170853 order =>@requisition_id) stub_order_result(@requisition_id, medivo_xml_fixture_path("lc_order_with_positive_results.xml")) end let(:order) { Medivo::Order.find_with_results(@requisition_id) } it "#find_with_results finds the order including results info" do order.should_not be_nil end it "#results returns results info like test names" do order.results.should_not be_nil order.results.collect(&:result_lab_name).should == ["HEPATITIS C ANTIBODY", "SIGNAL TO CUT-OFF", "HCV RNA, QUANTITATIVE REAL TIME PCR", "HCV RNA, QUANTITATIVE REAL TIME PCR", nil] end it "#results_summary returns has reconcilled results" do order.results_summary.should_not be_nil end it "#pdf_result returns has results as pdf" do pdf = order.pdf_result text = pdf_stream_to_text(pdf) text.should match /COLLECTED:2011-09-06 RECEIVED:2011-09-06 REPORTED:2011-09-06/ end it "class method #pdf_result returns has results as pdf" do pdf = Medivo::Order.pdf_result(@requisition_id) text = pdf_stream_to_text(pdf) text.should match /COLLECTED:2011-09-06 RECEIVED:2011-09-06 REPORTED:2011-09-06/ end end end describe Medivo::InsuranceOrder do it "requires primary insurance" do order = order.valid? order.errors.messages[:primary_insurance].should include "primary_insurance field must be present" end it "shows missing fields from primary insurance" do order = => order.valid? order.errors.messages[:"primary_insurance.company_name"].should include "can't be blank" order.errors.messages[:"primary_insurance.relationship"].should include "can't be blank" end end describe "creating orders" do it "UHC Commercial insurance order" do insurance_info = :relationship=>1, :company_name=>"Dude Insurance", :policy_number=>"1234", :group_number =>"555" ) order = :primary_insurance => insurance_info, :diagnosis_code => [{:icd=>9, :code=>'250.00'}], :first_name=>'dan', :last_name=>'dude', :email => "", :address=> "my house", :city=> "dudeville", :state=> "CA", :zip=> "90210", :dob=> "19801201", :home_phone=> "4155551212", :psc=> 1752, # lab_id :test_types=>"001453,120295", # test_id's :account_number => "05021390", :gender => "Male", :dob => "19801201" ) mock.proxy(order).to_xml({}) do |value| value.strip_space.should =="#{ENGINE_PATH}/spec/fixtures/xml/valid_uhc_order.xml").strip_space value end stub_request(:post, "").to_return(:status=> 200) order.errors.messages.should be_empty end end