module Trestle class Resource < Admin extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload :Builder autoload :Controller RESOURCE_ACTIONS = [:index, :show, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy] READONLY_ACTIONS = [:index, :show] class << self def adapter @adapter ||= end def adapter=(klass) @adapter = end # Defines a method that can be overridden with a custom block, # but is otherwise delegated to the adapter instance. def self.adapter_method(name) attr_writer name define_method(name) do |*args| if override = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") instance_exec(*args, &override) else adapter.public_send(name, *args) end end end adapter_method :collection adapter_method :find_instance adapter_method :build_instance adapter_method :update_instance adapter_method :save_instance adapter_method :delete_instance adapter_method :to_param adapter_method :permitted_params adapter_method :decorate_collection adapter_method :unscope adapter_method :merge_scopes adapter_method :count adapter_method :sort adapter_method :paginate adapter_method :human_attribute_name adapter_method :default_table_attributes adapter_method :default_form_attributes attr_accessor :decorator def prepare_collection(params) collection = initialize_collection(params) collection = apply_scopes(collection, params) collection = apply_sorting(collection, params) collection = paginate(collection, params) collection = decorate_collection(collection) collection end def initialize_collection(params) collection(params) end def scopes @scopes ||= {} end def apply_scopes(collection, params) unscoped = unscope(collection) scopes_for(params).each do |scope| collection = merge_scopes(collection, scope.apply(unscoped)) end collection end def scopes_for(params) result = [] if params[:scope] && scopes.has_key?(params[:scope].to_sym) result << scopes[params[:scope].to_sym] end if result.empty? && default_scope = scopes.values.find(&:default?) result << default_scope end result end def column_sorts @column_sorts ||= {} end def apply_sorting(collection, params) return collection unless params[:sort] field = params[:sort].to_sym order = params[:order].to_s.downcase == "desc" ? :desc : :asc if column_sorts.has_key?(field) instance_exec(collection, order, &column_sorts[field]) else sort(collection, field, order) end end def table super || end def form super || end def model @model ||= options[:model] || infer_model_class end def model_name @model_name ||= end def actions @actions ||= (readonly? ? READONLY_ACTIONS : RESOURCE_ACTIONS).dup end def readonly? options[:readonly] end def default_breadcrumb"admin.breadcrumbs.#{admin_name}", default: model_name.plural.titleize), path) end def routes admin = self do resources admin.admin_name, controller: admin.controller_namespace, as: admin.route_name, path: admin.options[:path], except: (RESOURCE_ACTIONS - admin.actions) do instance_exec(&admin.additional_routes) if admin.additional_routes end end end def return_locations @return_locations ||= { create: { |instance| path(:show, id: to_param(instance)) }, update: { |instance| path(:show, id: to_param(instance)) }, destroy: { path(:index) } } end def return_location(action, instance=nil) instance_exec(instance, &return_locations[action]) end private def infer_model_class parent.const_get(admin_name.classify) rescue NameError raise NameError, "Unable to find model #{admin_name.classify}. Specify a different model using Trestle.resource(:#{admin_name}, model: MyModel)" end end end end