# encoding: utf-8
require_relative '../../api'
module Github
# Since blobs can be any arbitrary binary data, the input and responses for
# the blob api takes an encoding parameter that can be either utf-8 or base64.
# If your data cannot be losslessly sent as a UTF-8 string, you can base64 encode it.
class Client::GitData::Blobs < API
VALID_BLOB_PARAM_NAMES = %w[ content encoding ].freeze
# Get a blob
# @example
# github = Github.new
# github.git_data.blobs.get 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'sha'
# @api public
def get(*args)
arguments(args, required: [:user, :repo, :sha])
get_request("/repos/#{arguments.user}/#{arguments.repo}/git/blobs/#{arguments.sha}", arguments.params)
alias :find :get
# Create a blob
# @param [Hash] params
# @input params [String] :content
# String of content.
# @input params [String] :encoding
# String containing encodingutf-8 or base64
# @examples
# github = Github.new
# github.git_data.blobs.create 'user-name', 'repo-name',
# content: "Content of the blob",
# encoding: "utf-8"
# @api public
def create(*args)
arguments(args, required: [:user, :repo]) do
assert_required VALID_BLOB_PARAM_NAMES
post_request("/repos/#{arguments.user}/#{arguments.repo}/git/blobs", arguments.params)
end # GitData::Blobs
end # Github