# File generated from our OpenAPI spec
# frozen_string_literal: true

module Stripe
  # A PaymentIntent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer.
  # We recommend that you create exactly one PaymentIntent for each order or
  # customer session in your system. You can reference the PaymentIntent later to
  # see the history of payment attempts for a particular session.
  # A PaymentIntent transitions through
  # [multiple statuses](https://stripe.com/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses)
  # throughout its lifetime as it interfaces with Stripe.js to perform
  # authentication flows and ultimately creates at most one successful charge.
  # Related guide: [Payment Intents API](https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-intents)
  class PaymentIntent < APIResource
    extend Stripe::APIOperations::Create
    extend Stripe::APIOperations::List
    extend Stripe::APIOperations::Search
    include Stripe::APIOperations::Save

    OBJECT_NAME = "payment_intent"
    def self.object_name

    # Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent.
    def apply_customer_balance(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/apply_customer_balance", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Manually reconcile the remaining amount for a customer_balance PaymentIntent.
    def self.apply_customer_balance(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/apply_customer_balance", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # You can cancel a PaymentIntent object when it's in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation, requires_action or, [in rare cases](https://stripe.com/docs/payments/intents), processing.
    # After it's canceled, no additional charges are made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a status of requires_capture, the remaining amount_capturable is automatically refunded.
    # You can't cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. [Expire the Checkout Session](https://stripe.com/docs/api/checkout/sessions/expire) instead.
    def cancel(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/cancel", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # You can cancel a PaymentIntent object when it's in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation, requires_action or, [in rare cases](https://stripe.com/docs/payments/intents), processing.
    # After it's canceled, no additional charges are made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with a status of requires_capture, the remaining amount_capturable is automatically refunded.
    # You can't cancel the PaymentIntent for a Checkout Session. [Expire the Checkout Session](https://stripe.com/docs/api/checkout/sessions/expire) instead.
    def self.cancel(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/cancel", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is requires_capture.
    # Uncaptured PaymentIntents are cancelled a set number of days (7 by default) after their creation.
    # Learn more about [separate authorization and capture](https://stripe.com/docs/payments/capture-later).
    def capture(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/capture", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is requires_capture.
    # Uncaptured PaymentIntents are cancelled a set number of days (7 by default) after their creation.
    # Learn more about [separate authorization and capture](https://stripe.com/docs/payments/capture-later).
    def self.capture(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/capture", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided
    # payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate
    # a payment.
    # If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the
    # PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and
    # suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails,
    # the PaymentIntent transitions to the requires_payment_method status or the
    # canceled status if the confirmation limit is reached. If
    # payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded
    # status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).
    # If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted
    # using our [client SDKs](https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/reference#stripe-handle-card-payment)
    # and the PaymentIntent's [client_secret](https://stripe.com/docs/api#payment_intent_object-client_secret).
    # After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional
    # confirmation is required to complete the payment.
    # If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be
    # initiated using a secret key.
    # If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will
    # return to the requires_confirmation state
    # after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then
    # explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment
    # attempt.
    def confirm(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/confirm", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided
    # payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate
    # a payment.
    # If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the
    # PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and
    # suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails,
    # the PaymentIntent transitions to the requires_payment_method status or the
    # canceled status if the confirmation limit is reached. If
    # payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded
    # status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).
    # If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted
    # using our [client SDKs](https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/reference#stripe-handle-card-payment)
    # and the PaymentIntent's [client_secret](https://stripe.com/docs/api#payment_intent_object-client_secret).
    # After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional
    # confirmation is required to complete the payment.
    # If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be
    # initiated using a secret key.
    # If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will
    # return to the requires_confirmation state
    # after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then
    # explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment
    # attempt.
    def self.confirm(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/confirm", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Creates a PaymentIntent object.
    # After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and [confirm](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/confirm)
    # to continue the payment. Learn more about <a href="/docs/payments/payment-intents">the available payment flows
    # with the Payment Intents API.
    # When you use confirm=true during creation, it's equivalent to creating
    # and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You can use any parameters
    # available in the [confirm API](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/confirm) when you supply
    # confirm=true.
    def self.create(params = {}, opts = {})
      request_stripe_object(method: :post, path: "/v1/payment_intents", params: params, opts: opts)

