module Brightbox command [:lbs] do |cmd| cmd.desc I18n.t("lbs.create.desc") cmd.long_desc I18n.t("lbs.create.long_desc") cmd.arg_name "srv-id..." cmd.command [:create] do |c| c.desc I18n.t("") c.flag [:n, :name] c.desc "Load balancer policy" c.default_value "least-connections" c.flag [:p, :policy] c.desc "Listeners. Format: in-port:out-port:type:timeout. Comma separated multiple listeners. Protocols can be tcp, http or http+ws and timeouts are in milliseconds." c.default_value "80:80:http:50000,443:443:tcp:50000" c.flag [:l, :listeners] c.desc "Healthcheck port. Defaults to first listener out port." c.flag [:k, "hc-port"] c.desc "Healthcheck type. Defaults to first listener protocol." c.flag [:y, "hc-type"] c.desc "Buffer Size. Defaults to 4096 bytes" c.flag [:b, "buffer-size"] c.desc "Healthcheck timeout" c.default_value "5000" c.flag [:t, "hc-timeout"] c.desc "Healthcheck request. When the type is 'http' this is the url to request." c.default_value "/" c.flag [:s, "hc-request"] c.desc "Healthcheck interval" c.default_value "5000" c.flag [:e, "hc-interval"] c.desc "Healthcheck threshold up. Number of successful healthchecks for the node to be considered up." c.default_value "3" c.flag [:u, "hc-up"] c.desc "Healthcheck threshold down. Number of failed healthchecks for the node to be considered down." c.default_value "3" c.flag [:d, "hc-down"] c.desc "Filepath to the SSL certificate file to use." c.flag ["ssl-cert"] c.desc "Filepath to the private key used to sign SSL certificate (OpenSSL supported formats)." c.flag ["ssl-key"] c.desc "Enable SSL v3 support" c.switch ["sslv3"] c.action do |global_options, options, args| raise "You must specify which servers to balance connections to" if args.empty? listeners = options[:l].split(",").map do |l| inport, outport, protocol, timeout = l.split ":" raise "listener '#{l}' is invalid" if inport.nil? || outport.nil? || protocol.nil? { :in => inport, :out => outport, :protocol => protocol, :timeout => timeout } end raise "You must specify at least one listener" if listeners.empty? # Setup default healthcheck port if not specified if options[:k].nil? options[:k] = listeners.first[:out] end if options[:y].nil? options[:y] = listeners.first[:protocol] end hc_arg_lookup = { :k => :port, :y => :type, :t => :timeout, :s => :request, :e => :interval, :u => :threshold_up, :d => :threshold_down } healthcheck = {} options.keys.each do |k| if options[k] && hc_arg_lookup[k] healthcheck[hc_arg_lookup[k]] = options[k] end end # SSL argumens ssl_cert_path = options["ssl-cert"] ssl_key_path = options["ssl-key"] if ssl_cert_path.nil? ^ ssl_key_path.nil? raise "Both SSL arguments (ssl-cert and ssl-key) are required." end if ssl_cert_path && ssl_key_path ssl_cert = ssl_key = end nodes = { |i| { :node => i } } msg = "Creating a new load balancer" info msg lb = LoadBalancer.create(:policy => options[:policy], :name => options[:n], :buffer_size => options[:b], :healthcheck => healthcheck, :listeners => listeners, :certificate_pem => ssl_cert, :certificate_private_key => ssl_key, :sslv3 => options["sslv3"], :nodes => nodes) render_table([lb], global_options) end end end end