v0.5.8 == Merge duplicated code in transaction.execute() and connection.execute() Make #fetch() *always* return nil if #exhausted? - pilcrow/look-before-you-leap Add Fb1.5 compatible arel adapter - at least to some extent Some words of caution here - the Fb1.5 arel implementation will yield WRONG results with union selects The Fb15 compatibility mode is turned on by setting Rubyfb::Options.fb15_compat = true in your initialization code Pipe up field encoding into Ruby 1.9 strings - fix github issue #3 The mapping table from firebird to ruby character set names contains some common character sets, but is far from complete. The mapping table can be extended/altered in your initializers like this: Rubyfb::Options.charset_name_map['FIREBIRD_CHARSET_NAME']='RUBY_CHARSET_NAME' v0.5.7 == arel-2.0.7 compatibility - use node.expr for limit/offset clauses activesupport-3.0.3+ compatibility require_library_or_gem location changed v0.5.6 == Fix rubyforge issue #28870 - by simplifying the Exception class ;) Fix rubyforge issue #28860 - rubyfb_adapter.rb and local files as proposed by Leonid Myravjev (asm) Merge pilcrow-scale branch - introduce column_scale() methods in ResultSet/Row classes thanks to Mike Pomraning (pilcrow) Drop old unit test suite v0.5.5 == Ruby 1.9 compatibility Initial Rails 3 support !!!WARNING!!! Rails 3 support uses derived tables (Firebird server >= 2.0) !!!WARNING!!! DevKit build support (see https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit) thanks to Alex Vangelov updated test suite v0.5.4 == add configurable boolen domain and boolean name match patterns fix scale handling for view columns extconf.rb - replace PLATFORM with RUBY_PLATFORM v0.5.3 == rename top module to Rubyfb !!!WARNING!!! this change breaks the "drop in" compatibility with FireRuby if FireRuby module name was explicitly used. Simple search and replace should do the work RubyfbAdapter - add support for :sql_role_name connection option Add new class ProcedureCall - representing firebird stored procedure Add prepare_call() function to the Rubyfb::Connection class - returning ProcedureCall object Add execute_procedure(procedure_name, parameter_values) function to the RubyfbAdapter class Windows build fixes v0.5.2 == Use Echoe as build system By default release as "source only" gem Add binary build rake task - binpkg v0.5.1 initial version