require 'set' require 'date' require 'parse-cron' class CronParser SUBELEMENT_REGEX = %r{^(\d+|l|w)((-(\d+)(/(\d+))?)?|#(\d+))$} def parse_element(elem, allowed_range, time_specs_key=nil) values = elem.split(',').map do |subel| if subel =~ /^\*/ step = subel.length > 1 ? subel[2..-1].to_i : 1 stepped_range(allowed_range, step) else if SUBELEMENT_REGEX === subel if $6 # with range stepped_range($1.to_i..$4.to_i, $6.to_i) elsif $4 # range without step stepped_range($1.to_i..$4.to_i, 1) elsif $1 == "l" && time_specs_key == :dom [$1] elsif $1 == "w" && time_specs_key == :dow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] else # just a numeric @dow_offset = $7.to_i if $7 [$1.to_i] end else raise ArgumentError, "Bad Vixie-style specification #{subel}" end end end.flatten values = values.sort if time_specs_key.nil? [, values, elem] end protected def nudge_date(t, dir = :next, can_nudge_month = true) spec = interpolate_weekdays(t.year, t.month)[1] spec = [spec[@dow_offset-1]] if @dow_offset next_value = find_best_next(, spec, dir) = next_value || (dir == :next ? spec.first : spec.last) nudge_month(t, dir) if next_value.nil? && can_nudge_month end def nudge_month(t, dir = :next) spec = time_specs[:month][1] next_value = find_best_next(t.month, spec, dir) t.month = next_value || (dir == :next ? spec.first : spec.last) nudge_year(t, dir) if next_value.nil? # we changed the month, so its likely that the date is incorrect now valid_days = interpolate_weekdays(t.year, t.month)[1] valid_days = [valid_days[@dow_offset-1]] if @dow_offset = dir == :next ? valid_days.first : valid_days.last end def interpolate_weekdays_without_cache(year, month) t =, month, 1) valid_mday, _, mday_field = time_specs[:dom] valid_wday, _, wday_field = time_specs[:dow] # Careful, if both DOW and DOM fields are non-wildcard, # then we only need to match *one* for cron to run the job: if not (mday_field == '*' and wday_field == '*') valid_mday = [] if mday_field == '*' valid_wday = [] if wday_field == '*' end # Careful: crontabs may use either 0 or 7 for Sunday: valid_wday << 0 if valid_wday.include?(7) # Now only handle "L" statement valid_mday << (t.next_month - 1).day if valid_mday.include?("l") result = [] while t.month == month result << t.mday if valid_mday.include?(t.mday) || valid_wday.include?(t.wday) t = t.succ end [, result] end def time_specs @time_specs ||= begin # tokens now contains the 5 fields tokens = substitute_parse_symbols(@source).split(/\s+/) { :minute => parse_element(tokens[0], 0..59), #minute :hour => parse_element(tokens[1], 0..23), #hour :dom => parse_element(tokens[2], 1..31, :dom), #DOM :month => parse_element(tokens[3], 1..12), #mon :dow => parse_element(tokens[4], 0..6, :dow) #DOW } end end end