require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe FixedWidth::Section do before(:each) do @section = end it "should have no columns after creation" do @section.columns.should be_empty end describe "when adding columns" do it "should build an ordered column list" do @section.should have(0).columns col1 = @section.column :id, 10 col2 = @section.column :name, 30 col3 = @section.column :state, 2 @section.should have(3).columns @section.columns[0].should be(col1) @section.columns[1].should be(col2) @section.columns[2].should be(col3) end it "should create spacer columns" do @section.should have(0).columns @section.spacer(5) @section.should have(1).columns end it "can should override the alignment of the definition" do section ='name', :align => :left) section.options[:align].should == :left end it "should use a missing method to create a column" do @section.should have(0).columns @section.first_name 5 @section.should have(1).columns end it "should prevent duplicate column names without any groupings" do @section.column :id, 10 lambda { @section.column(:id, 30) }.should raise_error(FixedWidth::DuplicateColumnNameError, /column named 'id'/) end it "should prevent column names that already exist as groups" do @section.column :foo, 11, :group => :id lambda { @section.column(:id, 30) }.should raise_error(FixedWidth::DuplicateGroupNameError, /group named 'id'/) end it "should prevent group names that already exist as columns" do @section.column :foo, 11 lambda { @section.column(:id, 30, :group => :foo) }.should raise_error(FixedWidth::DuplicateGroupNameError, /column named 'foo'/) end it "should prevent duplicate column names within groups" do @section.column :id, 10, :group => :foo lambda { @section.column(:id, 30, :group => :foo) }.should raise_error(FixedWidth::DuplicateColumnNameError, /column named 'id' in the ':foo' group/) end it "should allow duplicate column names in different groups" do @section.column :id, 10, :group => :foo lambda { @section.column(:id, 30, :group => :bar) }.should_not raise_error(FixedWidth::DuplicateColumnNameError) end it "should allow duplicate column names that are reserved (i.e. spacer)" do @section.spacer 10 lambda { @section.spacer 10 }.should_not raise_error(FixedWidth::DuplicateColumnNameError) end end it "should accept and store the trap as a block" do @section.trap { |v| v == 4 } trap = @section.instance_variable_get(:@trap) trap.should be_a(Proc) == true end describe "when adding a template" do before(:each) do @template = mock('templated section', :columns => [1,2,3], :options => {}) @definition = mock("definition", :templates => { :test => @template } ) @section.definition = @definition end it "should ensure the template exists" do @definition.stub! :templates => {} lambda { @section.template(:none) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should add the template columns to the current column list" do @section.template :test @section.should have(3).columns end it "should merge the template option" do @section =, :align => :left) @section.definition = @definition @template.stub! :options => {:align => :right} @section.template :test @section.options.should == {:align => :left} end end describe "when formatting a row" do before(:each) do @data = { :id => 3, :name => "Ryan" } end it "should default to string data aligned right" do @section.column(:id, 5) @section.column(:name, 10) @section.format( @data ).should == " 3 Ryan" end it "should left align if asked" do @section.column(:id, 5) @section.column(:name, 10, :align => :left) @section.format(@data).should == " 3Ryan " end it "should read from groups" do @data = { :id => 3, :foo => { :name => "Ryan" } } @section.column(:id, 5) @section.column(:name, 10, :align => :left, :group => :foo) @section.format(@data).should == " 3Ryan " end end describe "when parsing a file" do before(:each) do @line = ' 45 Ryan WoodSC ' @section = @column_content = { :id => 5, :first => 10, :last => 10, :state => 2 } end it "should return a key for key column" do @column_content.each { |k,v| @section.column(k, v) } parsed = @section.parse(@line) @column_content.each_key { |name| parsed.should have_key(name) } end it "should not return a key for reserved names" do @column_content.each { |k,v| @section.column(k, v) } @section.spacer 5 @section.should have(5).columns parsed = @section.parse(@line) parsed.should have(4).keys end it "should break columns into groups" do @section.column(:id, 5) @section.column(:first, 10, :group => :name) @section.column(:last, 10, :group => :name) @section.column(:state, 2, :group => :address) @section.spacer 5 @section.should have(5).columns parsed = @section.parse(@line) parsed.should have(3).keys parsed[:id].should == '45' parsed[:name][:first].should == 'Ryan' parsed[:name][:last].should == 'Wood' parsed[:address][:state].should == 'SC' end end it "should try to match a line using the trap" do @section.trap do |line| line == 'hello' end @section.match('hello').should be_true @section.match('goodbye').should be_false end end