module Bio class Graphics class Page def initialize(args) @height = args[:height] @width = args[:width] @svg = @scale_start = 1.0/0.0 @scale_stop = -1.0/0.0 @tracks = [] #array of track objects with loads of features in it... @nt_per_percent = 1; @num_intervals = args[:number_of_intervals] @track_top = 30 def @svg.update_height(height) @height = height end def @svg.update_width(width) @width = width end end def self.from_json(args) require 'rubygems' require 'json' data = JSON.parse([:json], 'r').read) p = => data["Page"]["width"], :height => data["Page"]["height"], :number_of_intervals => data["Page"]["intervals"]) data["Tracks"].each do |track| #prep the track args track_args = track.dup track_args.delete("file") track_args.delete("file_type") track_args = track_args.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} ##convert any of the pre-made gradient strings in the keys to symbol track_args.each_key do |k| next unless track_args[k].respond_to?(:to_sym) track_args[k] = track_args[k].to_sym if Glyph.gradients.include?(track_args[k].to_sym) end svg_track = p.add_track(track_args) features = [] ##set up the features... case track["file_type"] ##deal with the gff and data files when "gff" groups = {} parentless_features = [] Page.parse_gff(track["file"]).each do |gff| #gets features in a list and links their children to them as members of the array at the key parent_id = { |a| a.first == 'Parent'} if parent_id.empty? parentless_features << gff else if groups[parent_id.first.last].nil? groups[parent_id.first.last] = [] groups[parent_id.first.last] << gff else groups[parent_id.first.last] << gff end end end #now flick through the parentless features and add any exons / UTRs parentless_features.each do |plf| gff_id = {|a| a.first == 'ID'} gff_id = gff_id.first.last exons = [] utrs = [] children = groups[gff_id] || children = [] children.each do |child| if child.feature == 'exon' or child.feature == 'CDS' exons += [child.start,child.end] elsif child.feature =~ /utr/i utrs += [child.start,child.end] end end features << => plf.start, :end => plf.end, :exons => exons, :utrs => utrs, :strand => plf.strand, :id => gff_id) end #parentless features end when "data" ##each line is a data feature["file"], "r").each do |line| start,stop,value = line.split(/\t/) features << => start.to_i, :end => stop.to_i, :segment_height => value.to_f) end end #data end features.each {|f| svg_track.add(f) } end #track end p.write(args[:outfile]) end def self.parse_gff(gff_file) require 'bio' a = [] gff_file ).each do |line| next if line =~ /^#/ a << end a end def add_track(args) #sort out the colour/gradient options [:fill_color, :exon_fill_color, :utr_fill_color].each do |colour_tag| if Glyph.gradients.include?(args[colour_tag]) @svg.gradient(Glyph.gradient(args[colour_tag]) ) args[colour_tag] = "url(##{args[colour_tag]})" elsif args[colour_tag].instance_of?(Hash) @svg.gradient(args[colour_tag]) args[colour_tag] = "url(##{args[colour_tag][:id]})" end end @tracks << return @tracks.last end def get_limits @tracks.each do |track| lowest = track.features.sort {|x,y| x.start <=> y.start}.first.start highest = track.features.sort {|x,y| y.end <=> x.end}.first.end @scale_start = lowest if lowest < @scale_start @scale_stop = highest if highest > @scale_stop @nt_per_px_x = (@scale_stop - @scale_start).to_f / @width.to_f end end def draw_scale Glyph.scale(:start => @scale_start, :stop => @scale_stop, :number_of_intervals => @num_intervals, :page_width => @width).each {|g| @svg.add_primitive(g)} end def draw_label(args) Glyph.label(:text => args[:text], :x => args[:x], :y => args[:y] ).each {|g| @svg.add_primitive(g)} end def draw_generic(args) #remember presentation info comes from track@args when the track is defined Glyph.generic(args).each {|g| @svg.add_primitive(g) } end def draw_directed(args) Glyph.directed(args).each {|g| @svg.add_primitive(g) } end def draw_transcript(args) Glyph.transcript(args).each {|g| @svg.add_primitive(g) } end def draw_histogram(args) Glyph.generic(args).each {|g| @svg.add_primitive(g) } end def draw_features(track) #sort out the input information into a user friendly format.. if [:histogram, "histogram"].include?