module Jekyll class Site attr_accessor :config, :layouts, :posts, :categories, :exclude, :source, :dest, :lsi, :pygments, :permalink_style, :tags # Initialize the site # +config+ is a Hash containing site configurations details # # Returns <Site> def initialize(config) self.config = config.clone self.source = config['source'] self.dest = config['destination'] self.lsi = config['lsi'] self.pygments = config['pygments'] self.permalink_style = config['permalink'].to_sym self.exclude = config['exclude'] || [] self.reset self.setup end def reset self.layouts = {} self.posts = [] self.categories = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } self.tags = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } end def setup # Check to see if LSI is enabled. require 'classifier' if self.lsi # Set the Markdown interpreter (and Maruku self.config, if necessary) case self.config['markdown'] when 'rdiscount' begin require 'rdiscount' def markdown(content) end rescue LoadError puts 'You must have the rdiscount gem installed first' end when 'maruku' begin require 'maruku' def markdown(content) end if self.config['maruku']['use_divs'] require 'maruku/ext/div' puts 'Maruku: Using extended syntax for div elements.' end if self.config['maruku']['use_tex'] require 'maruku/ext/math' puts "Maruku: Using LaTeX extension. Images in `#{self.config['maruku']['png_dir']}`." # Switch off MathML output MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_output_mathml] = false MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_engine] = 'none' # Turn on math to PNG support with blahtex # Resulting PNGs stored in `images/latex` MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_output_png] = true MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_engine] = self.config['maruku']['png_engine'] MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_dir] = self.config['maruku']['png_dir'] MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_url] = self.config['maruku']['png_url'] end rescue LoadError puts "The maruku gem is required for markdown support!" end else raise "Invalid Markdown processor: '#{self.config['markdown']}' -- did you mean 'maruku' or 'rdiscount'?" end if self.config['custom_filters'] self.read_filters end end def textile(content) end # Do the actual work of processing the site and generating the # real deal. # # Returns nothing def process self.reset self.read_layouts self.transform_pages self.write_posts end # Read all the files in <source>/_layouts into memory for later use. # # Returns nothing def read_layouts base = File.join(self.source, "_layouts") entries = [] Dir.chdir(base) { entries = filter_entries(Dir['*.*']) } entries.each do |f| name = f.split(".")[0..-2].join(".") self.layouts[name] =, base, f) end rescue Errno::ENOENT => e # ignore missing layout dir end def read_filters base = File.join(self.source, '_filters') entries = [] Dir.chdir(base) { entries = filter_entries(Dir['*.rb']) } entries.each do |f| require File.join(base, f) end end # Read all the files in <base>/_posts and create a new Post object with each one. # # Returns nothing def read_posts(dir) base = File.join(self.source, dir, '_posts') entries = [] Dir.chdir(base) { entries = filter_entries(Dir['**/*']) } # first pass processes, but does not yet render post content entries.each do |f| if Post.valid?(f) post =, self.source, dir, f) if post.published self.posts << post post.categories.each { |c| self.categories[c] << post } post.tags.each { |c| self.tags[c] << post } end end end self.posts.sort! # second pass renders each post now that full site payload is available self.posts.each do |post| post.render(self.layouts, site_payload) end { |ps| ps.sort! { |a, b| b <=> a} } { |ps| ps.sort! { |a, b| b <=> a} } rescue Errno::ENOENT => e # ignore missing layout dir end # Write each post to <dest>/<year>/<month>/<day>/<slug> # # Returns nothing def write_posts self.posts.each do |post| post.write(self.dest) end end # Copy all regular files from <source> to <dest>/ ignoring # any files/directories that are hidden or backup files (start # with "." or "#" or end with "~") or contain site content (start with "_") # unless they are "_posts" directories or web server files such as # '.htaccess' # The +dir+ String is a relative path used to call this method # recursively as it descends through directories # # Returns nothing def transform_pages(dir = '') base = File.join(self.source, dir) entries = filter_entries(Dir.entries(base)) directories = { |e|, e)) } files = entries.reject { |e|, e)) } # we need to make sure to process _posts *first* otherwise they # might not be available yet to other templates as {{ site.posts }} if directories.include?('_posts') directories.delete('_posts') read_posts(dir) end [directories, files].each do |entries| entries.each do |f| if, f)) next if self.dest.sub(/\/$/, '') == File.join(base, f) transform_pages(File.join(dir, f)) elsif Pager.pagination_enabled?(self.config, f) paginate_posts(f, dir) else first3 =, dir, f)) { |fd| } if first3 == "---" # file appears to have a YAML header so process it as a page page =, self.source, dir, f) page.render(self.layouts, site_payload) page.write(self.dest) else # otherwise copy the file without transforming it FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(self.dest, dir)) FileUtils.cp(File.join(self.source, dir, f), File.join(self.dest, dir, f)) end end end end end # Constructs a hash map of Posts indexed by the specified Post attribute # # Returns {post_attr => [<Post>]} def post_attr_hash(post_attr) # Build a hash map based on the specified post attribute ( post attr => array of posts ) # then sort each array in reverse order hash = { |hash, key| hash[key] = } self.posts.each { |p| p.send(post_attr.to_sym).each { |t| hash[t] << p } } { |sortme| sortme.sort! { |a, b| b <=> a} } return hash end # The Hash payload containing site-wide data # # Returns {"site" => {"time" => <Time>, # "posts" => [<Post>], # "categories" => [<Post>]} def site_payload {"site" => self.config.merge({ "time" =>, "posts" => self.posts.sort { |a,b| b <=> a }, "categories" => post_attr_hash('categories'), "tags" => post_attr_hash('tags')})} end # Filter out any files/directories that are hidden or backup files (start # with "." or "#" or end with "~") or contain site content (start with "_") # unless they are "_posts" directories or web server files such as # '.htaccess' def filter_entries(entries) entries = entries.reject do |e| unless ['_posts', '.htaccess'].include?(e) ['.', '_', '#'].include?(e[0..0]) || e[-1..-1] == '~' || self.exclude.include?(e) end end end # Paginates the blog's posts. Renders the index.html file into paginated directories, ie: page2, page3... # and adds more wite-wide data # # {"paginator" => { "page" => <Number>, # "per_page" => <Number>, # "posts" => [<Post>], # "total_posts" => <Number>, # "total_pages" => <Number>, # "previous_page" => <Number>, # "next_page" => <Number> }} def paginate_posts(file, dir) all_posts = self.posts.sort { |a,b| b <=> a } pages = Pager.calculate_pages(all_posts, self.config['paginate'].to_i) pages += 1 (1..pages).each do |num_page| pager =, num_page, all_posts, pages) page =, self.source, dir, file) page.render(self.layouts, site_payload.merge({'paginator' => pager.to_hash})) suffix = "page#{num_page}" if num_page > 1 page.write(self.dest, suffix) end end end end