# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Engine Yard, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This source code is available under the MIT license.
# See the file LICENSE.txt for details.
require 'set'
require 'warbler/gems'
require 'warbler/traits'
module Warbler
# Warbler archive assembly configuration class.
class Config
include RakeHelper
TOP_DIRS = %w(app db config lib log script vendor)
FILE = "config/warble.rb"
BUILD_GEMS = %w(warbler rake rcov)
include Traits
# Features: additional options controlling how the jar is built.
# Currently the following features are supported:
# - gemjar: package the gem repository in a jar file in WEB-INF/lib
# - executable: embed a web server and make the war executable
# - compiled: compile .rb files to .class files
attr_accessor :features
# Traits: an array of trait classes corresponding to
# characteristics of the project that are either auto-detected or
# configured.
attr_accessor :traits
# Deprecated: No longer has any effect.
attr_accessor :staging_dir
# Directory where the war file will be written. Can be used to direct
# Warbler to place your war file directly in your application server's
# autodeploy directory. Defaults to the root of the application directory.
attr_accessor :autodeploy_dir
# Top-level directories to be copied into WEB-INF. Defaults to
# names in TOP_DIRS
attr_accessor :dirs
# Additional files beyond the top-level directories to include in the
# WEB-INF directory
attr_accessor :includes
# Files to exclude from the WEB-INF directory
attr_accessor :excludes
# Java classes and other files to copy to WEB-INF/classes
attr_accessor :java_classes
# Java libraries to copy to WEB-INF/lib
attr_accessor :java_libs
# Rubygems to install into the webapp.
attr_accessor :gems
# Whether to include dependent gems (default true)
attr_accessor :gem_dependencies
# Array of regular expressions matching relative paths in gems to
# be excluded from the war. Default contains no exclusions.
attr_accessor :gem_excludes
# Whether to exclude **/*.log files (default is true)
attr_accessor :exclude_logs
# Public HTML directory file list, to be copied into the root of the war
attr_accessor :public_html
# Container of pathmaps used for specifying source-to-destination transformations
# under various situations (public_html and java_classes are two
# entries in this structure).
attr_accessor :pathmaps
# Executable of the jar
attr_accessor :executable
# parameters to pass to the executable
attr_accessor :executable_params
# Name of jar or war file (without the extension), defaults to the
# directory name containing the application.
attr_accessor :jar_name
# Extension of jar file. Defaults to jar or war depending on the project.
attr_accessor :jar_extension
# Name of a MANIFEST.MF template to use.
attr_accessor :manifest_file
# Files for WEB-INF directory (next to web.xml). Contains web.xml by default.
# If there are .erb files they will be processed with webxml config.
attr_accessor :webinf_files
# Use Bundler to locate gems if Gemfile is found. Default is true.
attr_accessor :bundler
# An array of Bundler groups to avoid including in the war file.
# Defaults to ["development", "test", "assets"].
attr_accessor :bundle_without
# Use JBundler to locate gems if Jarfile is found. Default is true.
attr_accessor :jbundler
# Path to the pre-bundled gem directory inside the war file. Default is '/WEB-INF/gems'.
# This also sets 'gem.path' inside web.xml.
attr_accessor :gem_path
# List of ruby files to compile to class files. Default is to
# compile all .rb files in the application.
attr_accessor :compiled_ruby_files
# Determines if ruby files in supporting gems will be compiled.
# Ignored unless compile feature is used.
attr_accessor :compile_gems
# Warbler writes an "init" file into the war at this location. JRuby-Rack and possibly other
# launchers may use this to initialize the Ruby environment.
attr_accessor :init_filename
# Array containing filenames or StringIO's to be concatenated together to form the init file.
# If the filename ends in .erb the file will be expanded the same way web.xml.erb is; see below.
attr_accessor :init_contents