(track.glyph) #do different stuff for data tracks... y = @track_top + (track.track_height) max = track.max_y ? track.max_y : track.features.sort {|a,b| a.segment_height <=> b.segment_height}.last.segment_height min = 0 if track.label draw_label(:text =>, :y => @track_top += 30, :x => 3 ) end draw_label(:text => max, :x => to_px(@scale_stop - @scale_start ) + 5, :y => @track_top + 5) draw_label(:text => min, :x => to_px(@scale_stop - @scale_start ) + 5, :y => @track_top + track.track_height + 5) data_interval = max - min data_per_px = track.track_height.to_f / data_interval.to_f track.features.each do |f| x = to_px(f.start - @scale_start) width = to_px( (f.end - @scale_start) - (f.start - @scale_start) ) height = f.segment_height.to_f * data_per_px y = @track_top + track.track_height - height + 5 #$stderr.puts f.segment_height, data_per_px, data_interval, max, min, "------" self.send("draw_#{track.glyph}", {:x => x, :y => y, :width => width, :height => height }.merge!(track.args) ) end @track_top += (track.track_height) + 20 else ##following stuff for the features if track.label draw_label(:text =>, :y => @track_top += 30, :x => 3 ) end track.get_rows ##work out how many rows and which features belong in each row... track.features.each_with_index do |f,index| x = to_px(f.start - @scale_start) #bottom left of feature all_sub_blocks = [] #convert the exon and utr start stops to px start stops and px widths exons = [] if f.exons f.exons.each_slice(2).each do |exon| all_sub_blocks << exon next if exon.nil? exons << [to_px(exon[0] - @scale_start), to_px( (exon[1] - @scale_start) - (exon[0] - @scale_start) ) ] end end f.exons = exons utrs = [] if f.utrs f.utrs.each_slice(2).each do |utr| all_sub_blocks << utr next if utr.nil? utrs << [to_px(utr[0] - @scale_start), to_px( (utr[1] - @scale_start) - (utr[0] - @scale_start) ) ] end end f.utrs = utrs #if there are any intron like gaps.. get where they would be if not all_sub_blocks.empty? all_sub_blocks = all_sub_blocks.sort {|a,b| a.first <=> b.first} all_sub_blocks.each_index do |i| next if i + 1 == all_sub_blocks.length or all_sub_blocks[i].last >= all_sub_blocks[i + 1].first #skip if there is no gap f.block_gaps << [to_px(all_sub_blocks[i].last - @scale_start) , to_px( (all_sub_blocks[i + 1].first - @scale_start) - (all_sub_blocks[i].last - @scale_start) ) ] end end width = to_px( (f.end - @scale_start) - (f.start - @scale_start) ) y = @track_top + (track.feature_rows[index] * 2 * track.feature_height) self.send("draw_#{track.glyph}", {:x => x, :y => y, :width => width, :strand => f.strand, :exons => f.exons, :utrs => f.utrs, :block_gaps => f.block_gaps, :height => track.feature_height }.merge!(track.args) ) if draw_label(:y => y, :x => x + width +2, :text => end end @track_top += (track.feature_height * track.number_rows * 2) + 20 end @height = @track_top + 100 #fudge... @svg.update_height(@height) @svg.update_width(@width + 200) end def to_px(num) (num.to_f / @nt_per_px_x.to_f) end def get_markup get_limits draw_scale @tracks.each do |track| draw_features(track) end @svg.draw end def draw puts get_markup end def write(file), 'w').write(get_markup) end end end end