# Application configuration settings for the MasterView template engine. # # This code is run at plugin load time, after the base rails framework # has been loaded and configured, but before any application-specific config # in +environment.rb+ is run. # # The MasterView configuration specification is referenced through +config+. # # Set standard application configuration options here. # General settings can be overridden for specific environments by providing # additional settings values in +config/masterview/environments/#{environment}.rb+. # # See Rails::Configuration for details on the available configuration settings. # # General options - root paths for config settings, directives, templates #config.root_path = RAILS_ROOT #config.config_dir_path = 'config/masterview' # relative path from config.root_path #config.environment = RAILS_ENV #config.add_directive_path '/path/to/custom/directives' #config.logger = 'log4r' #config.log_level = 'WARN' #config.after_initialize { MasterView::Log.level = 'DEBUG' } # Template Source Options #config.template_src_dir_path = 'app/views' # relative path from config.root_path #config.template_src_dir_abs_path( '/path/to/masterview/templates' ) #config.template_filename_pattern = '*.html' # Template Generation Options #config.template_dst_dir_path = 'app/views' # relative path from config.root_path #config.template_dst_dir_abs_path( '/path/to/masterview/output' ) #config.output_filename_extension = '.rhtml' #config.generated_file_default_extension = '.rhtml' #config.include_generated_file_comment = true # generate a more concise generated-file warning comment that the standard MV comment #config.generated_file_comment = "# -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" #config.generated_file_comment << "\n# DO NOT EDIT - generated by MasterView from template file:\n" #config.generated_file_comment << '# #{template_path}' # carefully avoid premature substitution eval #config.generated_file_comment << "\n# -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" # Template Parsing Options #config.handle_parse_exceptions = true #config.default_parser_options = { :tidy => false, :escape_erb => true } #config.tidy_path = '/usr/lib/libtidy.so' # *nix #config.tidy_path = 'c:/tidy/lib/tidy.dll' # Win32 #config.namespace_prefix = 'mv:' #config.namespace_prefix_extensions = 'mvx:' #config.inline_erb_start = '{{{' #config.inline_erb_end = '}}}' #config.inline_erb_substitution_regex = /\{\{\{(([^}]|\}[^}]|\}\}[^}])*)\}\}\}/ # Rails application options #config.parse_masterview_templates_at_startup = true #config.reparse_changed_masterview_templates = false # enabled in development env #config.enable_admin_pages = false #config.enable_view_rhtml = false #config.generate_rhtml_files = false # compile directly to Rails view cache