metadata :name => "aaa_signer", :description => "Request Signer for Choria AAA Service", :author => "R.I.Pienaar ", :license => "Apache-2.0", :version => "0.27.0", :url => "", :provider => "golang", :service => true, :timeout => 10 action "sign", :description => "Signs a RPC Request on behalf of a user" do display :always input :request, :prompt => "RPC Request", :description => "The request to sign", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :maxlength => 100240, :optional => false input :signature, :prompt => "Request Signature", :description => "A signature produced using the ed25519 seed of the request, hex encoded", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 1024, :optional => false input :token, :prompt => "JWT Token", :description => "The JWT token authenticating the user", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 10024, :optional => false output :secure_request, :description => "The signed Secure Request", :type => "string", :display_as => "Secure Request" end