module Misc Log2Multiplier = 1.0 / Math.log(2.0) Log10Multiplier = 1.0 / Math.log(10.0) def self.log2(x) Math.log(x) * Log2Multiplier end def self.log10(x) Math.log(x) * Log10Multiplier end def self.max(list) max = nil list.each do |v| next if v.nil? max = v if max.nil? or v > max end max end def self.min(list) min = nil list.each do |v| next if v.nil? min = v if min.nil? or v < min end min end def self.std_num_vector(v, min, max) v_min = Misc.min(v) v_max = Misc.max(v) v_range = v_max - v_min range = max.to_f - min.to_f v.collect{|e| (e.nil? || e.nan?) ? e : min + range * (e.to_f - v_min) / v_range } end def self.sum(list) list.compact.inject(0.0){|acc,e| acc += e } end def self.mean(list) sum(list.compact.collect{|v| v.to_f } ) / list.compact.length end def self.median(array) sorted = array.sort len = sorted.length (sorted[(len - 1) / 2] + sorted[len / 2]).to_f / 2 end def self.variance(list) return nil if list.length < 3 mean = mean(list) list = list.compact list_length = list.length total_square_distance = 0.0 list.each do |value| distance = value.to_f - mean total_square_distance += distance * distance end total_square_distance / (list_length - 1) end def return nil if list.length < 3 variance = self.variance(list) Math.sqrt(variance) end def self.counts(array) counts = {} array.each do |e| counts[e] ||= 0 counts[e] += 1 end counts end def self.proportions(array) total = array.length proportions = 0 array.each do |e| proportions[e] += 1.0 / total end class << proportions; self; end.class_eval do def to_s sort{|a,b| a[1] == b[1] ? a[0] <=> b[0] : a[1] <=> b[1]}.collect{|k,c| "%3d\t%s" % [c, k]} * "\n" end end proportions end def self.zscore(e, list) m = Misc.mean(list) sd = (e.to_f - m) / sd end def self.softmax(array) # Compute the exponentials of the input array elements exp_array = { |x| Math.exp(x) } # Sum of all exponentials sum_exp = exp_array.sum # Compute the softmax values by dividing each exponential by the sum of exponentials softmax_array = { |x| x / sum_exp } return softmax_array end end