module Timber module Probes class ActionControllerLogSubscriber < Probe # The log subscriber that replaces the default `ActionController::LogSubscriber`. # The intent of this subscriber is to, as transparently as possible, properly # track events that are being logged here. This LogSubscriber will never change # default behavior / log messages. class LogSubscriber < ::ActionController::LogSubscriber def start_processing(event) info do payload = event.payload params = payload[:params].except(*INTERNAL_PARAMS) format = extract_format(payload) format = format.to_s.upcase if format.is_a?(Symbol) controller: payload[:controller], action: payload[:action], format: format, params: params ) end end def process_action(event) info do payload = event.payload additions = ActionController::Base.log_process_action(payload) status = payload[:status] if status.nil? && payload[:exception].present? exception_class_name = payload[:exception].first status = extract_status(exception_class_name) end status: status, time_ms: event.duration, additions: additions ) end end private def extract_format(payload) if payload.key?(:format) payload[:format] # rails > 4.X elsif payload.key?(:formats) payload[:formats].first # rails 3.X end end def extract_status(exception_class_name) if defined?(ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper) ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.status_code_for_exception(exception_class_name) else # Rails 3.X Rack::Utils.status_code(ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions.rescue_responses[exception_class_name]) rescue nil end end end end end end