# dummy type for receiving True or False class Boolean ; end unless defined?(Boolean) # Receiver lets you describe complex (even recursive!) actively-typed data models that # * are creatable or assignable from static data structures # * perform efficient type conversion when assigning from a data structure, # * but with nothing in the way of normal assignment or instantiation # * and no requirements on the initializer # # class Tweet # include Receiver # rcvr_accessor :id, Integer # rcvr_accessor :user_id, Integer # rcvr_accessor :created_at, Time # end # p Tweet.receive(:id => "7", :user_id => 9, :created_at => "20101231010203" ) # # => # # # You can override receive behavior in a straightforward and predictable way: # # class TwitterUser # include Receiver # rcvr_accessor :id, Integer # rcvr_accessor :screen_name, String # rcvr_accessor :follower_ids, Array, :of => Integer # # accumulate unique follower ids # def receive_follower_ids(arr) # @follower_ids = (@follower_ids||[]) + arr.map(&:to_i) # @follower_ids.uniq! # end # end # # The receiver pattern works naturally with inheritance: # # class TweetWithUser < Tweet # rcvr_accessor :user, TwitterUser # after_receive do |hsh| # self.user_id = self.user.id if self.user # end # end # p TweetWithUser.receive(:id => 8675309, :created_at => "20101231010203", :user => { :id => 24601, :screen_name => 'bob', :follower_ids => [1, 8, 3, 4] }) # => #, @user_id=24601> # # TweetWithUser was able to add another receiver, applicable only to itself and its subclasses. # # The receive method works well with sparse data -- you can accumulate # attributes without trampling formerly set values: # # tw = Tweet.receive(:id => "7", :user_id => 9 ) # p tw # # => # # # tw.receive!(:created_at => "20101231010203" ) # p tw # # => # # # Note the distinction between an explicit nil field and a missing field: # # tw.receive!(:user_id => nil, :created_at => "20090506070809" ) # p tw # # => # # # There are helpers for default and required attributes: # # class Foo # include Receiver # rcvr_accessor :is_reqd, String, :required => true # rcvr_accessor :also_reqd, String, :required => true # rcvr_accessor :has_default, String, :default => 'hello' # end # foo_obj = Foo.receive(:is_reqd => "hi") # # => # # foo_obj.missing_attrs # # => [:also_reqd] # module Receiver RECEIVER_BODIES = {} unless defined?(RECEIVER_BODIES) RECEIVER_BODIES[Symbol] = %q{ v.blank? ? nil : v.to_sym } RECEIVER_BODIES[Integer] = %q{ v.blank? ? nil : v.to_i } RECEIVER_BODIES[Float] = %q{ v.blank? ? nil : v.to_f } RECEIVER_BODIES[String] = %q{ v.to_s } RECEIVER_BODIES[Time] = %q{ v.nil? ? nil : Time.parse(v.to_s).utc rescue nil } RECEIVER_BODIES[Date] = %q{ v.nil? ? nil : Date.parse(v.to_s) rescue nil } RECEIVER_BODIES[Array] = %q{ case when v.nil? then nil when v.blank? then [] else Array(v) end } RECEIVER_BODIES[Hash] = %q{ case when v.nil? then nil when v.blank? then {} else v end } RECEIVER_BODIES[Boolean] = %q{ case when v.nil? then nil when v.to_s.strip.blank? then false else v.to_s.strip != "false" end } RECEIVER_BODIES[NilClass] = %q{ raise ArgumentError, "This field must be nil, but {#{v}} was given" unless (v.nil?) ; nil } RECEIVER_BODIES[Object] = %q{ v } # accept and love the object just as it is # # Give each base class a receive method # RECEIVER_BODIES.each do |k,b| if k.is_a?(Class) k.class_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.receive(v) #{b} end STR end end TYPE_ALIASES = { :null => NilClass, :boolean => Boolean, :string => String, :bytes => String, :symbol => Symbol, :int => Integer, :integer => Integer, :long => Integer, :time => Time, :date => Date, :float => Float, :double => Float, :hash => Hash, :map => Hash, :array => Array, } unless defined?(TYPE_ALIASES) # # modify object in place with new typecast values. # def receive! hsh={} raise ArgumentError, "Can't receive (it isn't hashlike): {#{hsh.inspect}}" unless hsh.respond_to?(:[]) && hsh.respond_to?(:has_key?) self.class.receiver_attr_names.each do |attr| if hsh.has_key?(attr.to_sym) then val = hsh[attr.to_sym] elsif hsh.has_key?(attr.to_s) then val = hsh[attr.to_s] else next ; end _receive_attr attr, val end impose_defaults!(hsh) run_after_receivers(hsh) self end # true if the attr is a receiver variable and it has been set def attr_set?(attr) receiver_attrs.has_key?(attr) && self.instance_variable_defined?("@#{attr}") end protected def unset!(attr) self.send(:remove_instance_variable, "@#{attr}") if self.instance_variable_defined?("@#{attr}") end def _receive_attr attr, val self.send("receive_#{attr}", val) end def impose_defaults!(hsh) self.class.receiver_defaults.each do |attr, val| next if attr_set?