module Hydra module Validations # # EnumerableBehavior - a mixin for subclasses of ActiveModel::EachValidator # adding validation for each member of an enumerable attribute value. # # Behavior includes 'fixing' each error message to include the specific value # which was invalid. # # The `allow_empty` option can be used instead of `allow_blank` for greater # clarity and precision with enumerable values. If a validator includes # this mixin, an empty enumerable value will *always* be invalid unless # `allow_empty` is true. # # Note that `allow_nil` and `allow_blank` options apply to the enumerable # value, not to its members. Thus, for example, `allow_blank: true` will # not bypass validation of the value `[""]` even though its member `""` # is blank. # module EnumerableBehavior def validate_each(record, attribute, value) return super unless value.respond_to?(:each) if value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty? record.errors.add(attribute, "can't be empty") unless options[:allow_empty] else value.each do |v| prev = record.errors[attribute].size rescue 0 super(record, attribute, v) messages = record.errors[attribute] if messages && messages.size > prev record.errors.add(attribute, fixed_message(v, messages.pop)) end end end end protected def fixed_message(value, message) "value \"#{value}\" #{message}" end end end end