=begin Copyright 2010, Roger Pack This file is part of Sensible Cinema. Sensible Cinema is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sensible Cinema is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sensible Cinema. If not, see . =end require 'ostruct' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/common') Dir.chdir '..' # need to run in the main folder, common moves us to spec... load 'bin/sensible-cinema' #require_relative 'lib/edl_parser' # to avoid having require_relative collide with autoload module SensibleSwing describe MainWindow do it "should be able to start up" do MainWindow.new.dispose# doesn't crash :) end it "should have working is_dvd method for mac" Test_DVD_ID = 'deadbeef|8b27d001' it "should die if you file select a poorly formed edl" do time_through = 0 EdlParser.stub!(:single_edit_list_matches_dvd) { |dir, md5| 'fake filename doesnt matter what we return here because we fake its parsing later anyway' } @subject.stub!(:parse_edl) { time_through += 1 eval("a-----") # force it to throw a Syntax Error first time } proc { @subject.choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it}.should raise_exception(SyntaxError) @show_blocking_message_dialog_last_arg.should be nil time_through.should == 1 end def with_clean_edl_dir_as this FileUtils.rm_rf 'temp' Dir.mkdir 'temp' old_edl = EdlParser::EDL_DIR.dup EdlParser::EDL_DIR.sub!(/.*/, 'temp') begin yield ensure EdlParser::EDL_DIR.sub!(/.*/, old_edl) end end it "should not modify path to have mplayer available" do ENV['PATH'].should_not include("mplayer") end before do File.write('selected_file', '"name" => "a dvd name to satisfy internal assertion", "dvd_title_track" => "2", "mutes" => ["06:10", "06:15"]') end before do @subject = MainWindow.new false # false to speedup tests # want lots of buttons :) @subject.setup_advanced_buttons @subject.setup_normal_buttons @subject.add_options_that_use_local_files FileUtils.touch "selected_file.fulli_unedited.tmp.mpg.done" # a few of them need this... FileUtils.touch 'selected_file.avi' @subject.stub!(:choose_dvd_drive_or_file) { ["mock_dvd_drive", "Volume", Test_DVD_ID] # happiest baby on the block } @subject.stub!(:get_mencoder_commands) { |*args| args[-5].should == 'selected_file' @get_mencoder_commands_args = args 'fake get_mencoder_commands' } @subject.stub!(:new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file) { 'selected_file' } @subject.stub!(:new_nonexisting_filechooser_and_go) { 'selected_file' # TODO do we need FakefileChooser anymore? } @subject.stub!(:get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash) { "e:\\" } @subject.stub!(:show_blocking_message_dialog) { |*args| @show_blocking_message_dialog_last_arg = args[0] } @subject.stub!(:get_user_input) {'01:00'} @subject.stub!(:system_blocking) { |*command| @system_blocking_command = command[0] } @subject.stub!(:system_non_blocking) { |command| @system_non_blocking_command = command Thread.new {} # fake out the return... } @subject.stub!(:open_file_to_edit_it) {} PlayAudio.stub!(:play) { # don't play anything, by default :) } @subject.stub!(:show_in_explorer) {|filename|} unless $VERBOSE # less chatty... @subject.stub!(:print) {} @subject.stub!(:p) {} @subject.stub!(:puts) {} EdlParser.stub!(:p) {} end @subject.stub(:show_non_blocking_message_dialog) { # don't display the popup message... fake_window = OpenStruct.new fake_window.dispose = :ok fake_window } end before do EdlParser::EDL_DIR.gsub!(/^.*$/, 'spec/files/edls') end after do # too dangerous...if it ever joins on a swing thread lights out! #Thread.join_all_others FileUtils.rm_rf EdlParser::EDL_DIR Dir.mkdir EdlParser::EDL_DIR end class FakeFileChooser def set_title x; end def set_file y; end def set_current_directory x; end def get_current_directory ; 'a great dir!'; end def go 'selected_file' end end # name like :@rerun_previous def click_button(name) button = @subject.instance_variable_get(name) raise 'button not found: ' + name.to_s unless button button.simulate_click end it "should be able to run system" do @subject.system_non_blocking "ls" end it "should have a good default title of 1" do @subject.get_title_track({}).should == "1" descriptors = {"dvd_title_track" => "3"} @subject.get_title_track(descriptors).should == "3" end def assert_played_mplayer # used? Thread.join_all_others if OS.doze? @system_blocking_command.should =~ /smplayer/ else @system_blocking_command.should =~ /mplayer/ end end def run_preview_section_button_successfully click_button(:@preview_section) join_background_thread @get_mencoder_commands_args[-2].should == "2" @get_mencoder_commands_args[-3].should == "01:00" assert_played_mplayer end it "should prompt for start and end times" do run_preview_section_button_successfully end temp_dir = Dir.tmpdir def join_background_thread @subject.background_thread.join # force it to have been started at least Thread.join_all_others # just in case... end it "should warn if you give it an mkv file, just in case" do @subject.stub!