(attr) self.instance_variable_set "@#{attr}", val end end def run_after_receivers(hsh) self.class.after_receivers.each do |after_receiver| self.instance_exec(hsh, &after_receiver) end end public module ClassMethods # # Returns a new instance with the given hash used to set all rcvrs. # # All args after the first are passed to the initializer. # # @param hsh [Hash] attr-value pairs to set on the newly created object # @param *args [Array] arguments to pass to the constructor # @return [Object] a new instance def receive *args hsh = args.extract_options! raise ArgumentError, "Can't receive (it isn't hashlike): {#{hsh.inspect}} -- the hsh should be the *last* arg" unless hsh.respond_to?(:[]) && hsh.respond_to?(:has_key?) obj = self.new(*args) obj.receive!(hsh) end # # define a receiver attribute. # automatically generates an attr_accessor on the class if none exists # # @option [Boolean] :required - Adds an error on validation if the attribute is never set # @option [Object] :default - After any receive! operation, attribute is set to this value unless attr_set? is true # @option [Class] :of - For collections (Array, Hash, etc), the type of the collection's items # def rcvr name, type, info={} name = name.to_sym type = type_to_klass(type) class_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def receive_#{name}(v) v = (#{receiver_body_for(type, info)}) ; self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", v) end STR # careful here: don't modify parent's class_attribute in-place self.receiver_attrs = self.receiver_attrs.dup self.receiver_attr_names += [name] unless receiver_attr_names.include?(name) self.receiver_attrs[name] = info.merge({ :name => name, :type => type }) end # make a block to run after each time .receive! is invoked def after_receive &block self.after_receivers += [block] end # defines a receiver attribute, an attr_reader and an attr_writer # attr_reader is skipped if the getter method is already defined; # attr_writer is skipped if the setter method is already defined; def rcvr_accessor name, type, info={} attr_reader(name) unless method_defined?(name) attr_writer(name) unless method_defined?("#{name}=") rcvr name, type, info end # defines a receiver attribute and an attr_reader # attr_reader is skipped if the getter method is already defined. def rcvr_reader name, type, info={} attr_reader(name) unless method_defined?(name) rcvr name, type, info end # defines a receiver attribute and an attr_writer # attr_writer is skipped if the setter method is already defined. def rcvr_writer name, type, info={} attr_writer(name) unless method_defined?("#{name}=") rcvr name, type, info end # # Defines a receiver for attributes sent to receive! that are # * not defined as receivers # * attribute name does not start with '_' # # @example # class Foo ; include Receiver # rcvr_accessor :bob, String # rcvr_remaining :other_params # end # foo_obj = Foo.receive(:bob => 'hi, bob", :joe => 'hi, joe') # # => 'hi, joe' }> def rcvr_remaining name, info={} rcvr_reader name, Hash, info after_receive do |hsh| remaining_vals_hsh = hsh.reject{|k,v| (receiver_attrs.include?(k)) || (k.to_s =~ /^_/) } self._receive_attr name, remaining_vals_hsh end end # a hash from attribute names to their default values if given def receiver_defaults defs = {} receiver_attrs.each do |name, info| defs[name] = info[:default] if info.has_key?(:default) end defs end protected def receiver_body_for type, info type = type_to_klass(type) # Note that Array and Hash only need (and only get) special treatment when # they have an :of => SomeType option. case when info[:of] && (type == Array) %Q{ v.nil? ? nil : v.map{|el| #{info[:of]}.receive(el) } } when info[:of] && (type == Hash) %Q{ v.nil? ? nil : v.inject({}){|h, (el,val)| h[el] = #{info[:of]}.receive(val); h } } when Receiver::RECEIVER_BODIES.include?(type) Receiver::RECEIVER_BODIES[type] when type.is_a?(Class) %Q{v.blank? ? nil : #{type}.receive(v) } # when (type.is_a?(Symbol) && type.to_s =~ /^[A-Z]/) # # a hack so you can use a class not defined yet # %Q{v.blank? ? nil : #{type}.receive(v) } else raise("Can't receive #{type} #{info}") end end def type_to_klass(type) case when type.is_a?(Class) then return type when TYPE_ALIASES.has_key?(type) then TYPE_ALIASES[type] # when (type.is_a?(Symbol) && type.to_s =~ /^[A-Z]/) then type.to_s.constantize else raise ArgumentError, "Can\'t handle type #{type}: is it a Class or one of the TYPE_ALIASES?" end end end module ClassMethods # By default, the hashlike methods iterate over the receiver attributes. # If you want to filter our add to the keys list, override this method # # @example # def self.members # super + [:firstname, :lastname] - [:fullname] # end # def members receiver_attr_names end end # set up receiver attributes, and bring in methods from the ClassMethods module at class-level def self.included base base.class_eval do class_attribute :receiver_attrs class_attribute :receiver_attr_names class_attribute :after_receivers self.receiver_attrs = {} # info about the attr self.receiver_attr_names = [] # ordered set of attr names self.after_receivers = [] # blocks to execute following receive! extend ClassMethods end end end