module Payday # The PDF renderer. We use this internally in Payday to render pdfs, but really you should just need to call # {{Payday::Invoiceable#render_pdf}} to render pdfs yourself. class PdfRenderer # Renders the given invoice as a pdf on disk def self.render_to_file(invoice, path) pdf(invoice).render_file(path) end # Renders the given invoice as a pdf, returning a string def self.render(invoice) pdf(invoice).render end private def self.pdf(invoice) pdf = => invoice_or_default(invoice, :page_size)) # set up some default styling pdf.font_size(8) stamp(invoice, pdf) company_banner(invoice, pdf) bill_to_ship_to(invoice, pdf) invoice_details(invoice, pdf) line_items_table(invoice, pdf) totals_lines(invoice, pdf) notes(invoice, pdf) page_numbers(pdf) pdf end def self.stamp(invoice, pdf) stamp = nil if invoice.paid? stamp = I18n.t 'payday.status.paid', :default => "PAID" elsif invoice.overdue? stamp = I18n.t 'payday.status.overdue', :default => "OVERDUE" end if stamp pdf.bounding_box([150, pdf.cursor - 50], :width => pdf.bounds.width - 300) do pdf.font("Helvetica-Bold") do pdf.fill_color "cc0000" pdf.text stamp, :align=> :center, :size => 25, :rotate => 15 end end end pdf.fill_color "000000" end def self.company_banner(invoice, pdf) # render the logo logo_info = pdf.image(invoice_or_default(invoice, :invoice_logo), :at => pdf.bounds.top_left) # render the company details table_data = [] table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, invoice_or_default(invoice, :company_name).strip, :size => 12)] invoice_or_default(invoice, :company_details).lines.each { |line| table_data << [line] } table = pdf.make_table(table_data, :cell_style => { :borders => [], :padding => 0 }) pdf.bounding_box([pdf.bounds.width - table.width,], :width => table.width, :height => table.height + 5) do table.draw end pdf.move_cursor_to( - logo_info.scaled_height - 20) end def self.bill_to_ship_to(invoice, pdf) bill_to_cell_style = { :borders => [], :padding => [2, 0]} bill_to_ship_to_bottom = 0 # render bill to pdf.float do table = pdf.table([[bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.invoice.bill_to', :default => "Bill To"))], [invoice.bill_to]], :column_widths => [200], :cell_style => bill_to_cell_style) bill_to_ship_to_bottom = pdf.cursor end # render ship to if defined?(invoice.ship_to) && !invoice.ship_to.nil? table = pdf.make_table([[bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.invoice.ship_to', :default => "Ship To"))], [invoice.ship_to]], :column_widths => [200], :cell_style => bill_to_cell_style) pdf.bounding_box([pdf.bounds.width - table.width, pdf.cursor], :width => table.width, :height => table.height + 2) do table.draw end end # make sure we start at the lower of the bill_to or ship_to details bill_to_ship_to_bottom = pdf.cursor if pdf.cursor < bill_to_ship_to_bottom pdf.move_cursor_to(bill_to_ship_to_bottom - 20) end def self.invoice_details(invoice, pdf) # invoice details table_data = [] # invoice number if defined?(invoice.invoice_number) && invoice.invoice_number table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.invoice.invoice_no', :default => "Invoice #:")), bold_cell(pdf, invoice.invoice_number.to_s, :align => :right)] end # Due on if defined?(invoice.due_at) && invoice.due_at if invoice.due_at.is_a?(Date) || invoice.due_at.is_a?(Time) due_date = invoice.due_at.strftime(Payday::Config.default.date_format) else due_date = invoice.due_at.to_s end table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.invoice.due_date', :default => "Due Date:")), bold_cell(pdf, due_date, :align => :right)] end # Paid on if defined?(invoice.paid_at) && invoice.paid_at if invoice.paid_at.is_a?