(:run_smplayer_blocking) {} # avoid check for file existence @subject.unstub!(:get_mencoder_commands) # this time through, let it really check for existence of edits... @subject.stub!(:get_user_input).and_return('06:00', '07:00') click_button(:@preview_section) @show_blocking_message_dialog_last_arg.should =~ /is not a/ join_background_thread end it "should not warn if a ts file, and has appropriate entries within timeframe" do @subject.stub!(:get_user_input).and_return('06:00', '07:00') @subject.stub!(:new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file).and_return('selected_file', 'selected_file.mpg') click_button(:@preview_section) @show_blocking_message_dialog_last_arg.should =~ /preview just a portion/ join_background_thread # weird...rspec you should do my after blocks before you'n... LODO end it "should create a new file based on stats of current disc" do out = EdlParser::EDL_DIR + "/edls_being_edited/sweetest_disc_ever.txt" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(out) File.exist?( out ).should be_false @subject.stub!(:get_user_input) {'sweetest disc ever'} @subject.instance_variable_get(:@create_new_edl_for_current_dvd).simulate_click begin File.exist?( out ).should be_true content = File.read(out) content.should_not include("\"title\"") content.should include("disk_unique_id") content.should include("dvd_title_track") content.should include("mplayer_dvd_splits") ensure FileUtils.rm_rf out end end it "should display unique disc in an input box" do click_button(:@display_dvd_info).should =~ /deadbeef/ end it "should create an edl and pass it through to mplayer" do smplayer_opts = nil @subject.stub(:set_smplayer_opts) { |to_this, show_subs| smplayer_opts = to_this } click_button(:@mplayer_edl).join smplayer_opts.should match(/-edl /) @system_blocking_command.should match(/mock_dvd_drive/) # @system_blocking_command.should_not =~ /dvdnav/ # file based, so no dvdvnav @system_blocking_command.should_not =~ /-nocache/ # file based, so no -nocache end it "should handle dvd drive -> dvdnav" do for drive in ['d:', 'e:', 'f:', 'g:'] if File.exist?(drive + '/VIDEO_TS') @subject.run_smplayer_blocking drive, nil, '', true, true, true @system_blocking_command.should =~ /dvdnav/ @system_blocking_command.should =~ /-dvd-device/ end end end it 'should handle a/b/VIDEO_TS/yo.vob' do FileUtils.mkdir_p f = 'a/b/VIDEO_TS/yo.vob' @subject.run_smplayer_blocking f, 3, '', true, false, true @system_blocking_command.should =~ /dvdnav:\/\/3/ @system_blocking_command.should =~ /VIDEO_TS\/\.\./ @system_blocking_command.should =~ / -alang/ # preceding space :) # exercise the yes subtitle options... @subject.run_smplayer_blocking f, 3, '', true, true, true @system_blocking_command.should_not =~ /-nosub/ end it "should play edl with extra time for the mutes because of the EDL aspect" do click_button(:@mplayer_edl).join wrote = File.read(MainWindow::EdlTempFile) wrote.should include("369.0 375.0 1") # right numbers, except first -= 1 end def should_allow_for_changing_file corrupt_the_file = false with_clean_edl_dir_as 'temp' do File.binwrite('temp/a.txt', "\"disk_unique_id\" => \"abcdef1234\"") @subject.stub!(:choose_dvd_drive_or_file) { FileUtils.touch 'mock_dvd_drive' ["mock_dvd_drive", "Volume", "abcdef1234"] } @subject.choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it[4]['mutes'].should == [] new_file_contents = '"disk_unique_id" => "abcdef1234","mutes"=>["0:33", "0:34"]' new_file_contents = '"a syntax error' if corrupt_the_file File.binwrite('temp/a.txt', new_file_contents) # file has been modified! @subject.choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it[4]['mutes'].should_not == [] end end it "should allow for file to change contents while editing it" do should_allow_for_changing_file end it "should prompt you if you re-choose, and your file now has a failure in it" do @subject.stub(:show_blocking_message_dialog) { @got_here = true @subject.stub(:parse_edl) { 'pass the second time through' } } should_allow_for_changing_file true @got_here.should == true end describe 'with unstubbed choose_dvd_drive_or_file' do before do DriveInfo.stub!