    # Perform a decremental authorization on an eligible
    # [PaymentIntent](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object). To be eligible, the
    # PaymentIntent's status must be requires_capture and
    # [decremental_authorization.status](https://stripe.com/docs/api/charges/object#charge_object-payment_method_details-card-decremental_authorization)
    # must be available.
    # Decremental authorizations decrease the authorized amount on your customer's card
    # to the new, lower amount provided. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to further decrease the authorized amount.
    # After decrement, the PaymentIntent object
    # returns with the updated
    # [amount](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object#payment_intent_object-amount).
    # The PaymentIntent will now be capturable up to the new authorized amount.
    # Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 decremental or incremental authorization attempts, including declines.
    # After it's fully captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be decremented.
    def decrement_authorization(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/decrement_authorization", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Perform a decremental authorization on an eligible
    # [PaymentIntent](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object). To be eligible, the
    # PaymentIntent's status must be requires_capture and
    # [decremental_authorization.status](https://stripe.com/docs/api/charges/object#charge_object-payment_method_details-card-decremental_authorization)
    # must be available.
    # Decremental authorizations decrease the authorized amount on your customer's card
    # to the new, lower amount provided. A single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to further decrease the authorized amount.
    # After decrement, the PaymentIntent object
    # returns with the updated
    # [amount](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object#payment_intent_object-amount).
    # The PaymentIntent will now be capturable up to the new authorized amount.
    # Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 decremental or incremental authorization attempts, including declines.
    # After it's fully captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be decremented.
    def self.decrement_authorization(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/decrement_authorization", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible
    # [PaymentIntent](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object). To be eligible, the
    # PaymentIntent's status must be requires_capture and
    # [incremental_authorization_supported](https://stripe.com/docs/api/charges/object#charge_object-payment_method_details-card_present-incremental_authorization_supported)
    # must be true.
    # Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on
    # your customer's card to the new, higher amount provided. Similar to the
    # initial authorization, incremental authorizations can be declined. A
    # single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to further
    # increase the authorized amount.
    # If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object
    # returns with the updated
    # [amount](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object#payment_intent_object-amount).
    # If the incremental authorization fails, a
    # [card_declined](https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes#card-declined) error returns, and no other
    # fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge update. The PaymentIntent
    # object remains capturable for the previously authorized amount.
    # Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including declines.
    # After it's captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.
    # Learn more about [incremental authorizations](https://stripe.com/docs/terminal/features/incremental-authorizations).
    def increment_authorization(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/increment_authorization", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Perform an incremental authorization on an eligible
    # [PaymentIntent](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object). To be eligible, the
    # PaymentIntent's status must be requires_capture and
    # [incremental_authorization_supported](https://stripe.com/docs/api/charges/object#charge_object-payment_method_details-card_present-incremental_authorization_supported)
    # must be true.
    # Incremental authorizations attempt to increase the authorized amount on
    # your customer's card to the new, higher amount provided. Similar to the
    # initial authorization, incremental authorizations can be declined. A
    # single PaymentIntent can call this endpoint multiple times to further
    # increase the authorized amount.
    # If the incremental authorization succeeds, the PaymentIntent object
    # returns with the updated
    # [amount](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object#payment_intent_object-amount).
    # If the incremental authorization fails, a
    # [card_declined](https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes#card-declined) error returns, and no other
    # fields on the PaymentIntent or Charge update. The PaymentIntent
    # object remains capturable for the previously authorized amount.
    # Each PaymentIntent can have a maximum of 10 incremental authorization attempts, including declines.
    # After it's captured, a PaymentIntent can no longer be incremented.
    # Learn more about [incremental authorizations](https://stripe.com/docs/terminal/features/incremental-authorizations).
    def self.increment_authorization(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/increment_authorization", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Returns a list of PaymentIntents.
    def self.list(filters = {}, opts = {})
      request_stripe_object(method: :get, path: "/v1/payment_intents", params: filters, opts: opts)

    def self.search(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :get,
        path: "/v1/payment_intents/search",
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    def self.search_auto_paging_each(params = {}, opts = {}, &blk)
      search(params, opts).auto_paging_each(&blk)

    # Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.
    # Depending on which properties you update, you might need to confirm the
    # PaymentIntent again. For example, updating the payment_method
    # always requires you to confirm the PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to
    # update and confirm at the same time, we recommend updating properties through
    # the [confirm API](https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/confirm) instead.
    def self.update(id, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<id>s", { id: CGI.escape(id) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object.
    def verify_microdeposits(params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/verify_microdeposits", { intent: CGI.escape(self["id"]) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts

    # Verifies microdeposits on a PaymentIntent object.
    def self.verify_microdeposits(intent, params = {}, opts = {})
        method: :post,
        path: format("/v1/payment_intents/%<intent>s/verify_microdeposits", { intent: CGI.escape(intent) }),
        params: params,
        opts: opts