module PSWindows::Exec include Beaker::CommandFactory include Beaker::DSL::Wrappers def reboot exec("shutdown /r /t 0"), :expect_connection_failure => true) # rebooting on windows is slooooow sleep(40) end ABS_CMD = 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\cmd.exe' CMD = 'cmd.exe' def echo(msg, abs=true) (abs ? ABS_CMD : CMD) + " /c echo #{msg}" end def touch(file, abs=true) (abs ? ABS_CMD : CMD) + " /c echo. 2> #{file}" end def rm_rf path # ensure that we have the right slashes for windows path ='/', '\\') execute(%(del /s /q "#{path}")) end # Move the origin to destination. The destination is removed prior to moving. # @param [String] orig The origin path # @param [String] dest the destination path # @param [Boolean] rm Remove the destination prior to move def mv(orig, dest, rm=true) # ensure that we have the right slashes for windows orig ='/','\\') dest ='/','\\') rm_rf dest unless !rm execute("move /y #{orig} #{dest}") end # Update ModifiedDate on a file # @param [String] file Path to the file # @param [String] timestamp Timestamp to set def modified_at(file, timestamp = nil) require 'date' time = timestamp ? DateTime.parse("#{timestamp}") : result = execute("powershell Test-Path #{file} -PathType Leaf") if result.include? 'False' execute("powershell New-Item -ItemType file #{file}") end execute("powershell (gci #{file}).LastWriteTime = Get-Date " \ "-Year '#{time.year}'" \ "-Month '#{time.month}'" \ "-Day '#{}'" \ "-Hour '#{time.hour}'" \ "-Minute '#{time.minute}'" \ "-Second '#{time.second}'" ) end def path 'c:/windows/system32;c:/windows' end def get_ip # when querying for an IP this way the return value can be formatted like: # IPAddress= # IPAddress={""} # IPAddress={"","2001:db8:aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:0001"} ips = execute("wmic nicconfig where ipenabled=true GET IPAddress /format:list") ip = '' ips.each_line do |line| matches = line.split('=') next if matches.length <= 1 matches = matches[1].match(/^{"(.*?)"/) next if matches.nil? || matches.captures.nil? || matches.captures.empty? ip = matches.captures[0] if matches && matches.captures break if ip != '' end ip end # Attempt to ping the provided target hostname # @param [String] target The hostname to ping # @param [Integer] attempts Amount of times to attempt ping before giving up # @return [Boolean] true of ping successful, overwise false def ping target, attempts=5 try = 0 while try < attempts do result = exec("ping -n 1 #{target}"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true) if result.exit_code == 0 return true end try+=1 end result.exit_code == 0 end # Create the provided directory structure on the host # @param [String] dir The directory structure to create on the host # @return [Boolean] True, if directory construction succeeded, otherwise False def mkdir_p dir normalized_path ='/','\\') result = exec(powershell("New-Item -Path '#{normalized_path}' -ItemType 'directory'"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0, 1]) result.exit_code == 0 end #Add the provided key/val to the current ssh environment #@param [String] key The key to add the value to #@param [String] val The value for the key #@example # host.add_env_var('PATH', '/usr/bin:PATH') def add_env_var key, val key = key.to_s.upcase #see if the key/value pair already exists cur_val = get_env_var(key, true) subbed_val = cur_val.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(val.gsub(/'|"/, ''))}/, '') if cur_val.empty? exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', '#{val}', 'Machine')")) self.close #refresh the state elsif subbed_val == cur_val #not present, add it exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', '#{val};#{cur_val}', 'Machine')")) self.close #refresh the state end end #Delete the provided key/val from the current ssh environment #@param [String] key The key to delete the value from #@param [String] val The value to delete for the key #@example # host.delete_env_var('PATH', '/usr/bin:PATH') def delete_env_var key, val key = key.to_s.upcase #get the current value of the key cur_val = get_env_var(key, true) subbed_val = (cur_val.split(';') - [val.gsub(/'|"/, '')]).join(';') if subbed_val != cur_val #remove the current key value self.clear_env_var(key) #set to the truncated value self.add_env_var(key, subbed_val) end end #Return the value of a specific env var #@param [String] key The key to look for #@param [Boolean] clean Remove the 'KEY=' and only return the value of the env var #@example # host.get_env_var('path') def get_env_var key, clean = false self.close #refresh the state key = key.to_s.upcase val = exec("set #{key}"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true).stdout.chomp if val.empty? return '' else val = val.split("\n")[0] # only take the first result if clean val.gsub(/#{key}=/i,'') else val end end end #Delete the environment variable from the current ssh environment #@param [String] key The key to delete #@example # host.clear_env_var('PATH') def clear_env_var key key = key.to_s.upcase exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', $null, 'Machine')")) exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', $null, 'User')")) exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', $null, 'Process')")) self.close #refresh the state end def environment_string env return '' if env.empty? env_array = self.environment_variable_string_pair_array( env ) environment_string = '' env_array.each do |env| environment_string += "set \"#{env}\" && " end environment_string end def environment_variable_string_pair_array env env_array = [] env.each_key do |key| val = env[key] if val.is_a?(Array) val = val.join(':') else val = val.to_s end # doing this for the key itself & the upcase'd version allows us to remain # backwards compatible # TODO: (Next Major Version) get rid of upcase'd version key_str = key.to_s keys = [key_str] keys << key_str.upcase if key_str.upcase != key_str keys.each do |env_key| env_array << "#{env_key}=#{val}" end end env_array end # Overrides the {Windows::Exec#ssh_permit_user_environment} method, # since no steps are needed in this setup to allow user ssh environments # to work. def ssh_permit_user_environment end # Sets the user SSH environment. # # @param [Hash{String=>String}] env Environment variables to set on the system, # in the form of a hash of String variable # names to their corresponding String values. # # @note this class doesn't manipulate an SSH environment file, it just sets # the environment variables on the system. # # @api private # @return nil def ssh_set_user_environment(env) #add the env var set to this test host env.each_pair do |var, value| add_env_var(var, value) end end #First path it finds for the command executable #@param [String] command The command executable to search for # # @return [String] Path to the searched executable or empty string if not found # #@example # host.which('ruby') def which(command) where_command = "cmd /C \"where #{command}\"" result = execute(where_command, :accept_all_exit_codes => true) return '' if result.empty? result end end