#ifndef BZS_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL_MYSQLINTERNAL_H #define BZS_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL_MYSQLINTERNAL_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #undef _CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES #define _CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES 1 #ifndef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN #define MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN #endif #define MYSQL_SERVER 1 #ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H #define HAVE_CONFIG_H #endif #define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE // 50700 #define NO_USE_MALLOC_SERVICE_INTERFACE #ifdef ERROR #undef ERROR #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4800) #pragma warning(disable : 4267) #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #pragma warning(disable : 4805) #pragma warning(disable : 4005) #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #include #include #include "my_global.h" #include #if ((MYSQL_VERSION_ID > 50700) && !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION)) // Not use malloc service #define MYSQL_SERVICE_MYSQL_ALLOC_INCLUDED typedef unsigned int PSI_memory_key; typedef int myf_t; extern "C" { extern void * my_malloc(PSI_memory_key key, size_t size, myf_t flags); extern void * my_realloc(PSI_memory_key key, void *ptr, size_t size, myf_t flags); extern void my_free(void *ptr); extern void * my_memdup(PSI_memory_key key, const void *from, size_t length, myf_t flags); extern char * my_strdup(PSI_memory_key key, const char *from, myf_t flags); extern char * my_strndup(PSI_memory_key key, const char *from, size_t length, myf_t flags); } #include "sql/log.h" #endif //For MYSQL 5.7 #include "sql/sql_class.h" #include #include "sql/mysqld.h" #if ((MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50600) && (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50700) && !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION)) #include "sql/global_threads.h" #endif #include "sql/sql_plugin.h" #include "sql/sql_cache.h" #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50700) #include "sql/structs.h" #endif #include "sql/sql_priv.h" #include "sql/unireg.h" #include "sql/lock.h" #include "sql/key.h" #include "sql/transaction.h" #include "sql/sql_base.h" #include "sql/sql_parse.h" #include "sql/sql_table.h" #include "sql/sql_db.h" #include "sql_acl.h" #include "mysqld_error.h" #include /* mysql.user password field index */ #ifndef MYSQL_USER_FIELD_PASSWORD #define MYSQL_USER_FIELD_PASSWORD 2 #endif #undef test #undef sleep #ifdef ERROR #define ERROR 0 #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default : 4996) #pragma warning(default : 4267) #pragma warning(default : 4800) #pragma warning(default : 4805) #pragma warning(default : 4005) #endif #undef min #undef max #define THD_KILLED_STATE THD::killed_state #define THD_NOT_KILLED THD::NOT_KILLED #if defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION) #define MARIADB_VERSION_NUM MYSQL_VERSION_ID #define MYSQL_VERSION_NUM 1000000 #else #define MARIADB_VERSION_NUM 1000000 #define MYSQL_VERSION_NUM MYSQL_VERSION_ID #endif #if defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION) #define MDL_SHARED_UPGRADABLE MDL_SHARED_WRITE #undef THD_KILLED_STATE #define THD_KILLED_STATE killed_state #undef THD_NOT_KILLED #define THD_NOT_KILLED NOT_KILLED #endif #if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50600) // MySQL and MariaDB both #define user_defined_key_parts key_parts #define MDL_SHARED_UPGRADABLE MDL_SHARED_WRITE #define cp_get_sql_error() stmt_da->sql_errno() #define cp_isOk() stmt_da->is_ok() #define cp_set_overwrite_status(A) stmt_da->can_overwrite_status = A #elif((MYSQL_VERSION_NUM > 50700) && !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION)) #define cp_get_sql_error() get_stmt_da()->mysql_errno() #define query_cache_invalidate3(A, B, C) query_cache.invalidate(A, B, C) #define cp_isOk() get_stmt_da()->is_ok() #define cp_set_overwrite_status(A) get_stmt_da()->set_overwrite_status(A) #else #define cp_get_sql_error() get_stmt_da()->sql_errno() #define cp_isOk() get_stmt_da()->is_ok() #define cp_set_overwrite_status(A) get_stmt_da()->set_overwrite_status(A) #endif #if (MYSQL_VERSION_NUM < 50600) // MySQL Only #define ha_index_next index_next #define ha_index_prev index_prev #define ha_index_first index_first #define ha_index_last index_last #define ha_index_next_same index_next_same #define ha_rnd_next rnd_next #define ha_rnd_pos rnd_pos #endif #if ((MYSQL_VERSION_NUM < 50600) || defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION)) inline void add_global_thread(THD* thd) { ; } inline void remove_global_thread(THD* thd) { ; } inline void cp_thd_release_resources(THD* thd) { ; } inline void cp_restore_globals(THD* thd) { my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_THD, 0); my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, 0); } inline void cp_thd_set_read_only(THD* thd, bool v) { ; } inline bool cp_thd_get_global_read_only(THD* thd) { return false; } inline bool cp_open_table(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, Open_table_context* ot_act) { return