(:get_dvd_drives_as_openstruct) { a = OpenStruct.new a.VolumeName = 'a dvd name' a.Name = 'a path location' [a] } @subject.unstub!(:choose_dvd_drive_or_file) end def yo select_a_dvd count = 0 DriveInfo.stub!(:md5sum_disk) { count += 1 Test_DVD_ID } if !select_a_dvd DriveInfo.stub!(:get_dvd_drives_as_openstruct) { [] } # no DVD disks inserted... end @subject.stub(:get_disk_chooser_window) {|names| a = OpenStruct.new def a.setSize x,y; end a.stub(:selected_idx) { 0 } # first entry is either DVD name *or* file, and is apparently "0" weird weird weird # ruby bug [?] always return nil # def a.selected_idx; p 'returning', select_this_idx; select_this_idx; end a } @subject.stub(:new_nonexisting_filechooser_and_go) {|a, b| 'selected_filename' } @subject.stub(:new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file) { 'selected_edl' } FileUtils.touch 'selected_edl' # blank file is ok :P @subject.choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it @subject.choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it count end it "should only prompt for disk selection once" do yo( true ).should == 1 # choose the 'a dvd name' DVD end it "should only prompt for file selection once" do prompted = false @subject.stub(:assert_ownership_dialog) { prompted = true } yo( false ).should == 0 # choose a file, so never dvdid any dvd... assert prompted end it "should prompt you if you need to insert a dvd" do DriveInfo.stub!(:get_dvd_drives_as_openstruct) { a = OpenStruct.new #a.VolumeName = 'a dvd name' # we "don't have a disk in" for this test... a.Name = 'a path location' [a] } proc {@subject.choose_dvd_drive_or_file true}.should raise_error(/no dvd found/) @show_blocking_message_dialog_last_arg.should_not be nil end end it "should show additional buttons in create mode" do MainWindow.new(false).setup_default_buttons.buttons.length.should be > 3 MainWindow.new(false).setup_default_buttons.buttons.length.should be < 10 old_length = MainWindow.new(false).setup_default_buttons.buttons.length ARGV << "--create-mode" MainWindow.new(false).setup_default_buttons.buttons.length.should be > (old_length + 5) ARGV.pop # post-test cleanup--why not :) end it "should show upconvert buttons" do ARGV << "--upconvert-mode" MainWindow.new(false).setup_default_buttons.buttons.length.should be > 3 ARGV.pop end it "should be able to parse an srt for ya" do @subject.stub!(:new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file) { 'spec/dragon.srt' } file = SensibleSwing::MainWindow::EdlTempFile FileUtils.rm_rf file click_button(:@parse_srt) assert File.read(file).contain? "deitys" end it "should have a created play unedited smplayer button" do click_button(:@play_smplayer) end it "should create an sxs file" do FileUtils.rm_rf 'yo.edl' # nothing up my sleeve. prompted = false @subject.stub(:assert_ownership_dialog) { prompted = true } @subject.stub(:new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file).and_return("yo.mpg", "selected_file") click_button(:@create_dot_edl) assert File.exist? 'yo.edl' assert prompted end it "should be able to upconvert at all" do MainWindow.any_instance.stub(:display_current_upconvert_setting_and_close_window) {} # TRY it out @subject = MainWindow.new(false) MainWindow::LocalStorage['screen_multiples'] = 2.0 # default so it won't fail us... @subject.add_change_upconvert_buttons @subject.stub(:show_mplayer_instructions_once) {} click_button(:@medium_dvd) storage = MainWindow::LocalStorage key = MainWindow::UpConvertKey storage[key].should =~ /hqdn3d/ click_button(:@none) storage[key].should be_nil click_button(:@medium_dvd) # now it should use them on mplayer got = nil @subject.stub(:system_blocking) { |c| got = c } @subject.run_smplayer_blocking 'selected_file.avi', nil, "", true, true, false assert got =~ /hqdn3d/ # and on smplayer MainWindow::SMPlayerIniFile.gsub!(/^.*$/, File.expand_path('./smplayer_ini_file')) # don't overwrite the real one... @subject.run_smplayer_blocking 'selected_file.avi', nil, "", false, true, false assert got =~ /mplayer/ assert File.read(MainWindow::SMPlayerIniFile) =~ /hqdn3d/ end it "should be able to play upconverted stuff" do @subject.add_play_upconvert_buttons click_button(:@watch_file_upconvert) assert_played_mplayer click_button(:@watch_dvd_upconvert) assert_played_mplayer end end # describe MainWindow end