#Ninsho Ninsho is easy flexible authentication solution when using providers * Is a complete MVC solution based on Rails Engines; * Works with most providers out there, Github, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ## Getting started Ninsho 0.0.1 works with rails 3.1 onwards. You can add it to your Gemfile with: ```ruby gem 'ninsho' ``` Then run the bundle command to install it. After you install Ninsho and add it to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator: ```console rails g ninsho:install ``` The generator will install in initializer which describes all the Ninsho's configuration options, so we recommend you take a look at it. When you are done you are ready to start the ninsho process, first you need to generate an authentications model or so: ```console rails g ninsho MODEL ``` Before yout start generating, we are assuming you have a model to relate to, in most cases a 'User' class, just for you to be aware and that it has an email attribute. Replace MODEL by the class name used for the app authentications, it is commonly 'Authentication'. This will create a model(if one does not exists), and add the belongs_to_ninsho method (it's commented don't worry). Next you'll probably want to run the migrations "rake db:migrate", as the generator will create a migration file (open it modify if you need). This generator also configures your config/routes.rb file to point to the Ninsho Controller. ### Stop right here! Once you have the 'User' model and the 'Authentication' model, you just have to relate them: \> app/models/user.rb ```ruby has_many :authentications ``` \> app/models/authentication.rb ```ruby belongs_to_ninsho :user ``` ### Controller and helpers Ninsho will create some helpers to use inside your controllers and views. ```ruby before_filter :authenticate_user! ``` To check if the user is signed in ```ruby user_signed_in? ``` ```ruby current_user ``` After user is signed in or signed out it will be redirected to the root_path, but you can always change this by overwriting the `redirect_on_sign_in_path` or `redirect_on_sign_out_path` Notice if you relate the ninsho model with for example a member model, then the helpers you should use are: ```ruby before_filter :authenticate_member! ``` To check if the user is signed in ```ruby member_signed_in? ``` ```ruby current_member ``` ### Configuring views Since Ninsho is a Rails Engine it provides a simple view for handling the session, it is very basic so you might want to change them. In this case you can run the generator and it will copy all views to your app: ```console rails g ninsho:views ``` ### Omniauth Ninsho plays good with many providers (some test would not hurt), such as github, facebook, twitter, linkedin, and to configure them you just need to add the omniauth-provider gem to your Gemfile like so: ```ruby gem 'omniauth-facebook' ``` And after that if you want ninsho to respond to that, you just need to add the provider in `config/initializers/ninsho.rb`: ```ruby config.omniauth :facebook, "APP_ID", "APP_SECRET", :scope => 'email' ``` ### I18n You can overwrite the ninsho locale and customize the flash messages: ```yaml en: ninsho: sessions: signed_in: "Signed in successfully" signed_out: "Signed out successfully" ``` ### Changelog * Current gem version 0.0.1 ### Devs * Abraham Kuri (https://github.com/kurenn) ### Future * Add more flexibility to handle authentications and save multiple to fields * Add tests * Support for Mongoid * Add handy helpers * Add aouth token for Facebook friends * Add more documentation on code ## Credits Icalia Labs - weare@icalialabs.com [Follow us](http://twitter.com/icalialabs "Follow us") [Like us on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/icalialab "Like us on Facebook") ### License MIT License. Copyright 2012-2013 IcaliaLabs. http://icalialabs.com