open_table(thd, tables, thd->mem_root, ot_act); } #define set_mysys_var(A) #else inline void cp_thd_release_resources(THD* thd) { thd->release_resources(); } inline void cp_set_mysys_var(st_my_thread_var* var) { #if(MYSQL_VERSION_NUM < 50700) set_mysys_var(var); #else set_mysys_thread_var(var); #endif } inline void cp_restore_globals(THD* thd) { thd->restore_globals(); } inline void cp_thd_set_read_only(THD* thd, bool v) { thd->tx_read_only = (v || thd->variables.tx_read_only); } inline bool cp_thd_get_global_read_only(THD* thd) { return (thd->variables.tx_read_only != 0); } inline bool cp_open_table(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, Open_table_context* ot_act) { return open_table(thd, tables, ot_act); } #endif #if (MYSQL_VERSION_NUM < 50611) #define ha_index_read_map index_read_map #endif extern unsigned int g_openDatabases; #if((MYSQL_VERSION_NUM > 50700) && !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION)) #define OPEN_TABLE_FLAG_TYPE 0 #define td_malloc(A, B) my_malloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, A, B) #define td_realloc(A, B, C) my_realloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, A, B, C) #define td_strdup(A, B) my_strdup(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, A, B) #define td_free(A) my_free(A) /* On Windows, "operator delete()" function is implemented in mysqld. But "operator new" operation implement in transactd.dll. Therefore, memory managers differ. */ #ifdef _WIN32 inline void releaseTHD(THD* thd) { thd->~THD(); operator delete((void*)thd); } #else inline void releaseTHD(THD* thd) { delete thd; } #endif #include extern boost::mutex g_db_count_mutex; extern void global_thd_manager_add_thd(THD *thd); extern void global_thd_manager_remove_thd(THD *thd); inline void cp_set_new_thread_id(THD* thd) { thd->set_new_thread_id(); global_thd_manager_add_thd(thd); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_db_count_mutex); ++g_openDatabases; } inline void cp_dec_dbcount(THD* thd) { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_db_count_mutex); --g_openDatabases; } global_thd_manager_remove_thd(thd); } inline Security_context* cp_security_ctx(THD* thd) { return thd->security_context(); } inline int cp_record_count(handler* file, ha_rows* rows) { return file->ha_records(rows); } #define cp_strdup(A, B) my_strdup(PSI_INSTRUMENT_ME, (A), (B)) #define cp_set_mysys_var(A) set_mysys_thread_var(A) inline void cp_set_db(THD* thd, char* p) { thd->set_db(to_lex_cstring(p)); } inline THD* cp_thread_get_THR_THD() { return my_thread_get_THR_THD(); return NULL; } inline int cp_thread_set_THR_THD(THD* thd) { return my_thread_set_THR_THD(thd); return 0; } inline void cp_set_transaction_duration_for_all_locks(THD* /*thd*/) { ; } inline void cp_set_mdl_request_types(TABLE_LIST& tables, short mode) { if (mode == -2 /* TD_OPEN_READONLY */) tables.mdl_request.set_type(MDL_SHARED_READ); else if (mode == -4 /* TD_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE */) tables.mdl_request.set_type(MDL_SHARED_NO_READ_WRITE); else if (mode == -6 /* TD_OPEN_READONLY_EXCLUSIVE */) tables.mdl_request.set_type(MDL_SHARED_READ_ONLY); else tables.mdl_request.set_type(MDL_SHARED_WRITE); tables.mdl_request.duration = MDL_TRANSACTION; } inline void cp_open_error_release(THD* /*thd*/, TABLE_LIST& /*tables*/) { ; } #else //Not MySQL 5.7 #define OPEN_TABLE_FLAG_TYPE MYSQL_OPEN_GET_NEW_TABLE #define td_malloc(A, B) my_malloc(A, B) #define td_realloc(A, B, C) my_realloc(A, B, C) #define td_strdup(A, B) my_strdup(A, B) #define td_free(A) my_free(A) inline void releaseTHD(THD* thd) { delete thd; } inline void cp_set_new_thread_id(THD* thd) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); ++g_openDatabases; thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id = thread_id++; add_global_thread(thd); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); thd->thread_id = thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id; } inline void cp_dec_dbcount(THD* thd) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); --g_openDatabases; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); remove_global_thread(thd); } inline Security_context* cp_security_ctx(THD* thd) { return thd->security_ctx; } inline int cp_record_count(handler* file, ha_rows* rows) { *rows = file->records(); return 0; } #define cp_strdup(A, B) my_strdup((A), (B)) #define cp_set_mysys_var(A) set_mysys_var(A) inline void cp_set_db(THD* thd, char* p) { td_free(thd->db); thd->db = p; } inline THD* cp_thread_get_THR_THD() { return (THD*)my_pthread_getspecific(THD*, THR_THD); } inline int cp_thread_set_THR_THD(THD* thd) { my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_THD, thd); return 0; } inline void cp_set_transaction_duration_for_all_locks(THD* thd) { thd->mdl_context.set_transaction_duration_for_all_locks(); } inline void cp_set_mdl_request_types(TABLE_LIST& tables, short mode) { tables.mdl_request.set_type(MDL_SHARED_READ); tables.mdl_request.duration = MDL_EXPLICIT; } inline void cp_open_error_release(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST& tables) { thd->mdl_context.release_lock(tables.mdl_request.ticket); } #endif #endif // BZS_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL_MYSQLINTERNAL_H