module Yapper::Document module Relation extend MotionSupport::Concern included do class << self attr_accessor :relations end self.relations = {} self.relations[:has_many] = [] self.relations[:belongs_to] = [] end module ClassMethods def has_many(relation, options={}) self.relations[:has_many] << { relation => options } unless self.relations[:has_many].find { |r,o| r == relation } define_method(relation) do Object.qualified_const_get(relation.to_s.singularize.camelize).where("#{self._type.underscore}_id".to_sym => end define_method("#{relation}=") do |docs| raise "You must pass an array of objects or attributes" unless docs.is_a?(Array) raise "All elements in the array must be of the same type" unless docs.all? { |doc| doc.is_a?(docs.first.class) } changes = {} db.execute do |txn| docs.each do |doc| if doc.is_a?(Yapper::Document) if doc.persisted? doc.assign_attributes("#{self._type.underscore}" => self) if options[:embedded] changes["#{relation.singularize}_ids"] ||= [] changes["#{relation.singularize}_ids"] << end @queued_saves << [doc, options] else doc.assign_attributes("#{self._type.underscore}" => self) if options[:embedded] changes[relation] ||= [] changes[relation] << doc.attributes end @queued_saves << [doc, options] end elsif doc.is_a?(Hash) doc = doc.with_indifferent_access klass = Object.qualified_const_get(relation.singularize.to_s.camelize) instance = klass.find(doc[:id]) if doc[:id] instance ||= instance.assign_attributes("#{self._type.underscore}" => self) instance.assign_attributes(doc) if options[:embedded] changes[relation] ||= [] changes[relation] << instance.attributes end @queued_saves << [instance, options] else raise "Must pass either attributes or an object" end end end @changes.merge!(changes) end end def belongs_to(relation, options={}) fk_field = "#{relation}_id".to_sym self.relations[:belongs_to] << { relation => options } unless self.relations[:belongs_to].find { |r,o| r == relation } self.field(fk_field, :type => String) self.index(fk_field) define_method(relation) do instance_variable_get("@#{relation}") || Object.qualified_const_get(relation.to_s.camelize).find(self.send("#{relation}_id")) end define_method("#{relation}=") do |parent| self.instance_variable_set("@#{relation}", parent) self.send("#{relation}_id=", end end end end end