module AIXM ## # Geographical coordinates # # The following notations for longitude and latitude are recognized: # * DD - examples: 12.12345678 (north or east), -12.12345678 (south or west) # * DMS - examples: 11°22'33.44"N, 1112233.44W class XY using AIXM::Refinements def initialize(lat:, long:) @lat, @long = float_for(lat), float_for(long) fail(ArgumentError, "illegal latitude") unless (-90..90).include? @lat fail(ArgumentError, "illegal longitude") unless (-180..180).include? @long end def lat(format=nil) case format when :OFM then ("%.8f" % @lat.abs.round(8)) + (@lat.negative? ? 'S' : 'N') when :AIXM then @lat.to_dms(2).gsub(/[^\d.]/, '') + (@lat.negative? ? 'S' : 'N') else @lat.round(8) end end def long(format=nil) case format when :OFM then ("%.8f" % @long.abs.round(8)) + (@long.negative? ? 'W' : 'E') when :AIXM then @long.to_dms(3).gsub(/[^\d.]/, '') + (@long.negative? ? 'W' : 'E') else @long.round(8) end end def ==(other) other.is_a?(XY) && lat == && long == other.long end private def float_for(value) case value when Numeric then value.to_f when String then value[0..-2].to_dd * (value =~ /[SW]$/ ? -1 : 1) else fail(ArgumentError, "illegal value class `#{value.class}'") end rescue fail(ArgumentError, "illegal value `#{value}'") end end end