require './spec/spec_helper' describe Photo do before(:each) do @photo ={ "ResourceUri" => "/listings/20100815153524571646000000/photos/20101124153422574618000000", "Id" => "20101124153422574618000000", "Name" => "Photo 1 name", "Caption" => "caption here", "UriThumb" => "", "Uri300" => "", "Uri640" => "", "Uri800" => "", "Uri1024" => "", "Uri1280" => "", "UriLarge" => "", "Primary" => true }) end it "responds to" do @photo.should respond_to(:primary?) Photo.should respond_to(:find_by_listing_key) end it "knows if it's the primary photo" do @photo.primary?.should be_true @photo.Primary = false @photo.primary?.should be_false end describe "find photos by listing id" do before do stub_auth_request stub_request(:get, "#{FlexmlsApi.endpoint}/#{FlexmlsApi.version}/listings/1234/photos"). with(:query => { :ApiSig => "d060aa12d3ef573aff7298302e0237fa", :AuthToken => "c401736bf3d3f754f07c04e460e09573", :ApiUser => "foobar" }). to_return(:body => fixture('listing_photos_index.json')) end it "should get an array of photos" do p = Photo.find_by_listing_key('1234') p.should be_an(Array) end end after(:each) do @photo = nil end end