namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :tables => :environment do all_tables = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables if tables_string = ENV['TABLES'] @tables = tables_string.split(',') else # We skip update/event tables since these contain a lot of non-critical data. @tables = all_tables.grep_v(/.*?(_update|_event|_notification)/) end puts "Dumping Tables: #{@tables.join(', ')}" puts "Skipping Tables: #{(all_tables - @tables).join(', ')}" end desc 'Create YAML fixtures from data in an existing database.' task :dump => :tables do sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" root = ENV.fetch('FIXTURES_PATH') {ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.fixtures_path} FileUtils.mkpath root @tables.each do |table_name| fixture_path = "#{root}/#{table_name}.yml" puts "Dumping #{table_name} to #{fixture_path}..." i = "000", 'w') do |file| data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql % table_name) file.write data.inject({}) { |hash, record| hash["#{table_name}_#{i.succ!}"] = record hash }.to_yaml end end end end end