class Quandl::Format::Dataset::Load SYNTAX = { comment: '#', data: '-', attribute: /^([a-z0-9_]+): (.+)/, } class << self def each_in_file(path, &block) each_line(, "r"), &block ) end def each_line(interface, &block) node = new_node # for each file line interface.each_line do |line| # process line node = process_line(line, node, &block) end process_tail(node, &block) end def file(path) string( ) end def string(input) # prepare to collect all datasets datasets = [] # initialize blank node node = new_node # for each line input.each_line do |line| # process each line when encountering dataset append it to datasets node = process_line( line, node ){|d| datasets << d } end # signify end process_tail(node){|d| datasets << d } # return datasets datasets end def new_node(line=0) { line: line, section: :attributes, data: '', attributes: '', data_line: 0 } end def process_tail(node, &block) # signify end process_line('-', node, &block) process_line('tail: end', node, &block) end def process_line(rline, node, &block) # increment node line node[:line] += 1 # strip whitespace line = rline.strip.rstrip # skip comments and blank lines return node if line[0] == SYNTAX[:comment] || line.blank? # looking at an attribute? if line =~ SYNTAX[:attribute] # exiting data section? if node[:section] == :data # we've reached the end of a node # send it to the server process_node(node, &block) # start a new node while retaining current line line node = new_node( node[:line] ) end # update the node's section node[:section] = :attributes # entering the data section? elsif line[0] == SYNTAX[:data] # update the node node[:data_line] = node[:line] + 1 node[:section] = :data # skip to the next line return node end # append the line to the requested section node[ node[:section] ] += ( node[:section] == :data ) ? "#{line}\n" : rline # return the updated node node end def process_node(node, &block) node = parse_node(node) # fail on errored node return false if node == false # convert node to dataset dataset = convert_node_to_dataset(node) # do whatever we need to do with the node dataset ) unless dataset.nil? # success true end def parse_node(node) # parse attrs as yaml node[:attributes] = parse_yaml_attributes(node) # we cant continue unless attributes are present return false if node[:attributes].blank? # parse data as csv node[:data] = Quandl::Data::Format.csv_to_array(node[:data]) node end protected def parse_yaml_attributes(node) attrs = {} YAML.load( node[:attributes] ).symbolize_keys!.each do |key, value| attrs[key.to_s.downcase.to_sym] = value end attrs rescue Exception => err log_yaml_parse_error(node, err) nil end def convert_node_to_dataset(node) dataset = node[:attributes] ) = node[:data] dataset rescue Exception => err log_dataset_error(node, err) nil end def log_yaml_parse_error(node, err) message = "" message += "Attribute parse error at line #{ node[:line] + err.line } column #{err.column}. #{err.problem} (#{err.class})\n" if node.has_key?(:line) && err.respond_to?(:line) message += "Did you forget to delimit the meta data section from the data section with a one or more dashes ('#{SYNTAX[:data]}')?\n" unless node[:attributes] =~ /^-/ message += "Encountered error while parsing: \n " + node[:attributes].split("\n")[err.line - 1].to_s + "\n" if err.respond_to?(:line) message += "--" Quandl::Logger.error(message) end def log_dataset_error( node, err ) message = '' message += node[:attributes][:source_code] + '/' if node[:attributes][:source_code].present? message += node[:attributes][:code] + ' ' # include specific line if available if err.respond_to?(:line) message += "error at line #{node[:data_line].to_i + err.line.to_i}\n" else message += "error around line #{node[:line]}\n" end # include original error message += "#{$!} (#{err.class})\n" message += "--" Quandl::Logger.error(message) end end end