(Date) paid_date = invoice.paid_at.strftime(Payday::Config.default.date_format) else paid_date = invoice.paid_at.to_s end table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.invoice.paid_date', :default => "Paid Date:")), bold_cell(pdf, paid_date, :align => :right)] end # loop through invoice_details and include them invoice.each_detail do |key, value| table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, key), bold_cell(pdf, value, :align => :right)] end if table_data.length > 0 pdf.table(table_data, :cell_style => { :borders => [], :padding => [1, 10, 1, 1] }) end end def self.line_items_table(invoice, pdf) table_data = [] table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.line_item.description', :default => "Description"), :borders => []), bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.line_item.unit_price', :default => "Unit Price"), :align => :center, :borders => []), bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.line_item.quantity', :default => "Quantity"), :align => :center, :borders => []), bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.line_item.amount', :default => "Amount"), :align => :center, :borders => [])] invoice.line_items.each do |line| table_data << [line.description, number_to_currency(line.price, invoice),"F"), number_to_currency(line.amount, invoice)] end pdf.move_cursor_to(pdf.cursor - 20) pdf.table(table_data, :width => pdf.bounds.width, :header => true, :cell_style => {:border_width => 0.5, :border_color => "cccccc", :padding => [5, 10]}, :row_colors => ["dfdfdf", "ffffff"]) do # left align the number columns columns(1..3).rows(1..row_length - 1).style(:align => :right) # set the column widths correctly natural = natural_column_widths natural[0] = width - natural[1] - natural[2] - natural[3] column_widths = natural end end def self.totals_lines(invoice, pdf) table_data = [] table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('payday.invoice.subtotal', :default => "Subtotal:")), cell(pdf, number_to_currency(invoice.subtotal, invoice), :align => :right)] if invoice.tax_rate > 0 table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, invoice.tax_description.nil? ? I18n.t('', :default => "Tax:") : invoice.tax_description), cell(pdf, number_to_currency(, invoice), :align => :right)] end if invoice.shipping_rate > 0 table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, invoice.shipping_description.nil? ? I18n.t('payday.invoice.shipping', :default => "Shipping:") : invoice.shipping_description), cell(pdf, number_to_currency(invoice.shipping, invoice), :align => :right)] end table_data << [bold_cell(pdf, I18n.t('', :default => "Total:"), :size => 12), cell(pdf, number_to_currency(, invoice), :size => 12, :align => :right)] table = pdf.make_table(table_data, :cell_style => { :borders => [] }) pdf.bounding_box([pdf.bounds.width - table.width, pdf.cursor], :width => table.width, :height => table.height + 2) do table.draw end end def self.notes(invoice, pdf) if defined?(invoice.notes) && invoice.notes pdf.move_cursor_to(pdf.cursor - 30) pdf.font("Helvetica-Bold") do pdf.text(I18n.t('payday.invoice.notes', :default => "Notes")) end pdf.line_width = 0.5 pdf.stroke_color = "cccccc" pdf.stroke_line([0, pdf.cursor - 3, pdf.bounds.width, pdf.cursor - 3]) pdf.move_cursor_to(pdf.cursor - 10) pdf.text(invoice.notes.to_s) end end def self.page_numbers(pdf) if pdf.page_count > 1 pdf.number_pages(" / ", [pdf.bounds.right - 18, -15]) end end def self.invoice_or_default(invoice, property) if invoice.respond_to?(property) && invoice.send(property) invoice.send(property) else Payday::Config.default.send(property) end end def self.cell(pdf, text, options = {}) Prawn::Table::Cell::Text.make(pdf, text, options) end def self.bold_cell(pdf, text, options = {}) options[:font] = "Helvetica-Bold" cell(pdf, text, options) end # Converts this number to a formatted currency string def self.number_to_currency(number, invoice) number.to_money(invoice_or_default(invoice, :currency)).format end def self.max_cell_width(cell_proxy) max = 0 cell_proxy.each do |cell| if cell.natural_content_width > max max = cell.natural_content_width end end max end end end