# frozen_string_literal: true require 'pathname' ROOT = Pathname.new(File.expand_path('..', __dir__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{ROOT}lib".to_s) $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{ROOT}spec".to_s) require 'bundler/setup' require 'pry' require 'rspec' require 'danger' require 'danger_plugin' # Use coloured output, it's the best. RSpec.configure do |config| config.filter_gems_from_backtrace 'bundler' config.color = true config.tty = true config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.max_formatted_output_length = nil # n is number of lines, or nil for no truncation. end end # These functions are a subset of https://github.com/danger/danger/blob/master/spec/spec_helper.rb # If you are expanding these files, see if it's already been done ^. # A silent version of the user interface, # it comes with an extra function `.string` which will # strip all ANSI colours from the string. def testing_ui @output = StringIO.new def @output.winsize [20, 9999] end cork = Cork::Board.new(out: @output) def cork.string out.string.gsub(/\e\[([;\d]+)?m/, '') end cork end # Example environment (ENV) that would come from # running a PR on TravisCI def testing_env { 'HAS_JOSH_K_SEAL_OF_APPROVAL' => 'true', 'TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST' => '800', 'TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG' => 'artsy/eigen', 'TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE' => '759adcbd0d8f...13c4dc8bb61d', 'DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN' => '123sbdq54erfsd3422gdfio' } end def testing_bitbucket_env { 'GIT_URL' => 'https://github.com/diogot/danger-xcode_summary.git', 'CHANGE_ID' => '4d4c0f31857e3185b51b6865a0700525bc0cb2bb', 'JENKINS_URL' => 'http://jenkins.server.com/', 'DANGER_BITBUCKETCLOUD_USERNAME' => 'username', 'DANGER_BITBUCKETCLOUD_PASSWORD' => 'password', 'DANGER_BITBUCKETCLOUD_UUID' => 'c91be865-efc6-49a6-93c5-24e1267c479b', 'ghprbPullId' => '2080' } end # A stubbed out Dangerfile for use in tests def testing_dangerfile env = Danger::EnvironmentManager.new(testing_env) Danger::Dangerfile.new(env, testing_ui) end # A stubbed out Dangerfile with Bitbucket as a request_source for use in tests def testing_bitbucket_dangerfile env = Danger::EnvironmentManager.new(testing_bitbucket_env) Danger::Dangerfile.new(env, testing_ui) end