# Override GEM_HOME environment variable at runtime. When false, gems in
# GEM_HOME will be loaded in preference to those packaged within the jar
# file. When true, only gems packaged in the jar file will be loaded.
# Defaults to true
attr_accessor :override_gem_home
# Explicit bytecode version for compiled ruby files. If given bytecode version is
# specified when ruby files are compiled using jrubyc
attr_accessor :bytecode_version
# Extra configuration for web.xml. Controls how the dynamically-generated web.xml
# file is generated.
# * webxml.jndi -- the name of one or more JNDI data sources name to be
# available to the application. Places appropriate <resource-ref> entries
# in the file.
# * webxml.ignored -- array of key names that will be not used to
# generate a context param. Defaults to ['jndi', 'booter']
# Any other key/value pair placed in the open structure will be dumped as a
# context parameter in the web.xml file. Some of the recognized values are:
# * webxml.rails.env -- the Rails environment to use for the
# running application, usually either development or production (the
# default).
# * webxml.gem.path -- the path to your bundled gem directory
# * webxml.jruby.min.runtimes -- minimum number of pooled runtimes to
# keep around during idle time
# * webxml.jruby.max.runtimes -- maximum number of pooled Rails
# application runtimes
# Note that if you attempt to access webxml configuration keys in a conditional,
# you might not obtain the result you want. For example:
# <%= webxml.maybe.present.key || 'default' %>
# doesn't yield the right result. Instead, you need to generate the context parameters:
# <%= webxml.context_params['maybe.present.key'] || 'default' %>
attr_accessor :webxml
# Embedded webserver to use. Currently supported webservers are:
# * winstone (default) - Winstone 0.9.10 from sourceforge
# * jenkins-ci.winstone - Improved Winstone from Jenkins CI
# * jetty - Embedded Jetty from Eclipse
attr_accessor :webserver
# If set to true, Warbler will move jar files into the WEB-INF/lib directory of the
# created war file. This may be needed for some web servers. Defaults to false.
attr_accessor :move_jars_to_webinf_lib
# These file will be placed in the META-INF directory of the jar or war that warbler
# produces. They are primarily used as launchers by the runnable feature.
attr_accessor :script_files
attr_reader :warbler_templates
attr_reader :warbler_scripts
def initialize(warbler_home = WARBLER_HOME)
@warbler_home = warbler_home
@warbler_templates = "#{WARBLER_HOME}/lib/warbler/templates"
@features = Set.new
@dirs = TOP_DIRS.select {|d| File.directory?(d)}
@includes = FileList['*file'] # [r/R]akefile gets included
@excludes = FileList[]
@java_libs = FileList[]
@java_classes = FileList[]
@gems = Warbler::Gems.new
@gem_dependencies = true
@gem_excludes = []
@exclude_logs = true
@public_html = FileList[]
@jar_name = File.basename(Dir.getwd)
@jar_extension = 'jar'
@webinf_files = FileList[]
@init_filename = 'META-INF/init.rb'
@init_contents = ["#{@warbler_templates}/config.erb"]
@override_gem_home = true
@script_files = []
@warbler_scripts = "#{WARBLER_HOME}/lib/warbler/scripts"
@move_jars_to_webinf_lib = false
@compile_gems = false
yield self if block_given?
@compiled_ruby_files ||= FileList[*@dirs.map {|d| "#{d}/**/*.rb"}]
@excludes += ["tmp/war", "tmp/war/**/*"] if File.directory?("tmp/war")
@excludes += ["tmp/cache/**/*"] if File.directory?("tmp/cache")
@excludes += warbler_vendor_excludes(warbler_home)
@excludes += FileList["**/*.log"] if @exclude_logs
def gems=(value)
@gems = Warbler::Gems.new(value)
def relative_gem_path
def define_tasks
task "gemjar" do
self.features << "gemjar"
task "executable" do
self.features << "executable"
task "runnable" do
self.features << "runnable"
# Deprecated
def war_name
$stderr.puts "config.war_name deprecated; replace with config.jar_name" #:nocov:
jar_name #:nocov:
# Deprecated
def war_name=(w)
$stderr.puts "config.war_name deprecated; replace with config.jar_name" #:nocov:
self.jar_name = w #:nocov:
def warbler_vendor_excludes(warbler_home)
warbler = File.expand_path(warbler_home)
if warbler =~ %r{^#{Dir.getwd}/(.*)}
def dump
YAML::dump(self.dup.tap{|c| c.dump_traits })
public :dump